inr is 6.4 uggghhhh

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Hi all!
My hubby just took his inr test and it is 6.4
He just had a tooth pulled about 2 weeks ago and the antibiotics gave him such diarreha that he finally stopped taking them. Now tonite he tested his INR and it is really high at 6.4. Should I call the doctor or go to the ER?
I am starting to panic.
Yes, place this in the anti coag forum.
More information may be needed.
When was his last dose of antibiotics?
What is the dosage of warfarin is he on?
What is his range?

Try not to panic - skip a dose. There is a good possibility that the antibiotics have raised his INR - providing the antibiotics have been recently stopped.

Sorry this is all I can offer and try to retest in 3 days.
Re: High INR

Re: High INR

I'd say it is definately the antibiotics. I've had problems every time I take them, but I never went that high (Was up to 5.1 once)

My anticoagulation people told me to be careful about cuts when I was at 5.1 They also said high INR (or low INR) raises danger of stroke or intestinal bleeding.

I'd call my primary care physician (or cardiologist) or failing that the local ER and see what they think you should do.

Good luck.