Looks like next week for me

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
Well i've been bumped up the priority list after being admitted for chest pains and pulpatations at rest. I haven't got a confirmed date for my AVR yet, but it should be next week.
I'm going mechanical, but haven't talked to the surgeon about what exactly.
I'm bored of waiting in hospital already.
are they keeping you there until your surgery? I sure hope not ! Can they give you some meds for the palpitations and send you home? Seems you've got internet access, wherever you are, that should help with the boredom!

Will be thinking of you . . .
My surgery is next week too Aug. 10,I chose the OnX as replacement for my Mitral Valve,& maybe Tri-cuspid repair (Mild).Hope you get to talk to your Surgeon son. Best Wishes to ya
i'm torn between trying to get them to let me go home so I can get some sleep (i'm writing this at 3am) and staying here because I know that as long as i'm taking up a public hospital bed i'll be a higher priority for surgery.
if you have been admitted, then, hang in there ! get family to bring you in "comfort" items (good food, pyjamas, housecoat, books etc.)while you have a chance to enjoy them - you won't be caring too much about anything the first few days after surgery!

Sounds like you need this done NOW, not sometime, if you are having chest pains.

Remember, post any questions you have, and if you want to just post a rant, well, we're here for that too.
I wish you the best, and hope for you to have a speedy recovery. Good luck.
Praying for a successful surgery and that you have a speedy recovery!!
stay where you are

stay where you are

good morning scott

great news!

i suggest you stay in hospital so you can be instantly available in case a slot becomes available because of a cancellation.

personally i think you have made the correct decision to go mechanical. it would be a good idea to try and finalise your choice of valve as soon as possible:
- in my case, the hospital had a complete stock of all st judes valve sizes but not the on-x valve i was insisting on. in such a situation, the hospital may need 12 to 24 hours to order one in.
- and you might need a few days just to talk through your valve choice with those involved.

good luck!
You are in a good place if your are having chest pains and palpatations. That should relieve some stress. However, I understand there is no place like your own home. Praying for a successful surgery and recovery for you on Tuesday.