In Cleveland @ CC

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Hot Rod Harry

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2006
Ready to be poked and prodded tomorrow, Tue, and Wed. I hope all goes well, and to get a fresh perspective on what's going on.

Got to fast for 12 hrs, which will likely end up being 15... I did stop drinking coffee this last week, and as a result I'm even more tired.. Night to everyone.
Good luck! Been there, done that. It'll be a long couple of days, but you'll have it all behind you in no time. The CC is amazing!!
I hope you got a good night's sleep, Harry. Let us know what you find out.
Best of luck with everything. I'm waiting to be scheduled at the CC myself. It is an amazing place and I know you will get the best care possible.
Just had surgery at CC....I know the pre-testing can be a long couple of days......but gets them all the info they need. Keep us posted.
harry i just got home from CC and i will tell you that i wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else for my surgery atleast any smaller of a hospital. i know the next little while is going to hard for you but just try to get as much rest as you can. i am still trying to tell myself that now even now that i have made it home. Who is your surgeon going to be. I had mihaljevic and he seemed to be an excellent surgeon. he was able to tell my family right after my surgery just want my condition was caused from.
I hope all goes smoothly for you. Good luck & keep your hands off my nurses.

Ha ha, too late.. I'm a single 43 yr old man, and let me tell you, I saw plenty of beautiful women today. If only I was feeling better....

Went well today. Got there at 7:30, and was done by 11:15. Blood work, ultrasound on my neck, x-ray, CAT scan, and a consultation over those things with a cardiologist.

He said that my arteries look great, no clogging in the neck. He did back up the statement that my home cardiologist said, that the chest pain I feel is not heart related. He says stress related, or muscle. Over all, things so far look great, other than the leaking valve.

I expect to know more in depth tomorrow, after the heart cath, and echo. Meeting with the surgeon, Dr Pettersson on Wed.

I wont rant on about the long wait for the shuttle. I met an older couple from Chicago this morning, I told them about the site, and i think I'll write it down for them & give it to them. Doesn't hurt to spread knowledge. Thanks to all for the prayers and good wishes. I'm feeling better today than I did yesterday. I'm not as stressed, in spite of all the needles.

Anyone know how long it takes to get the dye from the CAT out of your system? I forgot to ask. I'm drinking water like crazy..
Anyone know how long it takes to get the dye from the CAT out of your system? I forgot to ask. I'm drinking water like crazy..

Glad that all wet well for you. Hope you continue hearing good news.

As I was told with regards to the dye: if you drink it, it takes about three days, if given intraveneously, it takes about 5 days. In both cases, it is of great help if you drink more fluids to wash it out.

Good luck. :)
Its funny how for many people (self included) get calmer as the surgery gets closer.

It sounds like you had a pretty good day with the testing. Its a hassle but necessary. I took comfort in the fact that the surgeon, Dr. Pettersson for me too, had all this information about me at his disposal going into the procedure.

When I met with him for the first time we talked about valve options and that Mechanical made the best choice given my age (43). He recommended an On-X and that was what I wanted anyway based on the research I had completed at that point. After you meet with him you will come away knowing you have an absolute top shelf surgeon.

I had to comment about the pretty girls comment. When I woke up in ICU I had a nurse who was 24ish, very pretty girl, and just fantastic at what she does. Nursing is her calling for sure. I don't remember her name, probably because I was loaded most of the time, but she was blond and an absolute saint. When I was moved upstairs it was like a frickin Grey's Anatomy episode ! A whole bunch of pretty people workin in the Cardiac unit !

Give Dr P a shout out for me, I actually owe him a photo. When I ran the 1/2 marathon last month I thought I should send him one, he would probably appreciate knowing his work is be put to good use.
I'm glad to hear that you got some good news today. Hope the rest of your visit goes well and that you are soon on your way to feeling better.
