Loss of normal voice and other things

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Active member
Jun 28, 2011
Eureka Springs , Arkansas in the Ozark Mountains
I had a breathing tube for a respirator and a feeding tube for 4 days. My voice is just gone and in it's place is a sort of croaking version of my original self. My wife assures me that I sound like a heavy smoker in a bar full of smokers when I talk.

Additionally I continue to periodically sort of choke on thick saliva and/or some clear, frothy mucous. The Cardiologist seemed somewhat unconcerned about these issues and offered no real answer.

I am now at 16 days post op. How long will this last? The choking/coughing issue is really bugging me especially in regards to soreness.
My husband has had a slightly raspy voice at times since his MV repair in 2007. He says it started pre-op.
John was already extubated within about 2 hours of his surgery (my recollection). His surgery was late in the afternoon and he was in an ICU room by 8-9 p.m. On the other hand, my MVR was at 7 a.m. and I spent the rest of the day and night in recovery or ICU (it was all a fog to me). Much of that time I was still intubated.

Sometimes tubes used for anesthesia, breathing, etc., can irritate the throat membranes and will cause a raspiness of the voice, even coughing.

I've experienced this with newly neutered/spayed kittens (speutered at about 4 months). Because their throats are smaller than older/adult cats', it appears that choices of tube sizes are more limited for very young critters. When this has happened, I have taken the kitten back in for a shot (usually dexamethasone) to reduce the irritation in the throat. The barking cough stops and the kitten is fine.

Applying this logic, you may want to run past your cardiologist or even your family doctor if it would be possible to give you something to relieve any suspected irritation in your throat.
I hope you fare better than I did. For the first month after surgery, I had a dry, nagging cough that wouldn't quit. Sometimes it was difficult to carry on a conversation - I would just cough when I tried to talk. Then at about 4 or 5 weeks out, it all just went away. Go figure. . .
My voice was so pooched when I finally came around after 2.5 weeks on tubes that the resprtory tech came in and GUESS WHAT down another tube:eek2: to examin my vocal chords ......declared:thumbup::thumbup: sure enough it came back but I cant sing in the church choir:angel: HECK they wouldn't have me BEFORE surgery;) so no change after all :smile2:
Hi Charlie, I hope it is feeling better. I know from Justin how annoying/or painful the coughing/gagging can be. Are you still using your breathing exerciser and trying to get in walks? As long as it looks clearish and not bloody or the nasty colors you usually have with resp infection, Both things really help get the lungs open and clear up all the gunk.
I hope you fare better than I did. For the first month after surgery, I had a dry, nagging cough that wouldn't quit. Sometimes it was difficult to carry on a conversation - I would just cough when I tried to talk. Then at about 4 or 5 weeks out, it all just went away. Go figure. . .

That is exactly what I have. I have a very raspy voice, I cough when I try to speak and I feel as if my entire throat is coated in mucous.
Hi Charlie, I hope it is feeling better. I know from Justin how annoying/or painful the coughing/gagging can be. Are you still using your breathing exerciser and trying to get in walks? As long as it looks clearish and not bloody or the nasty colors you usually have with resp infection, Both things really help get the lungs open and clear up all the gunk.

The mucous is clear and sort of frothy so I am confident I haven't an infection. Yes, I am using my exerciser daily 8-10 times. But, I cough when using it too. Man does it hurt...argh. As for walking I am relegated to walking inside my home as we have had nothing but temps over 100* for about 4 weeks now. However, we are supposed to drop into the 80's once again this weekend...YAY! I've got cabin fever.
The mucous is clear and sort of frothy so I am confident I haven't an infection. Yes, I am using my exerciser daily 8-10 times. But, I cough when using it too. Man does it hurt...argh. As for walking I am relegated to walking inside my home as we have had nothing but temps over 100* for about 4 weeks now. However, we are supposed to drop into the 80's once again this weekend...YAY! I've got cabin fever.

Do you have a pillow to hug, when you have to cough? It doesn't keep it from hurting, but helps. Yes Justin usually coughed when he was using his spirometer too,especially in the biggining but figured it was probably better getting it out, so that made him feel alittle better about it. I hear you about the weather, Justin had some of his OHS in the freezing cold and others when it was really hot AND humid, so was pretty happy when he felt good enough to do laps around the malls or bigger stores likeTarget etc. Is it possible to go somewhere like that, since in his experience at least the more he could walk, the faster he was able to get his lungs cleared.

Hopefully the cooler weather sticks around for a while.
Hi, Charlie-
I too had a lot of coughing and a throat tickle the first few weeks post surgery. I felt like I had bronchitis.

When I had a bad coughing fit (usually brought on by talking too much) I learned to put the heart pillow between my chest and a wall and sort of lean on it. That seemed to work better for me than holding it with my arms. I learned that I was coughing more than normal.

I also took mucinex or cloricidin hbp, which seemed to help break up the mucus to make it easier to cough up. Some of our congestion could be from the trauma of the surgery. Your heart could be a little swollen, sort of setting up mild congestive heart which can put some fluid in your lungs. That is what happened to me. I'm not a doctor, so don't self-diagnose.

The good news is that my lungs are fine today and the heart no longer has signs of CHF. It got much better after the first month. You are more than halfway there.
Hi, Charlie-
I too had a lot of coughing and a throat tickle the first few weeks post surgery. I felt like I had bronchitis.

When I had a bad coughing fit (usually brought on by talking too much) I learned to put the heart pillow between my chest and a wall and sort of lean on it. That seemed to work better for me than holding it with my arms. I learned that I was coughing more than normal.

I also took mucinex or cloricidin hbp, which seemed to help break up the mucus to make it easier to cough up. Some of our congestion could be from the trauma of the surgery. Your heart could be a little swollen, sort of setting up mild congestive heart which can put some fluid in your lungs. That is what happened to me. I'm not a doctor, so don't self-diagnose.

The good news is that my lungs are fine today and the heart no longer has signs of CHF. It got much better after the first month. You are more than halfway there.

Thanks for the words of wisdom. I have been a bit better this afternoon but have been fighting with rib cramps. I have been prone to them for about a year since I had a disagreement with a tree on my dirt bike. The spasms come and go. They came today and coupled with my already sore chest I thought I was going to have to die to get the spasm to stop. Thankfully it did...whew.

I had my first meaningful phone conversation today and when my friend answered I asked him "What are you wearing" in my best raspy voice.....he hung up on me so I had to call back....haha
My voice was also gone post op, even whispering was so tiring....that vent tube must be hard on the throat.
--Keep up the prank phone calls---laughing is good for the soul--- but will kill your sternum. ;)
Thanks for the words of wisdom. I have been a bit better this afternoon but have been fighting with rib cramps. I have been prone to them for about a year since I had a disagreement with a tree on my dirt bike. The spasms come and go. They came today and coupled with my already sore chest I thought I was going to have to die to get the spasm to stop. Thankfully it did...whew.

I had my first meaningful phone conversation today and when my friend answered I asked him "What are you wearing" in my best raspy voice.....he hung up on me so I had to call back....haha

Awesome! maybe you can start a new hobby on the phone. LOL