Incision opening

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Active member
Jan 29, 2009
Concord NH
My incision opened at both ends a little. The top one does not seem to be getting better or worst just staying the same. Very littel drainage. The bottom one has white stuf that VNA has got me trying to get it out and some did however no more has come out. My incision in between is sensitive but about 1 inch from the incision on both dsides is very sore now. At night about 6 pm everything gets achy my neck, shoulders, whole chest area etc. Today I am achy like that since I woke up. I don't know what to do with all this.

I am sorry to hear that you are going through this. Any white discharge with the pain you are experiencing is serious. You need to get seen by your doctor as soon as you can. Are you running a fever too? Infections are nothing to fool around with after OHS.

Good luck to you.
I spent an extra five days in the hospital after surgery because my incision leaked just a little bit.My surgeon told me I couldn't be discharged till the bandage was dry for 24 hours.He said if an infection gets into your sternum it can be life yes get it checked out.Better safe than sorry!!
Please get it checked. Better to be safe than sorry.
Hope your doctor cleans it up and says it's fine.
Best Wishes.
Well ER visit with blood cultures, blood work and nothing yahoo. but on Tuesday I was admitted to the hospital for INR 1.4 and my parameter is 2.0-2.5. Heparin and I got home last night late I hope this is not the course forever I hope we can get it under control!
my incision top oozed for a few weeks. Home nurse cleaned it with sterile saline solution followed by antib cream.
And yes, it is very common for the INR to drop in the first couple of weeks.
Don't worry.