My AVR Is On Friday And My Kids Are Sick

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2012
San Diego, California.
Hello all,

My AVR is this coming Friday at 5am. My children are sick with fevers and I hope that I will not contract anything from them. In the event that I do, is it true that the surgeon will not operate on me until I'm one week post-illness? In other words, will the surgeon postpone the surgery? This will suck, as I have already mentally prepared myself for this Friday.

Yes in most cases this is true. Every surgeon is different and a fever is the red flag surgeons look for. One week before my surgery I felt a cold coming on, I took zicam to be on the safe side. The symptoms I was experiencing from the bad valve were unbearable. I know how it feels to be ready to get it over with.

Focus on getting it done and confessing contrary to the symptoms in your body and your house as a man of God. Doesn't hurt to keep a distance from the kids, in other words focus on you and your mission so you can get back to being the man of the house and the father to your kids. Its okay to be "selfish" for a few months pre and post surgery because its for the greater good of those around you.

My confession pre and post surgery was, "I will live and not die, I have a destiny, I have a purpose" You see Peter, we can't die you and I have a mission to complete on this earth. We are not allowed to fail or "go home" early. I know your family is probably the most important thing in your life right now but the truth is there is something more important than that; its your call in ministry and what you will do to help other families and people that love their families just as much as you love yours. Its for the greater good of the kingdom of God that is within you.

Now get your ass in there and get er' done because we need you back on the front lines. Amen.
If you get sick, he will postpone your surgery and you will want him to. You don't need to undergo this major of a surgery with some other illness going on. In fact, I may give his office a call in the morning just to let them know what is going on and in the meantime, I would put hand sanitizer every where, have your kids or you wear a face mask, and spray Lysol like crazy. If you do get sick, you won't be the first to have your surgery postponed. Good luck.

Your surgeon will reschedule your surgery should you become ill. Some people have lung/respiratory problems post op and anything that could exacerbate them should be avoided. If you get a sore throat, do not even think of not letting your surgeon know.

Hope your children recover quickly and you manage to avoid catching it.
All best wishes.
Yep, I had my surgery postponed because of cold/crud. Yeah, a postponement is no fun, but even worse would be having the surgery with respiratory or other illness. Keep your surgeon informed. Wishing you the best.
I can only agree. My surgeon almost postponed my surgery due to a bladder infection. So keep you doctor's office posted and hit the Zicam, Vit. C, Lysol and hand sanitizer. Also for now stay away from the kids it will be better in the long run. Good Luck on your surgery.
Thanks all. Thank the Lord, I have not contracted anything yet. I have been keeping a safe distance from my beautiful babies and using hand sanitizer like a lunatic. I have also been overdosing on Vitamin C..
I'd check with the surgeon's office before I started taking anything new this close to surgery and if you need to take anything for pain, I would take Tylenol and not Ibuprofen for bleeding purposes. Hopefully, you'll be able to stay well until Friday!
Thanks all. Thank the Lord, I have not contracted anything yet. I have been keeping a safe distance from my beautiful babies and using hand sanitizer like a lunatic. I have also been overdosing on Vitamin C..

Forget hand sanitizer..... use good old soap and water. I think we use way too much of that 'stuff' and are much better off with frequent hand washing.

Good to hear that you are so far free of their colds.
Hope it stays that way.
All best wishes.
Hope you're staying free of any germs and want to wish you the very best on Friday. GOOD LUCK! : )
So far so good, guys! Haven't gotten sick yet. The nurse told me to stop taking Vit C and probiotics because of bleeding complications from the surgery... Does that sound right to you?
So far so good, guys! Haven't gotten sick yet. The nurse told me to stop taking Vit C and probiotics because of bleeding complications from the surgery... Does that sound right to you?

No it doesn't sound right. Perhaps she was thinking about supplements and herbal medicines in general, just in case they contained the following in them: Vitamin E, Gingko, Garlic, Fish oils, etc., etc., which are indeed "blood thinning" products and are definitely contraindicated before any type of surgery. The recommendation you have been given is a common one given by surgical staff to patients for this reason.

Vitamin C supports collagen formation, promotes wound healing and improves immune health. If and when my husband ever goes in for surgery, whether he has a cold or not, he will definitely be taking vitamin C before and after.

Probiotics are a non-issue. They have nothing to do with coagulation.

Good luck with your surgery!
My surgeon gave me a lengthy list of OTC and Rx medications he wanted me off of two weeks prior to surgery. I just checked the list and did not see Vitamin C or probiotic on the list. Many of those meds on the list contained aspirin which would effect bleeding.

Happy to hear you are still free from the cold. Hope your children are feeling better and wish you all the best with your surgery.
Pgammo do what the surgical team tells you. Hope your day is going well. I think tomorrow is the big day for you! It would be cool if your wife can give us updates. I predict 2nd day forum update post by your hand. ; )