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It is, of course, the world's most beautiful beaches - the sand is whiter than anyone else's and the water is greener! And just look at that sunset. See if they can guess!
Let me guess

Let me guess

(supposed to be working right now-on the clock-so I'll be quick)

It is beach sand, so I would say----Gulf of Mexico in the winter---tada!:D :D

Although-would like to compare to picture of young studs in boats if you wouldn't mind!;)

Fake snow in George--ahaa--we have the real stuff here. Nothing like skiing on fresh powder snow. Kam is a cutie with no ski poles. Gee, I still use my poles - part of my safe skiing program I promised my doc I would do. Actually, I love when going up the chair lift to look down on the little ones and watch them go. It is amazing-no fear.

OK-back to work. :)
Didn't see your post Ann,

I think you are maybe talking about the adoption finalization that was this morning in your fair city?? Just talked to Connie on the phone but hadn't seen your post.

Will check with her when she gets home. I need to get the Lasagna out of the oven before it burns, forgot it till I smelled it.

My lasagna bubbled over in the oven, oh well can't make an omlette with out breaking a few eggs. I cook a lot and make lots of mess. I am a good janitor type, too. I need to get a job, spending entirely too much time around the house. Gaining weight on my diet
Ann, yes

Connie said she talked with your sister and made the connection.

You are right a wonderful beautiful event. Connie has one of those jobs where she really knows that she makes a difference in children's lives. For any not knowing my wife Connie is an adoption case worker, and very good at it, if I do say so myself. She and the folks she works with are unfairly damaged by the bad press the State of Florida has gotten in recent times about the children in the state's care. Of course, your sister plays a very important role, as well.


And Best

Jackie does all kinds of civic work besides the business that she runs. I remember it well the day she went off to guardian ad litem school to learn - been quite a few years now. It is so very needed and rewarding, but also very frustrating for her. She sees the other side of life that we don't know anything about and suffers with it. She has spoken many times of quitting, but she's still in there fighting for these children. Bless 'em all. Thanks, Connie. And thanks, Jackie.
Fake my Fanny

Fake my Fanny

Sky Valley had 6 in. on Jan. 15th and 2 more on the 24th..:p :p Yes. they do blow the stuff at night.:p :p Sorry gisele but I will put my Smokey Mountains up against the White Mts. anytime. We were there last fall.....O.K. Ram..I'm ready for you:D Also ..stopped at a maple factory..for what I paid for a bottle of Vermont Maple syrup..I could have bought a gallion of Log Cabin..Rip-off..:mad: Better hush before I lose my New England friends..:eek: :eek: Bonnie
Better yet, Bonnie - find a neighbor with a cane patch, have him grind some cane, get the juice, boil it down and you've got good old cane syrup. I remember the cane grinding every year when I was little - but don't like cane syrup - prefer our yankee friends' maple every time. Especially the fresh syrup. Sooooo good.:cool:
Now Bonnie....

Now Bonnie....

Ya won't lose me that easily. ;)

As far as the syrup goes, you probably overpaid in a tourist store. I grew up on the the real stuff as my mother is from Canada and would never use the fake syrup. I won't order pancakes in a restaurant if they only have the fake stuff. I just don't like it. My husb and kids will eat anything though lol.

Ann-here is some fresh maple sryup for your pancakes tomorrow morning......

As for skiing in the Smokie Mtns. I never had the opportunity, but I am sure it is wonderful. Who knows, maybe some day.......
The Real Stuff

The Real Stuff

Christies Maple Syrup...8 oz. for $4.30....Lancaster, New opened for that price. Keep for a souverneir.. Ann, We have the sorgum syrup festival every year in Blairsville, Ga. with the mules turning the wheels grinding the cane. Yum that stuff dripping out of trees.:D :D
Yup, Maple Syrup is the best. Sugaring time is just around the corner in these parts. Maybe I'll go out and hang a few buckets on some of our sugar maples, but I can't wade through the 36 inches of snow. It's too cold (minus 5 this morning) and too early. But all the schools have trips to the sugar maple farms as a class outing. I love maple sugar candy.

T think it takes about 14 buckets of sap to make a pint of maple sugar syrup, or something like that. That's why it's so expensive, and it takes forever to boil it down.
When family members chance to go 'up yonder' they bring back the real maple syrup and it is just the best - good on biscuits or catheads at they call biscuits here, too. Thanks, Gisele, time for breakfast real soon - gives me ideas.
Umm, Maple syrup.. ....Pretty much hate the stuff, prefer fake made with sugar, some corn syrup and maple flavor.
Just a goofy personal preference.

But, as for the price. $30 per quart would be cheap considering the work, time and energy(heat) required to collect, boil down, and bottle the "liquid gold", As Nancy said it takes a lot of sap to make syrup depending on the sugar content of the sap running in any given season.

I had a friend up north that did it as a labor of love and I used to help him once in a while. His was as good as it gets, too. Just not my thing, I guess. He always gave me a couple of quarts of the stuff which I promptly gave away to those more gourmet than myself. My in laws and my business partner, namely.

This is just one of those things along with steak that I don't waste my money or time on. Now there are a few things that I will and do. Fresh seafood, biscuits and gravy, grits, fresh aspargas, wild blackberries(boy do I have a yard full of those) and wild blueberries or strawberries.
Funny you shouldn't like the maple syrup, Bill - being from up yonder. Like me, from down here, I don't care for the cane syrup nor the citrus and we used to have about 30 citrus trees in the yard - all kinds, tangerines, grapefruit and several different orange types including navels. And in that area of Florida (central) there are groves everywhere that isn't occupied by cattle ranches. Only time we used the juices was when we threw a Christmas blowout party. Just not my taste.

As to steaks, beef is hard to digest, has a lot of stuff your body doesn't need (cholesterol, for one and fat) and bad for your diet that you say you are on??? Love some of it like ground steak but they can keep the rest.

And since Sheza is from Corpus, could that beach be on the Texas coast? I know there is one over there because I saw it when I was in Houston once upon a time.


Leaving 3 weeks from today :D :D :D headed to Miami for one night, then leaving on an 8 day cruise to the Carribbean. Going to St. Martin, Martinique, and Barbatos. This is a Carnival Cruise, and I have never gone on their ships, only Royal Carribbean. Not quite sure what to expect. The ship I will be on is the Spirit-chose a private balcony room--can't wait!:D :D

Has anyone ever gone on the Spirit?
Oh it is the Gulf of Mexico in winter. The young stud took the picture about 30 years after that time in his life, now he's just not young.

Some where we have pictures of a Christmas scene, tree, presents people all bundled up (many transplants do that when they see the dunes). The sand is so white, they use snow fence to contol drifting and from the right angle you can not tell that it is sand. So it looks like a winter snow scene in the photos.

Any way a sure sign of spring in my front yard, saw this guy sunning him self on the tops of my azalias. No blossoms yet:
Bonnie, what are the chances of getting captured by Cherokee indians in those smokies? oh yeah have you ever heard of --Ida Cason- Calloway Gardens in Georgia?

Gisele, is that a french name? Where in Canada? ( your family) Have you ever sliid( whats the past tense of ski?):D at Mt. Cranmore? My 1st ever skiing event at age 50 was there. I have an interesting story on my 2nd time. I'll tell you when you get back and settle back in to the drudgery of life in the real world.
Go ahead have fun in the fantasy world, you deserve a break from this world.:cool:

bon voyage!! no, no Bonnie not you, COME BACK HERE!!
Hey Ram

Hey Ram

My mother was born in Shawnigawn Sud about 8 hours north of here. There were seven of us children and when my mother would get homesick we would all pile in the car and go up to Canada (that was before seat belts). Sometimes we would even come home that same day!

Never skied Mt. Cranmore, going to Waterville this weekend, and hopefully Pat's Peak on 2/7th. Trying to get some skiing in while it is still good. :D

I would love to hear your skiing story. Age 50, huh? You're never too old to try anything! Good for you! You can tell me anytime, I don't leave for fantasy land for another three weeks, so go ahead, fill me in! Maybe one of these days we can show up in Georgia and show Bonnie how we New Englanders ski :D ...LOL (signing up for a few private lessons before I go down-but don't tell her). LOL
Oh, Bill - what a scare - I was so startled at your last picture. The thing I am most afraid of in this world is a snake - any kind. Yet, I live among 'em but I sure watch every step I take when outside. What kind is it? Came within 6 inches of a coral snake in the yard one year. Taught me to be very careful. Didn't even know they had them here, but I took a good look and searched my snake book. Lordy, Lordy the snakes are moving already. My hound dog, Miss Sally Sue was bitten by a poisonous one, but managed to get through it - she will carry the fang marks all her life, tho. Your azaleas look pretty good. Ought to be in bloom before long - haven't seen camelias yet - where are they. Should be in bloom by now. When they bloom here, I will snap a shot to show the folks - Folks, they look like roses.