My Big Day is Nov 21st.

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Nov 13, 2011
Elizabethtown, IN
Well, here I am getting ready to have my aortic valve replaced along with a triple bypass. Dr has been watching the valve for several years, but the bypass part was a surprise. I knew this day would come eventually and it is great to read all the posts in here with such good outcomes. I don't take medicine for anything and everyone seems to think I am low risk. Hope they are right.
Hi Bud, welcome. Ill keep you in my prayers. as much as it stinks to also need the bypasses, Im glad they found that now instead of having to go thru another surgery in a year or so.
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Hi budpark,
I put you on the calendar, will be rooting for you. I'm looking foreward to hearing your post sugery posts about how much better you feel :)
Hi buparks, welcome. Good luck - I'll be thinking of you on the 21st. I just had my AVR done a month ago and am doing great -- I hope all goes well for you too.


Goodluck. you will be fine. I will have mine on 14th Dec. So are you doing Tissue valve or mechanical ?
Well, here I am getting ready to have my aortic valve replaced along with a triple bypass. Dr has been watching the valve for several years, but the bypass part was a surprise. I knew this day would come eventually and it is great to read all the posts in here with such good outcomes. I don't take medicine for anything and everyone seems to think I am low risk. Hope they are right.

Hi budparks, I had a surprise by pass during my Aortic valve change a couple weeks ago. My leg has not bothered me fortunately.
The wait game was tough on me, was so happy to have it over with.
Prayers will be with you.

I found this place kinda late, I stumbled across it while researching aortic valve changes on the net.
Was happy to have found a message board with so many people to help me thru every question I had.

It does sound as though your surgeon or cardiologist has gave you reason for optimism, I was given the same thumbs up and came out fine.
You will too.


You will probably do very well if you are in a low-risk category. I just had my aortic valve, root and ascending aorta replaced 9 days ago and I felt pretty decent (other than sore and tired), a day after the surgery. Now I walk up to two miles a day and am up most of the day. I didn't take any meds before my heart issues either.

Best wishes for an UN-eventfull experience.
Thanks to everyone for all the good words. Someone asked about the valve, so I will share a little more info. I am 63 yrs old and have no health problems other than this. Have normal blood and normal blood pressure even though my dietary and exercise habits are horrible. I am probably 30 lbs overweight and smoked for 45 yrs. I am having the On-x mechanical valve. The surgery will be performed by Dr Marc Gerdisch at the St Francis Heart Valve Center in Indianapolis. I have had time to do a lot of research on my problem, and chose the surgeon and hospital. The credentials of the surgeon and the hospital are both top drawer. Still, this is a very serious surgery with a lot of things that can go wrong. Accordingly, I have a lot of anxiety. I hope that I will be able to resume a healthy active life where I will take the time to exercise, eat properly, and abandon the tobacco. Again, appreciate all the kind thoughts and I hope to make future post operative posts telling everyone how great I feel. Regards, Bud
Hi Bud,
Glad to see that you are entering this new part of life with a positive outlook. Yes, this surgery certainly won't be a walk in the park, but it is doable and with confidence in your surgery staff, the outcome will likely be a step in a new and improved you. Will look forward to your postings and will keep you in my thoughts come the 21st.
Hi again bud, Its good you had time to really look into things and make decisions you think are best for you. and I believe having faith in the hospital and surgeon and a positive attitude really help alot. The one thing I would mention is since you are a smoker, really make sure you do all the breathing exercises as often as they tell you to help get your lungs open and clear. If your still smoking, it would probably be good to try and cut down as much as possible, altho I know that could be really tough since this is probably one of the more stressful times in someones life.
Hi Bud

Welcome I'm sure you surgery will go just fine. Glad you found this site the people are awesome here so use them for any question or fear you have we have all been there. Will keep you in our prayers
Welcome, Bud!
Around here, low-risk is good.
Listen to Lyn!
Best wishes on the 21st. Be sure to ask any questions beforehand, and come back to let everyone know how you're doing.