INR and Temperature

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Active member
Jul 1, 2007
Dublin Ireland

Can someone let me know can your body tempreture affect your INR.

My target range is 3.0. 2 weeks ago I had my blood checked anf my INR was 1.8 my dosage at the time was 57mg a week after the test they upped my dosage to 57mg per week.

I had not missed any doses and my diet was the same. the only difference was the weather was absolutely freezing on the morning of the test as I took my motorbike to the hospital for the test.

On Tuesday I was back for another blood test my INR was 2.7 and they have kept me on 59mg a week only difference was I got the train and walked to the hospital from the railway station so I was a lot warmer than the week before.

so can anyone let me know please does tempreture affect you INR.

Happy new year and thanks

Nope...those are pretty much normal variations.

I took 5mg/day for over 4 years. In that time my INR was anywhere from 2.3 to 4.5. I eat a very consistent diet, get the same amount of exercise, and don't change any of my vitamins or meds. Just one of the quirks of anticoagulation therapy.

3.0 isn't a's a target. Is your target range 2.5-3.5?

Can someone let me know can your body tempreture affect your INR.

so can anyone let me know please does tempreture affect you INR.

Depends on who you ask. I have noticed, over the past few years, that my need for warfarin declines a little in the winter (my INR goes up). I think it is more likely due to decreased activity and exercise rather than temperature....but quite frankly I don't know.
I'd say it's more of a blip then anything. Temperature doesn't seem to have a whole lot of effect unless it's ungodly hot and your dehydrated.
Iv been wondering the same thing. I had my blood checked 2 days ago and it came back reading 1.3....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk. I was taking 5mg daily and dont think Iv ever been that low. The doctor told me to take 8mg last night and 6mg each day and test again in a week. He seemed to think I must have missed a dose but Im positive I didnt as I have a pill box.
One thing I have noticed, during winter our food supply comes from different areas of the world/country. INR does seem to change with location, so it may be the different soils and such that our food sources are grown in or what they eat from.
I think Ross might be on to something about where the food we eat is sourced. The planet is a small place now and soils in one place can vary wildly in their use of pesticides and so on. pardon the pun but certainly food for thought !

Not ours, at least for the meals we eat at home. We never buy vegetables or fresh fruit at the grocery that's not a product of the USA.

That's why it's slash Country. Even inside our own borders, nutrient values differ from area to area. ;)

It seems different soils provide different nutrients, then the grazing beasts get different diets too.

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