Mary hit 6,000 posts!

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Congratulations on your 6,000th post (a few ago now). Thanks for being here and helping so many people with your kind thoughts and experiences.

Ohhhh Ross..........:D ;) :D
geebee said:

Congratulations on your 6,000th post (a few ago now). Thanks for being here and helping so many people with your kind thoughts and experiences.

Ohhhh Ross..........:D ;) :D

Does she get a prize??? Thanks Mary for all you add to!!!!!!!
cooker said:
Does she get a prize??? Thanks Mary for all you add to!!!!!!!
Yes, but only Ross and three (soon to be four once Mary receives her prize) others know what that is.;) :p :D
Just wanted to add my congrats and my thanks for all you do here. I always look forward to your post. It means a lot to me since I am pre op and some days I'm OK and some days I'm scared spitless and want to just back out.
Congratulations, Mary- 6000 wonderful, sometimes sympathetic, sometimes humorous, always helpful and thoughtful posts. We love you!!
Ross said:
6000 you get Grecian Formula to help get the gray out of your hair. :D

Well now I'm in a quandry.:eek:

I can't use your Grecian Formula because I DON"T HAVE GRAY HAIR !**!!, but it is preferable to Dr. Proctologist's gloved hand!

I know . . . . I'll take a present instead . . . . maybe chocolates . . . thanks Ross . . . . thanks everyone!
Congratulations Mary....

Congratulations Mary....

I have yet to hit even 2000 posts.....Good Gravy, have I got some catchin' up to do.....Keep on a postin' Mary!!!:D :D :D :D ((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))) from Harrybaby:D
Congratulations Mary! You are a valuable source of information for this forum. You also add some humor too! :D I haven't even hit 900 post yet.
Congrats. Mary

Congrats. Mary

Alone with Ross /Geebie/Hensylee/karlynn/Nancy ...and maybe me? the top are here help with, the others that I mentioned...You and the others that I what keeps going..:) Everyday..I can see one of you on with all threads. ..Maybe it is heart op. and other threads..but yall are always here..:) .Thanks for coming back on everyday..I know you are busy with your large family..but you.are always here in to help with others..:) A big thank you..:) .Bonnie
I agree with everyone else. I so love reading your posts. You're great. Keep up the good work and before long you will hit 1,200 posts!


congratulations Mary. thanks so much for posting for me during my operation.

i just noticed that geebee only needs 50 more posts to reach the 6000 mark.
good luck!
Yes, Mary. I also enjoy a lot of fun and a lot of helpful kindness in your posts. Keep it up :) .

[Edit - And, Gina, you're at 5,958 posts as I write this... closing in on the 6k mark too!]
Mary's Posts

Mary's Posts

Mary, We all seem to look forward to reading your posts! What a blessing you are for us! Congrats!