Ian day 4

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
Ian is still doing better and better...the fluid in his tissues added 12 lbs to his pre-surgical weight so the Doctor prescribed something to make him pee like crazy and he is lost all puffiness. He is off oxygen and has done a flight of stairs
He might come home tomorrow if his heart beat slows down a bit....its kinda racing a bit right now... other than that he's super-dooper...
Thanks again... this has been so nice talking to you guys....Rose
Steady progress, sounds good. (Nice to get rid of the fluid before he leaves--I couldn't get into my shoes when I dressed to leave.)
Hope you're taking care of yourself, Rose.
I remember those puffy ankles and feet....i took the diuretic pill, lost the fluid, but also lost too much potassium and my heart rate went up to 170 in the middle of the night. You may want to ask about his potassium level. I got a supplement.
Good news to hear how well he is now doing.
I gained 17 pounds during surgery last year and was not permitted to leave the hospital until it was all gone. With lasix, it was gone in 2 or 3 days. They kept checking my potassium as some diuretics can sap potassium.

Hope the news continue to be good and Ian has a bump free recovery.