kids cardio check-up

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
We had the boys second check-up yesterday and all went very well.

The youngster (11) has trace-mild regurgitation of his BAV with a little Stenosis. His aorta was scanned and is dialted at the ascending and his root is also enlarged, thankfully neither if these are at danger size yet. He has Sinus Tachycardia but I am told this is a common finding in kids and isnt causing any problems. His BP is normal.

Our eldest son (15) passed his echo test with flying colours...His aorta is only marginally dilated at the ascending and his BAV has only trace incompetency...everything else is perfectly fine.

They both got the chance to ask questions, and the youngster got a special message to do some exercise to get healthy (he is a bit too short for his weight!) and Dr Luigi also reminded us all to pre-medicate. Now we dont need to take them back unless there is a problem for 2 years. The boys like that idea. They may have BAV's but it doesnt worry them and they are on no restrictions or medications....Yippee!!!!
That's the news we like to hear! So glad your boys did well... Hope you are doing well yourself and your recovery is right on schedule.
Wonderful news, Ton. Absolutely wonderful!! I know how relieved you must be.

Hey, dear....we're almost at the 6 month marker! How shall we celebrate? ;)

:) Marguerite

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