Active member
I am looking for support or referrals or ? I am not sure. I am a kaiser pt and my care
Is super piece meal so far. There are no case managers and I have to "define" my own recovery.
I have a nice dr for adult congenital heart defects but he has no patients like me so I am
On my own as far as what recovery looks like , what is typical, how to approach other
Heart or non heart related medical issues..(. I mean how would I know?) This
Was a complete surprise to me and I had to have surgery less then 2 months after a
ACCURATE diagnosis. To say my confidence is low would be an understatement. Turns out
I am not an "anxious housewife". My heart was behaving badly all these years even as I swam ran danced
Etc. humph. (Wish I could b**ch slap a few decades of doc's ...)
If you are in LA and know of a good Dr or clinic or program or support group? I am very healthy
And do not have any cardio related disease so even cardio rehab is a huge mismatch. But I am super
Compliant and I go. Also super fearful. All those years of wrong info. Correct information and
Cheerful support will help me most! Any suggestions ?
thank you !
I had a terrific surgeon Dr Yun btw. He is a great guy and very thoughtful.
I am looking for support or referrals or ? I am not sure. I am a kaiser pt and my care
Is super piece meal so far. There are no case managers and I have to "define" my own recovery.
I have a nice dr for adult congenital heart defects but he has no patients like me so I am
On my own as far as what recovery looks like , what is typical, how to approach other
Heart or non heart related medical issues..(. I mean how would I know?) This
Was a complete surprise to me and I had to have surgery less then 2 months after a
ACCURATE diagnosis. To say my confidence is low would be an understatement. Turns out
I am not an "anxious housewife". My heart was behaving badly all these years even as I swam ran danced
Etc. humph. (Wish I could b**ch slap a few decades of doc's ...)
If you are in LA and know of a good Dr or clinic or program or support group? I am very healthy
And do not have any cardio related disease so even cardio rehab is a huge mismatch. But I am super
Compliant and I go. Also super fearful. All those years of wrong info. Correct information and
Cheerful support will help me most! Any suggestions ?
I had a terrific surgeon Dr Yun btw. He is a great guy and very thoughtful.