I want to vent! My leg hurts!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all---
Many of you know my long, convoluted story post-op. For those of you who don't, here's the Reader's Digest version: Eight months post-op, my right foot turned cold. I found out that I had scar tissue inside my femoral artery at the groin (from the heart-lung bypass port access). My cardio did a balloon angioplasty. This was three years ago. After a few ABI tests, MRAs, and a lower-extremity study as follow-ups the past three years, everything has been fine since with the exception that I get severe leg pain periodically (especially with cold weather).

I've taken up running over the past few weeks in an effort to increase my activity and keep my weight stable. The past few times I've run (about two weeks now), I've had some pain in my right leg. Today was the worst. I went out for my run, and I began having severe pain running from my groin to my calf. It got so bad that I had to drag myself home, almost. I was in tears when I got home which concerned my husband, and he had me put in a call to my cardio. (I'm due to have an exercise ABI in a couple weeks to determine if the scar tissue regrowth has further impeded the blood flow in my artery--this is based on my latest ABI test, which my cardio ordered because I had a day in December when my leg hurt so much that I could barely function).

My cardio called me back, he had me check my foot--it was pink and I could determine a slight pulse--and he told me to stop running. He wants me to walk, but not run. He seemed overall unconcerned, which isn't a bad thing, but he wants me to call his nurse tomorrow if I continue to have pain there tomorrow.

The thing that really pisses me off is that I have not run in nearly 18 years--in high school, my pediatric cardio made me quit track because the stress of running then was affecting my valve--so it has felt like a major personal accomplishment to be able to run again, and now I can't--AGAIN. I hate that I'm 34 years old and have circulatory problems in my leg! I feel like I'm too young to be dealing with this. I hate that I have leg/groin pain almost all the time, that I can't enjoy some activities because my leg will cramp up, that I feel like an old lady because of it. Technically I have peripheral artery disease, and I'm just tired of dealing with this! That and the stuff with my insurance really has me pissed off big time.

I'm sorry to whine--I know there are people out there who are dealing with far worse--but I'm just tired of the constant pain.
Have you been to a vascular specialist? Maybe there is something they could do to improve the circulation in that area.
No, I haven't. My cardio feels that as long as I have color and a pulse in my foot, I'm OK, and that the leg pain is nothing to get overly concerned about. He's reluctant to send me to a cardiovascular surgeon without having a legitimate reason (my foot starts turning blue and/or the stenosis in the artery is enough to warrant surgery).

Frankly, I'd rather have the scar tissue removed, but I do understand that doing so would require major surgery. That may not be a permanent solution, either.
Does keeping it warm help any? I know when chemo trashed the large veins in my arm, the onco told me to keep it warm, and I did for quite a while. Things are better now, but it did ache for a long time. His thought to me was that the vascular system heals very, very slowly and may not come back 100%, ever. But I guess it did come back enough to not cause the ache now.

I hope it gets better for you.

Vent away -- that's what we are here for. Goodness knows, I have done MORE than my share of venting.

I wish I had an answer, but at least I have best wishes to send you. Hope the docs get to the source of this pain and have a solution for you.

This is the perspective of a senior, so it may not be what you want to hear, but IMHO if you have to trade running for walking, that's not such a bad swap. I was a runner for years, was really into it, but now I look forward eagerly to two walks a day. Running was good for the psyche --got the "runner's high" from time to time -- but not so sure it was great long-term for my body. My knees are not in great shape, and I think the pounding on the pavement took a toll. Anyway, just my opinion, walking brings its own share of joys -- being able to pause and enjoy a gorgeous sunset, or examine a wildflower, to watch the antics of a shorebird. I think I enjoy my surroundings now more as a walker than I did as a runner. Anyway, just passing along my thoughts, along with my best wishes.
I am very sorry you have such pain. I don't have an answer for you but am wondering if running on a softer surface might be better? Did you run on asphalt before? Have yoy tried running in the woods or a soft indoor track to see if that makes a difference? I am a former athlete who had to give up running and I have replaced it with other sports like nordic walking, inline skating or cycling, swimming etc. I hope you will find a solution to your problem but maybe switching to other activities will bring you the same joy and less pain!
Best wishes
I too am sorry to read of this problem, not even realized such a thing could happen. I agree with Superbob, in the grand scheme of things, not running is not necessarily a bad thing, other than the existence of pain as a reason to stop. I also agree with Nancy, seeing a vascular expert is a good idea. Many advances in medical science have been made, of which your cardio may be unaware. You may also need a new cardiologist.
AVR with ATS Open pivot, and Tricuspid repair
As others have said, maybe running is not in the cards for you. BUT, how about "speed walking"? I have a neigbor who does competitive walking, 5ks, 1/2 marathons, relays, etc. She is in amazing shape and trys for 5 miles a day. She went through brain surgery a year ago and it only slowed her down for about 3 months!

I had some pain in my extremities after my AVR and that turned out to be the Amiodorone. After cutting the dosage back 50% the pain went away.

Hi Deb. I do sympathize with you. I really like to look at the positive side but sometimes orthopedic pain issues can make it difficult. Do you also get cramping in the leg or is it always, like you described, shooting from groin to foot? Does the pain interfere with other activities? If the problem is solely the scar tissue and not accompanied by a nerve problem then I would push to have the scar tissue removed.
While running has never been my thing, I can certainly understand your frustration when you can't physically do the thing you want to. Despite what your cardio says, I would certainly explore your other options... if for no other reason than to make sure you're doing everything you can. Would hate for you to look back at this time and always wonder. I sure hope things can work out to your satisfaction.
Hi Deb. I can not run either. However, you can run in the deep part of a pool. We have a nat by our home and I will go and put a belt on and go in the deep water with a float belt and run. That is HARD! Or do aerobics in the water. The best thing about it is it puts no stress on your joints and you are truly getting a workout. Or just swim. I really enjoyed it. Just a thought. Hope the doctor can help you.
Debbie, Sorry you are dealing with so much I can understand your frustration. I may be(heck probably am) totally off base, but since you are having so much pain and your foot is warm with good color, is it possible you have something else in addition to the scar issues, that could be causing the shooting pain? What you describe the burning shooting pain from groin to foot, especially when you are running sounds exactly like part of my back problems. Sciatica. Mine also is worse in winter http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/sciatica/DS00516/DSECTION=symptoms
Hi, everyone--

Sorry it's been a couple days in getting back, but I realize that running is not good for me. I have been walking briskly since I started my weight loss last summer, and I even go to Curves. Those have been really good for me in increasing my well-being and my weight loss. Looking back, I also realize that the leg pain has occurred when I'm exercising, just not as bad as the alarming pain I had Thursday evening. I've always chalked it up to my PAD. I went for a walk down to our local Starbucks with the Hubster yesterday morning, and this afternoon I went for my usual jogging route, but I walked. My leg hurt both times, but as my cardio says with PAD, I will have pain sometimes with exertion.

Anyway, I've added a link to an article I saw just now on Yahoo--I'm no marathon runner (far from it!), but interesting what these Greek doctors discovered (by the way, my cardio is Greek--haha!--kind of ironic for me to read this, especially with my cardio having explained to me that running is hard on my artery).


I am hoping, though, that I can get this scar tissue thing resolved. Even though it's not causing a great risk to my lifestyle, it does cause me some pain. Maybe it's time to get the scar tissue removed. We'll see after my next test.

Thanks, everyone, for you love and support and words of wisdom!
I'm sorry to hear about the pain you are having to deal with Debbie & I sure hope that you find some relief soon. But perhaps you could trade running for some fast walking instead & still get the exercise & benefit that you are looking for?

I haven't been able to run for years due to a bum knee & now my heart situation, but I still get good results when I walk, and mind you, I don't do that very fast either.

Hope you feel better soon! :)
Sorry to hear of your troubles Deb! But don't get bummed out about not running, walking is just as good. That's what I do these days as well. Was asked not to run after my last stress VO2.