Just wanted to share some sad news...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

I am not posting about my dad, though he is still in declining health (we found out that he has dementia). More on that later.

My husband and I got back from the vet's office this morning after putting down my/my dad's dog. She adpoted my family when she was a stray puppy, and she had many happy years with my mom and dad after I graduated college and left the nest. This was a dog who could "talk," I swear! She would go, "Roo, roo, roo," as if she were actually talking to you. :)

She'd been having seizures for the past week. At first a week ago when we took her to the vet, he thought she was just reacting to all the stress with my dad being gone (Mike and I have been staying at my dad's since he was hospitalized/put in the nursing home). But he did blood work and her white blood cell count was high and that she had cancer. My family decided we should let her live out her days as happy as she could be--after all, she was 13 years old--pretty old for a Samoyed. However, Aggie continued to have a few seizures this week (when we weren't there when they happened, but the evidence was there), the worst this morning. The Hubster and I took her to the vet, and the vet suggested that we have her put to sleep since she was just going to get worse.

I have never had to make this kind of decision before (my parents did with my two other dogs I had when I was growing up), but we didn't want to see Aggie suffer. We signed the papers, spent a few last moments with her, and let the vet take her since neither one of us wanted to watch the vet euthanize her. We kept her leash and collar.

I miss my Aggie. She was a great dog. :(
I will be on later to reply to posts and such---looks like it's been real busy around here at VR lately!
I am so sorry for your pain both at finding out that your dear dad has dementia & for having to put your doggie down! :(

Just remember that you did what was best for her. That was the humane thing to do! She had 13 years of a long & beautiful life with you & your family & for that you can be thankful.

Please let us know how your daddy is at a later time.

Take care! :)
I am so sorry Debi at the loss of Aggie. I hope you eventually will be sustained by many happy memories but I know it hurts now. One of the ways that life is unfair is the too-short lifespans of dogs, the most loyal and affectionate creatures on Earth. I am not questioning the Lord; Surely He has a special place for them where they receive eternal love in return. I tear up whenever I just think about ever losing my beloved Sadie. So I have a sense of your loss and I am sorry.
I am very sad for the loss of your beloved family dog. They have a shorter lifespan than we do, so unfortunately, we get to help them in their final days. You did the right thing, but it doesn't make it any easier. Her beautiful memories will stay on and on.

I am also sorry to hear about your dad's dementia. How sad.

This has been a difficult time in your life. Take care of yourself.
I am sorry and can understand how you feel. Mothers Day weekend my Mom died unexpectantly and 2 days later we had to put our 14 yo Golden Retriever Comet to sleep. I'm still having rough spots about everything and it is still hard when I feed the other 2 dogs to be filling 2 bowls and not Comets.
it is very sad to lose them. I attended the euthanasia one time and never again. The Rainbow Bridge is a wonderfully comforting poem. wishing you well. you are going through some hard times. I am so sorry about your dad. it is so hard when they reach a stage of dementia. Prayers for you in your sadness. Blessins..........
We had to put our dear lab Tucker down right after Thanksgiving. It was awful we both stayed with him. We are getting a rescue lab hopefully next weekend.He is a yellow lab because I couldn't bear another black lab now.My kids want a puppy but I really don't want to deal with puppy issues...he is coming from Kentucky and is 1 1/2.
Hi Deb, I am so sorry I know how it hurts. I had to do the same thing on Thursday. My dog was 14 and could hardily walk. He had stared to cry when he moved so my son came down and took him in for me. I do miss him very much. He was such a good old guy, everyone loved him. My German Shepard is lost without him, we sit and cry together.
Debi, I'm so sorry that you're having to go through all this. Our pets are truly members of our families, and it hurts so badly when we have to make these decisions. As hard as it is, you made the right decision. I will be keeping you and your dad in my prayers. My mom has dementia and has for several years. If you ever need to talk, feel free to e-mail me. LINDA
So sorry to hear your news, we had to do the same with our dear Serena last year and it was very very sad , our thoughts are with you .
Ern & Wendy
I relive the moment all the time. Had to do the same to my 13 year old cat that I had since he was a newborn. I still, to this day, feel like I betrayed my best friend. This was right after my avr and he was in respiratory distress from Pyrothorax. He most likely wouldn't have made it through surgery, so we made the decision to put him down. Nothing hurts more then that.
Debi, I am so sorry you had to put your Aggie down. I knowhow much it hurts as I had to put one of my cats down 3 years ago, KC was 15 1/2 years old. I miss her dearly. I knew putting her down was the right thing to do.

I still have my cat Cleo who is 16 1/2 and she has hyperthyroidism. I have her on medication but I know it's only a matter of time before I have to put her down. Our pets are a part of our family and it does hurt when we lose one of them too. My condolences to you and your family.

I am sorry to hear about your Father too. This is a sad time for you right now. I will be praying for you and your family. God Bless!