Lorie's Post Surgery Update

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
Sorry I didn't update yesterday but for some reason couldn't get online from the hospital and Lorie didn't want me to leave her side. She went to a private room yesterday afternoon. It was a long night with her trying to get comfortable but Dr Raissi said this morning she is doing wonderful. We went for a walk around the halls at 5am this morning and again at 8am. If everything continues on track we should be back at the hotel tomorrow afternoon. Thanks again for everyone's support.

Make sure everything is fine and don't let them kick her out if anything is questionable. Some places are in too much of a rush and then a person has trouble.
Glad to hear Lorie is getting more comfortable and up and walking. Yes, make sure all is well before you are back in the hotel, that seems a bit soon to be out of the hospital to me. Best wishes to Lorie and lots of rest and walking when she can to keep the blood flowing.

All the best, Betsy
Ross said:
Make sure everything is fine and don't let them kick her out if anything is questionable. Some places are in too much of a rush and then a person has trouble.

I can't stress this quote enough!!!!

Glad to hear that Lori is doing so well.

Best wishes for a continued uneventful recovery.
That is great that Lorie is up walking!
I agree with not rushing out of the hospital this week, it's a big comfort to know that the docs and nurses are right there if needed. Best wishes:)
Horray for walking the halls! Tell Lorie not to overdo it at first, listen to her body and rest when she needs to. Wonderful news!
What great news -- walking is great, and plenty of rest is, too. And using that spirometer thing to clear the lungs. Please give Lorie all best from all her friends here. So glad to hear she is doing well. Thanks for posting, and you try to get some rest, too. You certainly have been there for her....

I'm relatively new here, and I've been doing research for my husband, Tom. I'm glad Lorie is doing well enough to be sent home, but I too think it's awfully early to be going home. So often it's hospital economics that drive the discharge, and bed availability.

How far is the hotel from the hospital? Just a consideration.

Take care of yourself too. And I'm wishing you both the best.



So glad you posted a update, I also think it's way too early to leave tomarrow, she just had surgery on tues. 2 days ago!! If she needs more time let your wishes be made known. Debbie

That is fantastic news!!!

Don't let them Tricare folks kick her out too early. Walk, walk, nap, nap, breathe, breathe, eat, eat, nap, nap, darn walk again, nap, eat----well y'all get the idea!!!!

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Excellent news. Whether or not you go or stay...at least the doctors think she's progressed so well that she can leave tomorrow! WOW!! :D

Best wishes to you all!

Returning to relatively normal movement without wearing herself out will help. You have no evergy reserves for several weeks after surgery. But the motion of walking will help the body return to normal more quickly.

Best wishes,
Sounds like she's doing well. While I know nobody likes staying in a hospital, don't rush out too soon. After I left, I realized just how much they contributed towards recovering at the proper pace. Best wishes continuing. Thanks for the update.