Jemez Eagle Dancer

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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
This post arises out of last night?s conversation with my friend, John Toya. John is a traditional healer among the Jemez, and is renowned across the country for his artistry. Among many other accomplishments, John is the the eagle dancer in the pictures I have sometimes referred to.

To me, these are the best and most significant photographs I have ever had the opportunity to take. I am not aware of any similar pictures anywhere. There are longstanding traditions restricting photography amongst many of the Southwest Pueblos, and particularly amongst the Jemez people. All of these restrictions have been meticulously honored in these pictures.

You will often hear the trite and misleading statement that Native Americans are concerned that photographs capture or diminish the soul. Their concerns are more sophisticated than that. Images are seen as powerful, with spiritually important implications. They are to be treated as things of significance.

Last night?s conversation with John was the first time I broached the subject of possibly sharing a picture or two on this site. I described the site as being comprised of people who have had, or are anticipating, heart valve surgery. John asked a very logical question. He asked if that meant there were numbers of people on the forum who needed healing of various sorts-and, of course, I confirmed that there were. I told him that the forum is concerned with healing for the hearts and spirits of it?s members.

One important purpose of the eagle dance is the manifestation of prayers for healing. With this in mind, John immediately gave his permission, hoping that some members might profit from the prayers laid out in the dance, and represented by the photos. It is his way of offering a blessing to our members.

I told John that once things are placed on the net it is impossible to absolutely restrict copying and dissemination of the image. He is willing to give us the benefit of the doubt. Specifically, the image belongs to John Toya and myself. If you want to download it to your own computer you have our permission to do so. This permission is granted on condition that there will be no further distribution of the image in any way, shape or form. Please keep in mind the purpose for which John made the image available. (I will be happy to work with those who want a print-and the print quality would be greatly superior to anything posted on the forum). I have many spectacular pictures, as we took photos for the entire morning.

I am sure John would love to hear any responses from our members, and I would be happy to relay them directly to him.
That gave me chills.

What you share is now growing in stature; from beauty to significance.

Thank you.

Dennis, Please thank John for me and thanks to you of course. By the time I was thru reading your conversation, before I even got to the picture I had tears in my eyes thinking about what a lovely person to care so much and help strangers heal. The picture is gorgeous, the work that must have gone into the costume is unbelievable, but i think my favorite part of the picture is the shadow where it looks like a eagle soaring.

My heart, soul and love is deep within the Native American culture and I am in awe of the gift given to us by John. Thank you for intervening on our behalf. I have no doubt the power of his blessing will be felt by all of us. The photo is amazing and I only wish I could be there someday in person.
My wife will certainly be in love with this. She is a big time Native American fan and enjoys most every aspect of their lives.

Yes, please do give John our thanks also. I understand his concerns and yours as well. Thank you again.
The photo is beautiful, the costume (if that is the correct term) is exquisite.

Dennis, I think you captured a bit of the spiritual power in the eagle shadow. Awesome.

John, you are a very giving man to share your dance with us. Thank you.
John: I thank you for allowing us to share the beautiful picture of you and to Dennis for posting it to us. There is great beauty in the image and each of us can receive the blessing of the dance of healing. Valve Replacement is full of us who need healing. Thank you so very much.
The photo is beautiful, the costume (if that is the correct term) is exquisite.

Dennis, I think you captured a bit of the spiritual power in the eagle shadow. Awesome.

John, you are a very giving man to share your dance with us. Thank you.

Laurie: You raise a good point. At one point I noticed that many of the Native Americans refer to their ceremonial clothing as "Regalia". The use of this very unusual word caught my ear, particularly since it is a fairly obscure term relatively unknown, even to many people for whom English is a first language. This is the explanation John gave to me. Although there are various possible definitions for the word costume, most English speakers use the term to refer to clothing/masks used to hide one's true identity. John's point to me was that the ceremonial clothing you see here reveals his true identity, thereby making the term "costume" misleading. I had to agree he was correct.

At least in the circles I travel in, using the term costume is not likely to draw a correction, but using the term regalia is the mark of one "in the know", and is taken as a sign of knowledge and respect.
Since I have a lot of American Indian in me this picutre touched my soul and my heart. Be sure and thank John for letting you capture this beautiful moment. I love everything about the American Indian. They are very special to me!
I hope you have shared my thoughts, and the thoughts of my family, with John long before now, Dennis.
Thank you both for allowing the greater distribution of your picture.
Like Lyn - I as in tears before I even got to the photo. What a blessing your story and your photo are. Please thank John for his generosity and his willingness to share his gift with us.

When my kids were in high school, our church youth group went on a mission trip to South Dakota to work on Habitat houses. We were invited to attend a Pow Wow on the Pine Ridge reservation because our project manager was a member of the council. The Pow Wow was not open to the public and because of this it was explained that photography was not permitted as many things would occur during the pow wow that were highly protected and highly spiritual. It was the most amazing night and one of the most meaningful worship experiences I have ever had. Reading your story brought back the sound of the drums.

What an honor it is to have John share his gift of spiritual healing with us.
You know they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case I would say it is more than that. WOW

Thank you
Absolutely breathtaking picture Dennis!!

Please convey our thanks to Mr. Toya for bestowing his healing power within the forum community. That is an awesome gift!
As one who is privileged to have a personal copy of this photo ('contest' prize) I can tell that it's even more awesome in the printed form and knowing more of the story behind it makes it even more so. I thank both Dennis who skillfully captured the essence of the prayer and John who offered it. All I can say is "Oh, WOW!"
Dennis, you already know how I feel about this photo.....:)
It really is a world class photo; from it's composition, to it's subject matter. Congratulations again on this accomplishment and many, many thanks to John Toya for his generous spirit.
John, bless you for sharing your image and gift of healing. Here, we come from many walks of life, but are united in our respect for life and the healing of bodies and spirits.

May the eagle, one of the most powerful images, live within us and give us strength, that we may soar above our problems.
Thank-you John for understanding and sharing the gift of healing with us all.

And to you Dennis for everything you have done to make this possible.