Loosing Hair

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I've always had a lot of hair but I find that I've been loosing hair for the past few months and starting to get worry. Someone mentioned that it can be a reaction to the Atenolol....I take 25 mg/day. Has anyone have any similar experince?
I don't know what caused my problem but post-op I lost a great deal of hair. I've had other surgeries and lost a little, but not like this. I was very concerned at the vast amount I had lost.

I was taking Coumadin and I was on Sotalol (betapace) for three months following the valve replacement. (I was also on a small dose of beta blocker for awhile before valve replacement.) Something caused the hair loss which stopped after a few months and happily all grew back.

I hope it resolves for you also.
I noticed your surgery was 2005. If you have not had any change in meds lately it could be a number of things. Are you under more stress? That can cause it. When in doubt check it out.

My wife went through this. It cleared up on it's own. She did not have surgery or a med change so she blamed it om me:confused:
I doubt it's atenolol. I've been taking that for years without hair loss. What did cause hair loss for me was extreme stress while going through marital emotional stress/anger. I had a bald spot, nearly and my children remarked about it. I moved, got more relaxed and after some year of hair loss, mine all came back. of course, with age, hair is going to be thinner, both men and women - but you aren't there yet.
My aunt lost a lot of hair after her MVR.. It was almost to the point of needing a wig..you coudl see her scalp.

I didn't lose any from mine?

Not sure of the conection tho'.. pretty interesting relationship.
Susan, Cooker, Marky, Ann and Steve
Thanks for your replies
No I'm not taking coumedin, I took it only for about 6 months after the operation but that was in 2005
Ann,,,yes, I guess it could be age....thanks for your words that "you aren't there yet....but.... getting there pretty fast:eek:
I have alwaya had a lot of hair, a comment made by all hairdressers every time I had a hair cut,.... even when going through chemo years back although I lost some, no one noticed it as I kept it short. It all came back after chemo and pretty thick but lately I'm getting scared.
I don't know about stress, it could be although I cant's think of anything new I'm seeing my Cardio this Wednesday and will ask her about the atenolol or maybe a lack of some vitamins....I hope this will reverse
Thank you for caring
Well if your like my cat, its stress. If she stresses, I kid you not, she sheds and sheds tons of fur instantly.
Hi again, Maka -

When I saw your reply comment wondering about vitamins, I thought of something else--and it may sound silly but I guess I'll share it with you: A few years ago Mr. W read a book about a famous diet where potatoes, among other starches, were mostly taboo. I love potatoes; but the book had convinced him, so we hardly ate any for the few years following. I noticed that my hair just didn't grow as fast as it once had and attributed it to my age or whatever. Some time ago, I began eating potatoes again and voila, my hair immediately showed obvious signs of being healthier. I prefer consuming the potato skins also and deduced there is something in the potato that I must have been deficient in.

Also, I'm hypothroid but it was caught early and I've been taking a thyroid supplement for years and never had major hair loss except for the one detailed previously. I suppose it is possible something connected to the OHS and meds fiddled with the thyroid supplement but I didn't have any other negative symptoms so I just don't know.

I hope you find your answer because I remember how I felt when it was happening to me.
Ross said:
Well if your like my cat, its stress. If she stresses, I kid you not, she sheds and sheds tons of fur instantly.
My cats do that too!
Losing hair is not fun at all....I don't really have enough to spare!
Post op I was losing so much that I had a bald spot on the back of my head.
I still lose more than I would like, but I'm blaming the metoprolol and/or coumadin.
Thanks for all the replies....
I do take Thyntroid (sp?) .75mg 5days/wk. But I?ve taking it for over 25 years now so I don?t think that may be the case.
I found the comment about potatoes very interesting....I may be lacking something in my diet so I bought today some Centrum Silver but I think it is connected to the OHS some how...maybe the anesthesia or the pump...who knows.
Anyhow, I have my check up with my Cardiologist this Wed (wish me luck) and I?ll ask her about the medication
And yes, Ross, it may stress...nothing new but even though I try not to worry much, sometimes you can?t help it...by the way, how do you know when your cat is stress out?
Thank you Rachel

My oncologist is the one who checks me about the Synthroid level....I started taking it after my chemo..../.but I will ask about it to my cardio tomorrow as they both keep in touch and I had a blood check up before Thanksgiving but don't have the results yet. and probably she can look it up in the computer (both are from the same hospital)

I used to take 100mg and was reduced to 75 months before my OHS as my cardio believed it was causing me rapid heart beats.
Thanks for reminding me
Beta blockers work fine for some people, and cause no problems. However, they have been known to induce psoriasis and other immune system problems in others. My wife developed drug-induced psoriasis from Atenolol, and I developed other issues from it, likely including GERD.

As some symptoms and problems don't show up immediately, they are often not linked with the beta blocker in the patient's mind.

I wouldn't throw out the thought that the beta blocker could be the culprit.

Best wishes,
Thanks....I'll let you know what my cardiologist says...I believe Atenol may have something to do about, but I may be wrong. I have friends who takes100mg like nothing, but right after may OHS I was taken 100Mg and I was a zoombie, slept so deeply that wouldn't hear a telephone ringing next to my ear and friends even worry that I was alive Even at 50Mg I was tired
and since taking Atenolol I have very vivid dreams sometimes. Don't know whether anyone has had that reaction about dreams
maka said:
Thanks....I'll let you know what my cardiologist says...I believe Atenol may have something to do about, but I may be wrong. I have friends who takes100mg like nothing, but right after may OHS I was taken 100Mg and I was a zoombie, slept so deeply that wouldn't hear a telephone ringing next to my ear and friends even worry that I was alive Even at 50Mg I was tired
and since taking Atenolol I have very vivid dreams sometimes. Don't know whether anyone has had that reaction about dreams

I have very vivid dreams even on 25 mg per day (12½ mg twice a day). However, the terrible side effects that I had when I took 100 mg a day when I had A-Fib before my surgery are gone. I was not only a zombie, but my legs felt like they had lead in them, and it made it very hard to walk. With 25 mg I feel great, and it keeps my heart rate in the 70's.
on another thread we discussed the dreams and between us all found that atenolol brings on those horrid dreams. I told my cardio's nurse what we here in VR had found as we compared the dream thing. She didn't know it. She's up on everything, but that was news to her.

I was taking 25 at night and had awful vivid dreams. One night not long ago I was pushing away from an attacking snake in my dreams - literally pushing away in my bed. Fell out of bed, hit my head. OUCH! Big knot the next morning. Next day I took the dang pill first thing in the morning instead of at night and no more dreams. Toprol XL is also atenolol, just a longer dispensing in the body type pill. I got off that one and my dr put me back on atenolol.
Just my 2 cents.

I take Atenol 25mg at night and have no nightmares nor have had any hair troubles that I attribute to it - go figure- guess we're all different.

On the other hand, I'm now hypothyroid (thank you Amioderone) and my hair was falling out by the handfull when my TSH levels were amiss. It was startling because my hair is long and it just seemed like so very much. My friend with lifelong thyroid issues (she had surgery to remove it many years back) said she always knows when the levels are off by the amount of hair falling out. My hair loss has stopped completely now that my TSH levels are back in range and I'm still on Atenol. Please note that the proper levels have changed for TSH. At most labs, up until late 2002, the normal range was from around 0.5 to 5.5. That range changed to .3 to 3 as of early 2003. My hair was falling out when I was about an 8-12.

I wish you all the best.

Well. I saw my Cardiologist yesterday and she agreed that it could be the Atenolol what is causing the loss of hair and the vivid dreams. She now changed me to Dialtiazem 102 mg (generic for Cardizem).
Has anyone take Dialtiazem and any reactions to it? Does any one know of any adverse reactions I should be aware of?
As we say in my country...I hope that I?m not changing the cow for the goat:)
Ruth, thanks for your comments. Yes, I also have thyroid problem (thanks to chemo I believe) but I had a test in November and my TSH level shows .92...(range 0.35-5.5) so that does not seems to be the problem
On a positive note, my echo showed no change and everything looked OK