How long were you in the hospital?

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I had surgery on Tuesday and was discharged on Sunday. I could have gone home earlier, but I still had pretty significant chest tube drainage. Also, the day before was the 4th of July and I decided I would sleep better in the hospital where I couldn't hear the neighbors shooting off firecrackers all night long.
I was in the hospital for three days before surgery and was released on the 6th post-op day. What a wonderful surprise.......though I still felt like I had been run over by a truck1

No idea how long I was in the hospital for my first surgery (November 1977) ... I was too young to know the difference anyway ;).

For my second surgery (March 1987), I had the surgery on a Tuesday and was home by Friday.

For my third surgery (January 2003), the surgery was done on Monday ... I was home Saturday.

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track" ... Dolly Parton ... 'Hard Candy Christmas'
I went in Thursday, had the surgery Thursday, went home Sunday morning - it amazes me that they can do that...they are so I did everything they said...walk walk walk
I went in at 5:30AM on a Wednesday morning for surgery and was discharged at 10AM on Sunday morning, so 4 days. My surgery started around 8AM and lasted 6+ hours (my surgeon tried to repair my valve before deciding against it and moving forward with the Ross Procedure. Because of that I was H-L bypass for 4 hours.My surgery was over around 2:30PM and I was weaned off of the vent at around 7:30PM. The next morning everything looked good so they pulled my two main chest tubes and just left the J-tube in and I was sent to the step-down unit at 10AM. I ended up walking one lap around the step-down unit twice that afternoon. I may have gone home Saturday but I had not performed one of the required actions before they would release you (we finally got that taken care of Saturday evening using some "proactive measures").


:eek: :D
Ross, you must have gotten to know the entire hospital staff on a first name basis. A whole new sphere of friends.
Ross, we all know that you are "special" in so many ways! But definitely not normal!
I was in on Thursday and out the next Thursday. I had a low grade fever that the Doc wanted gone so I took it with me when I left the hospital. The fever was gone about three or four days after I got home.
slow recovery
took a week
They finally kicked me out when I went around singing
at the top of my lungs that song from ANNIE.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I might go home tomorrow,
it's only a dayyyy awayyyy!" :D
In the UK I think we normally stay in longer. I was admitted on the Wednesday for then had surgery on Thursday afternoon, discharged Sunday of the following week the readmitted on the Thursday for another week with heart block.
I stayed in the hospital for 8 days, despite the fact I was in such critical condition when I first went in for surgery. Was supposed to be intubated for about a week, but instead 1 1/2 days. Was on room air by day 5 and was stable enough to go home (120 mile drive) before Christmas 2007. Lots of prayer for my recovery helped considerably.
A day extra with a urinary tract infection, so that and including my surgery as a day... tuesday surgery, sunday release....6 days.

:) Marguerite
The first time around March 1982), I was in Duke University Hospital long enough to become a resident of North Carolina (46 days). A nice place for a young feller to be during the spring, as I was a college freshman myself at the time in Virginia.
The second time around, in 2001, went in for testing, etc on Monday, Feb 5. Had surgery the next day. Was a long procedure, my wife and my hospital bill both says about 12 hours worth of repair work. I would like to know what took that long, I have not ordered a copy of my records to look at. While walking around two days later, went into a-fib. Cardioversion attempt the next day was an event I hope never to experience again (never been hit that hard). Finally got the a-fib semi controlled and INR up by Thursday of the next week. After nearly 8 years, I still only have the A-fib semi controlled. But, it is still good just to be on this side of the dirt:D.
First time around my son was in for 14 days but had a collapsed lung.
Second surgery 7 days, could of been 6 but the nurse messed up his blood tests.
From Feb. 1st - Feb. 15th. My surgery was on the 4th.
I had some pericardial effusion post op and trouble hitting
my INR target. I remember being upset having to be in the
hospital on Valentine's alot of candy,flowers though:)
11-12 Wednesday night out Sunday week and a half later...that includes 5 1/2 days in ICU in drug induced coma...I did pretty darn well to get out so quickly after my double surgery and a major oops actually.
My surgery was on Monday, went home Saturday morning.
Would have been Friday morning but they aggravated an old rib injury during the surgery. It took a whole day to convince them it had nothing to do with my heart.
Eight days in CICU and four days in Stepdown Cardiac wing. I had some complications from mitral replacement due to cariomyopathy. Three months out, I'm feeling really good.
