Lovenox vs. heparin

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2004
Ontario, Canada
I need to have a small surgical procedure done on January 8th, it will involve me taking bridging. I have had Heparin before, but never Lovenox. What is the difference between the two.

I also have another question. This past week I had to go to the hospital because of A fib, for the first time. Should this be a concern going off warfarin when my heart is 'acting' up.


I have MVR.



I don't mean to get personal, but we would know what type of procedure/surgery you are having. Depending on type of procedure, it may not be required to stop coumadin/warfarin at all.
No it's not personal at all, I should have mentioned it. It is a large cyst and I am sure it will require a fairly large incision. So they want me on Lovenox for 5 days before, stop it the day of surgery and then 5 days later.
Robbyn said:
No it's not personal at all, I should have mentioned it. It is a large cyst and I am sure it will require a fairly large incision. So they want me on Lovenox for 5 days before, stop it the day of surgery and then 5 days later.

I had an infected Cyst under my arm, a few inches below my armpit. My Surgeon understood the 'Stroke Risk vs. Bleeding Risk' and agreed to drain it while still fully anti-coagulated. It was somewhat bloody but not terribly, until day 2 when I went to a nearby Urgent Care facility for a bleeding ear (my first) and asked them to check the cyst. I bled all over the table / floor when they pulled the packing out. They put on a Pressure Bandage after repacking and that worked quite well.

The Surgeon agreed to re-pack the dressing every other day after that (but he didn't have any Pressure Tape!)

Ended up putting in ONE stitch and doing some cauterizing. After that, my S.O. was able to change the dressing every day at home with NO problem.

SO, it IS possible to 'fix a cyst' while anti-coagulated.
Some stitching / cauterizing is likely.
A Pressure Bandage from the get-go is Highly Recommended!

Alternatively, Lovenox or Heparin will cover your anti-coagulation needs. Of course you would need to go into the hospital to get a Heparin drip. Lovenox can be administered at home. Do a Search for Lovenox to find many posts about self injecting and some of the 'tricks of the trade'.

It would be nice if you could get your A-Fib under control before and during the procedure. Sotalol works well for me.

Hope all goes well!

'AL Capshaw'
Different kind of surgery here...

Different kind of surgery here...

I'm glad this was brought up....I have to have two wisdom teeth removed surgically soon. Hoping it can be done as out patient, and I prefer the Lovenox route as it seems easier. But I have had mixed "reviews" on the out patient route. I also take Fosamax for osteoporosis, and am concerned about the possible "soft jaw" as well.

Anyone out there with experience or advice on this one? That is wisdom tooth removal using Herparin or Lovenox?

Robbyn said:
Well I have been instructed to take 1 injection per day, 120 mg - whatever that means.

IF those were your instructions for Lovenox, it means that whoever told that to you does NOT understand Lovenox.

MY understanding is that Lovenox 'wears off' after 12 hours so it requires TWO injections per day with the exact dose based on your Weight.

'AL Capshaw'
So... why the h**l doesn't the doctor know that it's 2 injections per day. I tell you I get so frustrated with doctors. Seriously, I am surprised I am not DEAD. Maybe I am and this is hell.

Sorry for the vent, I guess I need to ask the doctor why only one injection of Lovenox. He didn't even ask my weight. Maybe he guessed!!!!!
Well I start my ONE injection of Lovenox tomorrow. Luckily, I've had no more A-Fib. But I think I will get my INR checked tomorrow morning. And the next 10 days on Lovenox , I may have to survive on a wing and prayer.

Perhaps there is another reason the doctor has only given me 1 dose per day instead of 2. I can't get a hold of him.


where are you? who manages your ACT? I too am in Ontario and am wondering if it is the same bunch of idiots that mis-manage my dosing. You can e-mail me, if you don't want to "tell tales out of school", my e-mail is available in my profile.
Actually TGH usually manages my Warfarin and they do a good job, but my GP is doing this one. Which worries me the most.

I had my INR done today and it was 2.2 and that's on 16 mgs on Warfarin daily. So I hope everything turns out okay.

Thanks everyone for your help.