Just Home From Heart Surgery Today

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Sep 3, 2011
Greensboro, GA (Greene County)
I just returned home from OHS (aortic valve replacement and repair to the Mital Valve and Triscupid Valve). I was told it was a difficult surgery. Came through very well and could feel the improvement in the aortic valve almost immediately. Began walking in the hospital and increased to one mile the last day. The one problem seems to be that I am in a controlled a-fib (low heart rate). Surgeon say it may go away, but did not seem that concerned. I had the surgery at Emory Mid-town with Dr. Guyton. He used a onyx mechanical valve and utilized the aortic root from the homograft valve that was replaced in 1998. So far, everything seems to be working. I am curious about the a-fib and if I can live in that heart rhythm long term.
wow, that's great news! My first surgery I had some a-fib but it went away within a month or two and never came back...I had a reop one week ago and I'm doing well also.

You walked one mile after surgery? WHen was the surgery?

Great news on your fast recovery!
I agree that right after surgery, one can experience a number of issues that fade over the first few weeks. If things persist, they can be discussed but right now, if you are comfortable and walking I wouldn't focus on it too much. The important thing now is for you to manage your recovery. I hope you are able to walk outside. Here in Oklahoma, it is quite fine to be outside now as it was following my own AVR two years ago. Your lung function will return more rapidly with your walking.

Glad you are home. Dr. Guyton did my surgery about 6 weeks ago. I went into a-flutter twice. It seems like a lot can be done if it persists. Guyton told me it's not uncommon and It usually stops on its own. He said that after 90 days they would reduce my meds and see. As long as your inr is ok then it shouldn't be a problem. The risk is having a clot from the a-fib not moving the blood the right way. The warfarin will keep that from happening. I was told that some people stay in a-fib and that I could live with it if it couldn't be stopped.
I just checked my blood pressure and pulse rate. The B/P was 170/95 and pulse rate was 85. Both of these were higher than I had in the hospital. My surgery date was 10/20/11. I have an appointment with my cardiologist next Friday and will meet with my surgeon in a month. Any advice you can give is appreciated.
Are you convinced the monitor is accurate? If so a call to your cardiologist is reasonable..Don't be shy. What other meds are you on? I was given Metoprolol lol 25mg 2x a day and Lasix 40mg ... before the bp reducer I felt a pounding in my heart....this calmed it down as my body adjusts....
I just checked my blood pressure and pulse rate. The B/P was 170/95 and pulse rate was 85. Both of these were higher than I had in the hospital. My surgery date was 10/20/11. I have an appointment with my cardiologist next Friday and will meet with my surgeon in a month. Any advice you can give is appreciated.

YOU SHOULD GET TO AN ER STAT BP that high is a sure warning sign ....."if in doubt chaeck it out" should be an OHS mantra
I would say go to the ER now, if you did not do anything after your initial post, and your bp is still high. If it's in normal range, call cardiologist and let him know how high it went yesterday. This is probably not something you want to ignore.

In these early stages when you're not sure what to do, it is always better to err on the side of caution.
The BP issue went away on its own. I just took it this morning and it was 132/85. I went to the cardiologist on Friday and he put me own a low dose of metropol.

Metoprolol is good for keeping the BP and HR in a reasonable range while the heart adjusts to the new plumbing. It's
no fun trying to sleep with your heart pounding in your throat.