I am home since the 12th of September

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Miracle Believer
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2008
Southern California
Dear all,

I am home!!:) I came home last Friday evening after I stayed eleven days in the hospital to get my INR in range. I apologize that I did not write before despite I sent daily messages to you all from my mind and 'heart'. I was a bit confused, distracted, over-worried which I think is a normal reaction when we go home and there are no doctors or nurses around us to calm our fears and doubts. I was happy to be back in my bed, but unable to focus on reading or writing:confused: sitting by myself listening to prayers only - no radio,no tv. My heart beats are still high and I can feel the 'thump, thump, thump' but do not hear the 'tic, tic, tic' except at nights and when my neck is in a certain position. So far, I am not complaining as I was worried about the 'ticking sound' when I am a very light sleeper and sensitive. The ticking when I heart is sounds far away coming from a valley, but the thumping is hard and disturbs me especially on wake up during the night and early in the mornings. I have been improving every day and today I can say I am feeling better than anyday before the surgery. I feel 'pleasantly' tired, unlike before, and I feel rested after a nap, unlike before when no naps refreshed me. I hope I continue like this without any surprises later. A nurse comes three times a week to check on the incision, BP, draw blood and let me know in the aternoon which Warfarin dosage to take. I alternate by taking 10mg on odd days, and 7.5 on even days. Yesterday I had the fright of my life -- I took the 10mg instead of the 7.5 mg and got very scared the moment I swallowed it and realized what I did. I could not sleep, called the pharmacist who could not help nor did want to take responsibility, I did not feel like going to emergency, as I hope I shall never need to go to hospital again. I was so scared and worried, and asked my husband to bring me a head of lettuce:D which I gobbled hoping it might help. Does it help?! Then, I called the poison hotline and the angel who answered the phone was so sweet and calmed my fears down and I was able to sleep. The side effect of all this was short breaths or sighs I kept taking all today. The previous nights, I would wake up real sweaty and I was worried of having light heart attacks!!:eek::eek: I am so embarrased about all the unnecessary fears and worried I have been having and trying to concentrate on doing my breathing exercise, walking in front of the house, eating little bites, and taking naps and resting. I hope I continue my recovery without any surprises.
I apologize again for not having written earlier and thanks again for all your help and support. I have you all in my prayers.:)
Welcome home! Your feelings all sound familiar to me! I had night sweats for awhile, and couldn't focus to read, or even watch tv for a week or so.Sounds like you are on a good road of recovery now. All the best, Brian
Welcome to the other side of the mountain, Eva, and welcome home! I really enjoyed reading your post, even though you had a scare with the Coumadin dose. It's great to read that you're feeling better and better, and I liked the part where you wrote that now you feel refreshed after a nap versus the way you felt before surgery. I wish you the very best for a continued great recovery!

It sounds normal Eva and now that you have one day that you feel better than before surgery, I hope each and every day gets better. Best wishes for a complete and easy recovery.
home is a good place to be. If ever you do have a problem like that with the warfarin again, try posting here - someone is likely to be here at all hours, because we have members from all across the world, and therefore on all time zones.

best wishes for a smooth and boring recovery - some worries are part of the process, you will get there. Sounds like you are doing the right things.
Welcome home Eva. I've been thinking about you, hoping that everything was okay and it sounds like it is.
I think it took me a good 2 months before I could focus on the computer or to read anything.........mind just wasn't there..............maybe it still isn't.....can't spell worth a hoot.
Take one day at a time and don't over do things.
Be good to yourself.
Welcome home Eva! I'm so glad to hear that you're making steady progress. And as time goes by, you will get to feeling stronger & better every day.

Take care of yourself & if you have any questions or worries about anything, please let us know. We're always around! :)
Eva welcome home! thanks for typing all of that for us....you must be tired.
You sound very normal to me: thumping heart, worried about meds, etc.
All of those things will decrease every week and the more enjoyable things will increase.
Take it slow and easy.
So glad you are home!! Sounds as if you are doing pretty good. I pray things will continue to go well and you can feel better everyday. Don't worry about the dose of coumadin your on. I'm on the same dose and I think Norma is too. It might seem high to some people but your have a double valve replacement. I'm surprised you have'nt heard them yet. :D Well you behave yourself and get plenty of rest. I look forward to hearing more later. God Bless!!

Hi Eva ~ I'm glad you're home and are doing better. Best wishes for a quick recovery. Take care, Dawn-Marie
Thanks for your good wishes. I shall keep you and Curtis in my daily prayers. May God gives you the strength as this must be too hard on you, and may He protect and grant Curtis the best in his life.
It's great to read that you're feeling better and better, and I liked the part where you wrote that now you feel refreshed after a nap versus the way you felt before surgery. I wish you the very best for a continued great recovery!


Thanks, Jim

This is so true and it bothered me that neither naps nor the mornings were giving me a fresh feeling like now--it is such a beautiful feeling which I had not felt in many long years, even the fatigue I feel is pleasant unlike the fatigue I felt before the surgery. Thanks for your encouragements.

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