Low intensity training is working

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Thanks Mark.

Now that I've fallen, I'm not so much afraid of it. Not reckless, just getting more comfortable with the risk and reward.

Just as the valvathoners in here helped me break down my running barriers, so have you trivalvers and cyclists helped me break down my cycling barriers. Thanks.

When is your next event?
tommy said:
Thanks Mark.

When is your next event?

Coca-Cola/Publix Sprint Triathlon on Lido Key off Sarasota, June 17th. 0.5 mile swim in the Gulf of Mexico, 14 mile bike up & back on Longboat Key, and 2.6 mile run back on Lido Key. Piece of cake...;)
Injury report

Injury report

After 5 days, the swelling is all but gone, and so is the pain. I have good (but not complete) range of motion, lots of pain after that (so I don't do that). The road rash is also healing very quickly.

The left radial head is fractured in two places right next to each other. The concern is that the wedge piece needs to stay attached and heal well.

The orthopedist fitted me with one of those new fangled high-tech bionic braces that can dial-in the range of motion. 30-120 degrees - not bad. The braces raises quality of life without a cast or fixed brace, yet keeps me out of the danger area without having to think about it.

Prognosis is 4-6 weeks to heal, and another 4-6 weeks to be 100%.

Follow-up visit in 2 weeks. Until then (at least), no swim bike run. I can use the stationary bike, elliptical machine, weights (legs, back and abs), and walk. If all goes well, I expect that the ortho doc will extend the range of motion gradually to 100% over several visits.

I've already begun to re-direct training. Long walk Sat, stationary bike and weights yesterday. It's not as much fun, but okay.

The 5/29 tri is out, but 7/9 is very possible.
tommy said:
Prognosis is 4-6 weeks to heal, and another 4-6 weeks to be 100%.


Dang, it's always a drag to injure yourself, but doing it early in the season is particularly demoralizing. Sounds like you're taking it in stride, tho.

I am off to a shaky start this season. I'm still trying to carry on w/ a torn meniscus since last December. It bothers me less and less, but I'm not sure if I'll make a satisfactory recovery yet. Time will tell if I just should have had arthroscopic surg in January or not. Meanwhile, lack of activity over winter has me way behind in my readiness for tri season. So now I'm doing low intensity AND low volume, and proving THAT program is definitely NOT working ;) :D . Last fall I had planned a half iron in June this summer. No way - now my stretch goal is an Oly in mid June. We'll see how that goes.
Bill, sorry to hear your situation. Take your time with that knee. Hope surgery is not required. Feel free to bask a bit more in the ironman accomplishment. We can't live in the past, but it's okay to visit there when we need a pick-me-up.:D

I'm spending as much time as I can on the stationary bike, elliptical machine, and weights (legs and core only). I'm muddling through - it's just not the same as the great outdoors. I've got a lot invested, and want to retain as much as I can, so I don't have start over when the doc says "go". So far so good.
I spent an hour on the eliptical machine today. For the first time, I used one of those pre-set programs. Boy was I surprised when it told me to pedal backwards. That thing's hard to do facing the other direction:rolleyes:.
Light Jogging

Light Jogging

The elbow feels better and better everyday. :) No pain within the allowable range of motion. The arm brace enforces the range. The orthopedist adjusted it today. Then he gave me the go-ahead for jogging - not fast and not long - must wear the brace. I was never fast:rolleyes: so there's no concession there.

Not to grow any grass under me, I hit the treadmill for 25 minutes. I had taken 5 days off with some work and family business crowding out the regimen. Some rest was probably in order anyway, but I was a bit stiff today starting back. The kinks seemed to work out after alternating some walking. :) Also cycled (stationary) and lifted some weights.

I'll adjust the brace again myself in a week and follow up x-rays in 2 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. So far so good. :) :D
Weekly update.

1st I pay homage and thanks to those that have fought and died for our freedoms. Who knows what life would be like for us without them.

2nd, congratulations again to the VR marathon team in VT. Was thinking about you all weekend. Looking forward to a VR relay myself.

My elbow range of motion is darn near 100%, although some positions have some pain with resistance. So healing is not complete, but coming along very nicely.

I'm trying to keep my cardio and legs in shape and still comply with my restrictions. I think that I'm losing some ground, but not too much. Will not have to start from scratch when the doc says "all clear".

I had a great workout Sat
30 minutes on the stationary bike
30 minutes lifting weights
30 minutes on the elliptical machine
30 minutes on the treadmill (most of it jogging)
All low intensity.

Today I ran/walked 5 miles in about 70 minutes on the HS track (soft).
First time jogging outside in a month. Yippee! As I got more tired and the sun got warmer, I had trouble keeping my heart rate under 60%, so kept slowing down and doing more walk breaks to stay in range. Pumped it up a bit for the last 1/4 mile just to see what was left in the tank.

Today marks the 2-year anniversary of my 1st marathon. Woo hoo! Today also is the Austin triathlon that I had to scratch because of the elbow. A friend of mine is doing the Olympic distance. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Family will gather later today for chili and yard games.
Cheers everyone!
Great news! The splint is gone, and so are all restrictions. No therapy required. Yippee. 100% healing within 3 weeks. Swim bike run here I come. Denton Tri is "on".

I need to be careful not to re-injure the elbow, especially for the next 3 weeks. This is a matter of paying attention and not taking risks, particularly on the bike. If for some reason I don't have 100% strength in 3 weeks, I'm to check back with the orthopedist.

The intensity and duration of cycling and swimming will be dictated by any aching that may develop due to lack of exercise of the arm for 5 weeks. That will not be a sign of trouble, just advice that I've reached my limit for the day. Can still supplement with the stationary bike and elliptical. Looking forward to the pool and real cycling, including bike rides with my wife.
Took a bike ride with my sweetie :) this morning and then did a low intensity triathlon simulation. Wanted to stay in the 50% - 60% range. I'm finally at a point again where I can benchmark some data.

Bike outdoors 60 minutes 10.8 miles Ave HR 96 Peak 116
Yes, a real bicycle! Woo hoo!
Drove to the gym for the simulation.

Swim 20 minutes 800 yards Ave HR 111 <50% Peak 117 5%
Stationary bike 34 minutes 7.25 miles Ave HR 110 <50% Peak 125 60%
Treadmill run 31 minutes 2.25 miles Ave HR 124 59% Peak 160 89%

Heart rate hovered at 60% for the entire run. Inched up ever so slightly toward the end. Very consistent @ 12:45 pace

Last 2 minutes of the run - incremented from 13 min pace to 8 min pace to push up the heart rate. Did 8 minute mile for a whole 15 seconds!:rolleyes:

1:30 recovery 30 beats to 130 warming down at 3 mph
3:00 recovery 45 beats to 115 at 2 MPH
Checked again in the car driving home 85.

Feel good.
tommy said:
Great news! The splint is gone, and so are all restrictions. No therapy required. Yippee. 100% healing within 3 weeks. Swim bike run here I come. Denton Tri is "on".

Good for you, Tom!

I am also about to officially remove myself from the injured list. First tri of the season is next Sunday. I had my doubts a few months ago, but avoiding surgical treatment for my meniscus tear seems to have been the right strategy. My knee just barely talks back to me now, despite recent increases in activity. I'm not in terrific shape, but I'll do just fine at Oly distance.
BillCobit said:
I'm not in terrific shape, but I'll do just fine at Oly distance.

Understatement and overstatement in one sentence!

Managed a personal worst, just a hair slower than my first post-op oly four years ago. :(

Pretty good swim, not a bad bike considering very windy conditions, but then I could not run. HR went up like a rocket and I could not bring it down. I ended up about 15 mins slower than my typical Oly. Maybe because it was my first time I tried to run this season in hot conditions? Dunno, but it was pretty ugly.
Tommy, your treadmill numbers look like my treadmill numbers.

Tommy, your treadmill numbers look like my treadmill numbers.

tommy said:
Treadmill run 31 minutes 2.25 miles Ave HR 124 59% Peak 160 89%

Heart rate hovered at 60% for the entire run. Inched up ever so slightly toward the end. Very consistent @ 12:45 pace

Last 2 minutes of the run - incremented from 13 min pace to 8 min pace to push up the heart rate. Did 8 minute mile for a whole 15 seconds!:rolleyes:

1:30 recovery 30 beats to 130 warming down at 3 mph
3:00 recovery 45 beats to 115 at 2 MPH

I'm using an ellipitical, too. Guess I'll have to try an actual program to see that backwards thing...

REALLY inspirational! Keep it up!!

BillCobit said:
Understatement and overstatement in one sentence!

Managed a personal worst, just a hair slower than my first post-op oly four years ago. :(

Pretty good swim, not a bad bike considering very windy conditions, but then I could not run. HR went up like a rocket and I could not bring it down. I ended up about 15 mins slower than my typical Oly. Maybe because it was my first time I tried to run this season in hot conditions? Dunno, but it was pretty ugly.

Did my first race of the year Saturday - was also a very mediore effort. Two minutes slower than the same race last year. Went out too fast on the swim & took a long time to get into a smooth rhythm, but still was faster than last year. The bike leg did me in. Was just a slug. Rode at 90 cadence the whole way, but wasn't pushing a big enough gear to go fast. HR stuck in the mid 130's most of the way. Run was fair. Had way too much left in the tank when I finished. Almost felt like I could have done the course again. Trying to figure out if it was lack of motivation, lack of high-intensity training, poor pacing, or whatever. Just a blah day. Six weeks to figure it out before my next race.

Mark :(
Bill and Mark, congratulations on finishing.:) You are awesome. :) I appreciate your candor about performance. We can't always have PR's. I hope that you guys aren't down in the dumps. I don't know about you, but finishing is still a big deal for me.

I'm still getting used to the idea of s-l-o-w :( training, especially in my long run each week. If it weren't for the HR monitor I would be going way too fast.

But the proof is in the pudding, or should I say, in the running. 5 miles 2 weeks ago. 6 miles last week. 7 miles this morning. All 50%-60% HR with near identical paces. I alternate run/walk for the first 3 miles, then run 3 miles, then finish with the incremental distance. Jog pace around 13 min/mile. A little monotonous on the HS oval track, but it's soft. :) Legs feel good.

My simulation workout Saturday was encouraging. 13 min swim, 46 min bike, 30 min run all at 70%-80% HR. The pool didn't open until 1PM, so I did the bike and run in the blazing sun. Oh joy! Elbow is still a little tender in the water. Bike felt good. I was hoping to push the run to 3.1 miles, but the heat (85F) convinced me to stop at 30 minutes 2.6 miles. I still had gas in the tank, but I could tell that I was overheating. This was my first simulation workout actually using a real bike and running outdoors. Woohoo! Quick recovery. Felt terrific the next day and today.

Based on my level of training, with a sprint tri in three weeks, it's hard to get excited about the prospect of fast times. But it's easy for me to get pumped about participating.
Didn't mean to sound too bummed out about my race - really was more bewildered than anything. I think I'm still trying to figure out my pacing. The run leg has always been my Achille's heel and I think I mentally just held back too much on the swim and especially on the bike. Just mad at myself for making mental miscalculations, especially after all my good off-season training. Still was great to be out there and taking part. :)
tommy said:
I hope that you guys aren't down in the dumps.

Frankly, I'm pretty disgusted. But it's nothing that can't be cured by having a good race next time! :D