Low intensity training is working

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tommy said:
LOL....I don't know about "oohh and aahh", but I'll post a report. I'm getting pretty pumped. This is only my second one of these. :) Bill, looks like we need 2 reports from you. :p

tommy said:
LOL....I don't know about "oohh and aahh", but I'll post a report. I'm getting pretty pumped. This is only my second one of these. :) Bill, looks like we need 2 reports from you. :p

1st installment:

Shortest race I've ever done - 0.5/11/3 - finished it off in 1:21. Not an impressive pace, but it's as well as I ever do. Swim was pretty good, but the water was nasty. E coli soup w/ a skin of two stroke fuel on the surface that you could taste with every breath. YUCK! I rode a little bit north of 18mph on the bike - fast for me. I pushed a bit harder than normal because the bike leg was so short. And I didn't melt down on the run this time. I managed just a little faster than a 10 min pace, w/ my HR in the low 160's during the run.

I'm pretty pleased with my performance, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's race of 0.5/16/5. Cleaner water, too.

AND - my cute wife took first in her AG! Very cool.
Good Job Tommy and BillC

Good Job Tommy and BillC

BillCobit said:
1st installment:

Shortest race I've ever done - 0.5/11/3 - finished it off in 1:21. Not an impressive pace, but it's as well as I ever do. Swim was pretty good, but the water was nasty. E coli soup w/ a skin of two stroke fuel on the surface that you could taste with every breath. YUCK! I rode a little bit north of 18mph on the bike - fast for me. I pushed a bit harder than normal because the bike leg was so short. And I didn't melt down on the run this time. I managed just a little faster than a 10 min pace, w/ my HR in the low 160's during the run.

I'm pretty pleased with my performance, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's race of 0.5/16/5. Cleaner water, too.

AND - my cute wife took first in her AG! Very cool.

Work has been so busy that I haven't had time to check on some of my compadres - glad to see you two doing well. One of these years, you may get me to try one of these things. Life is good here - up to 12 miles on the long run and I cut back one of the hard workouts so either a 7:40 interval pace or a 8:30 tempo pace once a week. I am encouraged and taking a long term view of not drawing any conclusions for a while. Regards, Mark
Great job Bill! I've swam (swum?) in the sludge lagoon before, but without the extra topping of fuel. :eek: Try to say loose for tomorrow. Congrats to your wife. It's hard to top #1.

Mark, sounds like you are doing real well in endurance and pace.

I'm jealous of you both for your speed. :) I'm all geared up and resting today. Still hoping to keep my exuberance under control on the bike tomorrow. Will report in. Based on last year's field, I have a good chance of being last in my AG. Blessed are those with low expectations, for they shall never be disappointed. :D
msiwik said:
I cut back one of the hard workouts so either a 7:40 interval pace or a 8:30 tempo pace once a week. I am encouraged and taking a long term view of not drawing any conclusions for a while. Regards, Mark

That's great, Mark! You're making some real progress - keep up the good work.

We did our second half of the weekend double-header today. My wife took fifth in her AG, which scored another trinket to hang from our kitchen ceiling light fixture (our decorating taste is a bit off center - but it suits us fine). I thought my swim was pretty solid, but the course looked like it was longer than advertised. I was a few minutes slow if it was really a half mile, and my swimming is always very consistent - so I think it was a course variance. My bike was between 17 and 18 mph, which is about right for the race I did today. I could feel the effects of yesterday's hard ride, but it didn't seem to slow me down any. I ran at a 10:30 pace. I wasn't displeased, as it was a hilly course and there are a few spots where I have to walk uphill to keep my HR from going too high. I've learned from experience that if I let my HR go north of 170, I can't seem to get it back down to a comfortable level, and then my race is shot. I was able to keep my HR between 150 and 160 on the 5 mile run, which is comfortable. It felt really good to have two decent outings after that disaster I had a few weeks ago.

Tom, I hope your race went well.
Race Report

Race Report

Congrats Bill on your double double header.

I had a fine day. Both of my sons were spectators. Photos later. One son may join me at the next one. Set my heart rate monitor on 140-150. Latest training was 135-150. Spent 76 minutes in range. 20 minutes below range. 20 minutes above range. The "below range was swimming and downhill on the bike. The "above range" was cresting hills on the bike and the last 1 1/2 miles of the run.

Ditto your comments about the swim being longer than advertised.
Transition was also far from the swim.
Course maps left a bit to be desired, but turned out not to be an issue.
Otherwise a great venue and great race.

Swim 500 yards (?:confused: )
Bike 17.6 miles 15.6 MPH 145 BPM average HR
Run 5k 3.1 miles 11:00 overall pace 149 BPM average HR
Last mile at 10:23 pace :)
Total time a little over 2 hours

HR peaked at 170.
3 minute recover HR 124 (-46).
6 minute recovery HR 114 (-56).
Then I jumped in the lake and HR dropped to 100 right away.:rolleyes:

Treated my boys to lunch.

Legs feel very good.
Just a little stiff after lunch and 90 minute ride home.
My son slept in the car on the way home - he was tired.:rolleyes:

Lesson learned:
1. Training in zones works. :) I raced just at slightly higher HR than I trained. Was able to reasonably predict performance, but did not predict how well I would feel. :D
2. Could have pushed the performance. Need to spend more time training in next zone 80%-90% to feel more comfy up there.
3. Need to continue to lose weight.
4. 80 degree temp adds 15 BPM to my HR. :eek:

More information than you want to know...................
Rose at 2:30 AM after not being able to sleep - too excited.
Left home at 4:00 AM for 90 minute ride to venue - was 20th in line when transition area opened.
Burned 1800 calories

Consumed the following items and weighed the same as when I woke up:
1 gallon of fluids
2 granola bars.
10 Fig Newtons
1 PBJ sandwich
1/2 tuna salad sandwich
1 cup potato soup.
1 apple


tommy said:
Lesson learned:
1. Training in zones works. :) I raced just at slightly higher HR than I trained. Was able to reasonably predict performance, but did not predict how well I would feel. :D
2. Could have pushed the performance. Need to spend more time training in next zone 80%-90% to feel more comfy up there.
3. Need to continue to lose weight.
4. 80 degree temp adds 15 BPM to my HR.

Tommy and Bill - read your posts with interest! Tommy - I agree with you about heart rate training. All of your insights too are "right on" - I have found one "quality" intensity workout at the 80 - 90% rate works best for me at the moment. Best regards, Mark
Congratulations to both of you on a wonderful performance. I am impressed. Now I have to ask the question though - Did you have fun? (sounds like you both did but I was looking for the written in excitement race report).

Bill - congratulations to your wife as well on her two strong races.
Fun Fun Fun

Fun Fun Fun

I had loads of fun.:D :D :D :D :D Sorry if that didn't come across.

I make it a point to make small talk (quickly) with other age groupers) and volunteers along the way. The elites probably don't appreciate it (but I never see them anyway:rolleyes: ).

There were about 600 participants. The swim was released in five waves. My wave was males 45+. Lot's of nervous chit chat with other men at the start. Then knees and elbows thrashing in the water. It looked like a shark feeding frenzy :eek: (without the blood).

Several times I heard "are we having fun yet?" and "better than a good day at the office!".

At mile 1 of the run, a 64 year old woman passed me. (You can tell everyone's age because it is marked on their legs.) I told her "way to go young lady". She told me "it ain't over yet". I kept her in my sights and passed her at the finish line. I can't get too smug about it - she started 6 minute after me. :D She was the oldest participant.

The bike and run were both "up and back", so we had a chance to see everyone going in the opposite direction. There was a father son team. While they started 6 minutes apart, I saw them together on the bikes and on the run. Gave them both high fives as we passed on the run - sequential bib numbers. The boy is 14. There was also an 11 year old boy.

The run was mostly uphill (slight) going out, and thus downhill coming back. Ideal for a fun finish. The run path was wooded. They had several spots where volunteers were hosing us down - very much appreciated. The actually had ice water at the aid stations. Grabbed some of the ice and dropped it down my shirt.
Now that is a race report!:D Thanks for sharing with us. I like the father and son team, I hope to that with my kids when they get older.
Sounds like a great race Tommy. Congratulations. Good race report. You should be a guest columnist in Triathlete magazine. :D
Congrats to you, Tom. Sounds like you had a good race, and paced yourself to enable a strong finish. Well done!
It's nice to be feeling good in the first view days post-event. Raring to go for the next one. Planning and starting. Swam 1300 yards Tues. Biked 16 miles yesterday. Ran 4 miles this morning. No soreness or stiffness. Life is good!
Next event is 11 days away. I've been rebuilding my base, especially in the run (6 miles 2 days ago) and swim (2500 yards yesterday). My resting heart rate yesterday and today was 46! That's a new low for me! :)

Distance biking has been sparse lately. I've started some speed intervals on the bike and swim.

I've always desired to be able to do endurance training at 3x each event distance. If I can get a long bike ride in this week/end, I'll be there for this one.

This next event is relatively small (230 last year). Nice folks. Great course maps. Bike course is relatively level. Run course has a 90' climb :eek: in mile 2. It's shorter than the standard "sprint" distance, and close to the "super sprint" distance.

350 pool "snake" swim
9.1 mile bike
2.1 mile run

Triathloning is starting to rub off on my kids. :) Either that or they just love doing anything as long as it's with Dear 'Ole Dad.:D
Today is my first day off after 12 straight days of training. Alternating "hard" days with "easy" days. Alternating swim bike run with walks for warm up and cool down. Most vigorous set yet. Ready for tapering a bit. I was going to take last Sunday off, but my youngest son (19) asked me to join him for a bike ride. Will never turn down that invitation.:) I don't advocate training every day, but the alternating intensities and activities just keep me feeling fine.

3.2 miles swimming
84 miles bicycling
23 miles running
8 miles walking
18 hours
RHR bottomed out at 45

Most has been 50%-60% of MHR.
Some intervals in the water without the heart rate monitor.
Some speed work on the bike average around 75% of MHR.
Yesterday, after riding 9 miles at 75%, I ran 1 mile at 80% 9:23

Bought a new pair of shoes. The last time that I bought shoes, I couldn't find any with stability or motion control that felt good with the orthotic inserts. So I settled for neutral shoe NB 1060. I loved them, but would prefer the added support. This time the NB 767 (stability) felt terrific.

Feeling good and ready for next Sunday's tri. I'm interested to see how I perform after some rest. The strategy is still to set heart rate limits, especially for the bike. My oldest "boy" (22) is going to tri with me! My fun quotient is sky high! :D
Go Tom - Love Low Intensity

Go Tom - Love Low Intensity

Tommy: You are doing great! Had my fourth strong tempo run of the vacation ? today 5 miles at an 8:27 pace and I didn?t hit the 75% threshold until the last mile!! Time to cut the pace again for that type of workout. I credit my improvement though to more low intensity/easy days. It?s similar in concept to doing two, not three sets, of weightlifting. Smaller steps and consistency do pay off. I am starting to dream of those sub-7:00 minute miles again!! I think there is a chance I can be doing sub-7:00 minute intervals in six months (already at 7:30 pace for those).
My taper strategy is to take about 25% off my longest endurance s/b/r distances and replace it with slightly increased intensity. Knocked 1/2 minute off my mile pace for 5 mile run. Knocked over 1 minute off my mile swim time. Now under 37 minutes. Last taper phase will be to cut those distances in half again and get some rest.

Mark, I sent an email to Joe Henderson thanking him for his commentary on winning. Mentioned us valvers. He sent a nice response asking if I knew you. Closed the "loop". Small world!