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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
Just trying to see if I could start a new thread. Hope this finds everyone well. I just wanted to ask if there are any other spouces that would like to talk about adjustments and anything else that they might be going through. cathy
Hi Cathy-

Don't know what you mean by adjustments, yourself or your loved one, but I can tell you that I have probably gone through just about every adjustment that you can imagine throughout my husband's very long medical history.

Why not ask specific questions, and you will get good answers. If I can help, I will.
Just trying to see if I could start a new thread. Hope this finds everyone well. I just wanted to ask if there are any other spouces that would like to talk about adjustments and anything else that they might be going through. cathy

Hi Cathy,
Sure we can talk about adjustments. Just let me know what kind you mean. Heart, Marital, Mental? For myself I can say that my heart is now mended and I'm living my life having as much fun as I can. Marital; I've been married for 33 years and yea we have made some adjustments. My husband has several medical issues which sometimes tie us down a little. Mental; Yes I am mental, I can pretty much say I have been crazy for years. So, welcome to this goup of wild and zany people and just ask any question you like, there is always someone around that will pipe up with an answer.:D
well, as for me, I was all alone and adjusted well to myself - the dogs didn't seem to mind either. whatever comes along, you will adjust. the main worry is pre and for a little while after surgery. You will be running on 'gas' during that time. Then, whatever his limitations are, if any, your doctor will talk to you about it and you can also ask in here. this group has been through everything. nothing is banned for discussion or even private messaging.

Nancy is our real veteran. Her dear Joe was ill for a long time and she walked the path right here in vr.

just ask - we'll answer.
Nancy, sounds like you are a trouper and after going through all you have with one you loved you are a wonderful women may God always bless you!!! I say this cause I always admired my mom for standing by my dad who had lung cancer to the end. Not to go on and on but I just wanted to say I admire strong women like so much!!!!!
