How much do you BRUISE?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
I am not on coumadin,
I only take one 81 aspirin daily.
Yet, I bruise easily and a lot.
Most of the time I don't even know it until I see it.
"hmmmmm,,,I wonder how I did that!"
Maybe it's just a combination of aspirin and progressing age (67)

Anyway...How 'bout you?
I'm assuming that you have a physical exam every so often including a complete blood workup....if that checks out fine, then maybe it is just the Aspirin's effect on your platelets. I take Coumadin, and when I was taking the additional daily Aspirin I found that I had more nose bleeds, etc.
Meh......I take 5mg of coumadin and also 81 aspirin and I haven`t bruised or had nose bleeds as of yet. i guess everyone`s different.
I'm on 6mg of warfarin and I punch the bathroom door last night. I now have one knuckle that is slightly red with a tinge of purple.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd say I'm a 7 for bruising easily.
I went in for a cardioversion on 12/23. Prior to the cardioversion, an IV was inserted into my right bicep. The next morning my wife pulled off the bandage and left a big bruise. Aside from taking some skin off with the bandage, I had a bruise that is still visible.

I am on 5 mg of Coumadin M-W-F and 6 mg the remaining days. Prior to my surgery, I did not bruise easily.

I was somewhat of a banana prior to warfarin use - and still am. No difference in the amount of bruising I have. It is the same now as it was before my VR.
May I just point out that the actual amount of Coumadin/warfarin taken daily does not affect bruising.
It is the higher INR readings that could affect bruising.
My Mom never had ACT in her life, and she bruised very easily.
OMG I also bruise very easily. Big ugle purple and blue horrible looking bruises!! Before my surgery I was taking Atenolol for the A-fib and also 81mg of Aspirin everyday. Ever since I started I noticed how much easier I bruised and how I would never even notice the bump or anything until I (or sometimes others) would see the resulting large ugly looking bruise. And I hate it--it makes me look like a battered wife or something. My bf sometimes sees them and gets upset that why aren't I taking better care of myself but honestly I'm not a clumsy person or anything but any single bump seems to result in a large ugle bruise that takes a while to heal.

Now I am on 5mg of coumadin plus the aspirin and it's still a problem but I'm not sure that the coumadin really adds to the problem or not--I'm thinking it is still the aspirin.
I have always bruised easily, and so did my mother - she had to stop spanking us with her bare hands the day she burst all the blood vessels in her hand by taking a swipe at my younger sister's butt! Haven't noticed any difference - yeah, maybe I have, I think I might get them in places I didn't before, like my stomach. I rarely know what has caused them, but if I wander around enough, I can usually match them up with the corner of a table or a cupboard door or an open drawer that I could have walked into !
I've always bruised easily. So does my mom (not on ACT). We enjoy comparing our bruises of unknown origin to see whose are "best". We are both fairly pale, so it could be just that they show up more. The worst places seem to be my butt and thighs. Like Cooker, the only difference for me since going on Warfarin is that they seem to take longer to go away. Unlike Cooker, I refuse to get older, so it can't be that!
I bruise easily only if inr readings are higher.

Tried to post a picture of my leg during my high inr in

sept,during my catherization,it wouldn't post and sides its

quit bad looking for a bruise,may affend our veiwers and

scare off someone first time getting a cath,but my inr was 3.6

at time of cath and resulted in bleed,left me bruised from upper leg

to bottom of foot,it was ugly.whole legs black and purple:eek:

took about a month to look like normal again.

zipper2 (DEB)