How cold are You?

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Down to 6 below

Down to 6 below

It's suppose to get down to 6 below tonight. That's wthout the wind chill. I wish I could light the fireplace but with the wind and it being as cold as it is the heat goes right up the chimney. I know nobody in Chicago wants snow but we sure could use it. moisture is really low.
me and my family went into our hot tub tonite. it was so cold outside that ice started to form on my son's hair. needless to say that he and my daughter got out and me and my wife stayed in for another 20 minutes. we got the hot tub last year and i never recall the weather being so bad last year. single digits right now.

Hi Ya'll....

Bonnie.....PAYBACK, H.LL!!!! THIS IS ABSOLUTE TORTURE! I was coming home from my jail job tonight and my car wasn't warmed up until I was about a mile from home!!! I told my inmates that they were better off inside jail than outside tonight because of the cold and for once they agreed with me!!!

Nancy....No, we don't use booties....they're more trouble than they're worth and they're only good for snow, which I guess you have plenty of up there. Our dogs would look at them and say "sissydog!" Honestly, I don't think it really bothers their toes very much, unless they get iceballs in them from the snow. How is Joe? Did he come home today?

Henslyee....My cousin is on his boat in Palm Beach.....even he says it's cold down there for ya'll.

Sleep tight.

Well tonight we are finally back in business.
I don't know how we survived in this house but we have a new furnace so now we are warm and broke:eek:

Hey Bonnie my family came from Kentucky so I do have a little 'good 'ol boy' in me.

It sure is cold here and just about everywhere else too.
These nights with temperature below freezing for two or three hours are taking their toll on many of our neighbors.

The silver lining is that the dogs and cats will have fewer fleas to deal with next summer, the freeze does in a lot of the eggs or whatever is dormant in the ground this time of year.

My sympathy to those who are facing "real" hardship weather further north. Ann only lives 10 miles north and maybe 35 miles east of me, but there is a very real difference in the temps.

Y'all stay as warm as possible for the next few days.

Warmest Best Wishes (no pun intended LOL)


Bye for now.

Hi all..well I haven't wanted to say's stayed in the 55-72 degrees here even tho we've had a couple of severe rain storms. I'm sorry you are all freezing..really...but I don't think I could survive it all. You're all very brave....I'm very accustomed to temps all year round within the above never get the heat either. I'm afraid I'd just explode in your summers and ice over in your winters....I hope you all find a way to stay warm!

Zip/Joan know you can come here anytime...only 1/2 hour away from heat in summer.... and 3 hours away from snow in winter. C'mon to California! ;-) I think my son will be back by you in another month...I'll let you know... J
Cold - cold - teens with wind chill factor of 1 degree - My hound (hounds are not known to be too smart, I guess) decided to go out at bedtime. I waited for her to come home, but smells in winter are stronger, so she decided to just stay out to check out the woods. Found her snuggled in her dog house on the porch this morning and she was READY to come in. Bless her heart! Pipes didn't freeze and that's a blessin. So we are thankful this morning.

Zipper, maybe we should spend winters with you.
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It's Freezing here!

It's Freezing here!

I think I heard with wind chill last night it would be around -15 or -20. Earlier in the week they were talking due to high winds it would get up to -30! Thank goodness I wasn't out late at night with that cold, however I did cancel my ski plans for today. Instead I am going tanning--aaah getting ready for my cruise in 4 weeks. I can't wait. Warm sunshine--I need it!
I decided to add some little "shoes" to the bottom of Harriet's (our dog) winter coat which also has leggings attached. I had a few pieces of Ultra Suede left for the outside layer and lined them with felt. It took a little doing, but she loved them. We went for a little walk in 1 degree morning air, me with my Air Force snorkel coat with the snorkel zipped up (yes, Bonnie THAT"S BUNKIE :D ) and Harriet with her "shoes" on. It was very funny, but it worked. Prior to that she didn't want to go out in the cold, for any reason :( .

She's truly a little "sissydog", no doubt about it.:p
Hi Nancy

"Sissydog" doesn't matter as long as YOU LOVE HER!!!! I'm sure SHE thinks she looks like a fashion statement!!!

keep warm, you Joe and Harriet..

My sister in St. Louis area (you know, far south suburb of Chicago. . . ) sent this one that I just had to share.

Seasonal Differences in the regions of the USA:

60 above - Floridians wear coats, gloves, and woolly hats. Chicago people sunbathe.

50 above - New Yorkers try to turn on the heat. Chicago people plant gardens.

40 above - Italian cars won't start. Chicago people drive with the windows down.

32 above - Distilled water freezes. Lake Michigan's water gets

20 above - Californians shiver uncontrollably. Chicago people have the last cookout before it gets cold.

15 above - New York landlords finally turn up the heat. Chicago
people throw on a sweatshirt.

0 degrees - Californians fly away to Mexico. Chicago people lick the flagpole and throw on a light jacket over the sweatshirt.

20 below - People in Miami cease to exist. Chicago people get out their winter coats.

40 below - Hollywood disintegrates. Chicago's Girl Scouts begin
selling cookies door to door.

50 below - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Chicago people get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg.

60 below - Microbial life survives on dairy products. Illinois cows
complain of farmers with cold hands.

460 below - ALL atomic motion stops. Chicago people start saying. . ."Cold 'nuff for ya??"

500 below - Hell freezes over. The Chicago Cubs win the World Series

What are ya going to do when it actually gets cold?

Don't you just love Steve's post?

Don't you just love Steve's post?

Thanks, Steve. I just sent it to my sister in Buffalo, NY. She's up to her hips in snow right now.

I hesitated to post, but, finally realized that I can't get egged on the internet. We have been having unseasonably warm weather in the Phoenix, Arizona area. I don't think I've even had a sweater on in the daytime yet. I do believe that it was 75 degrees today. We had the car air conditioner on. For those who wish to give me the Bronx cheer, hold that thought. They tell me that a warm winter here means a warm spring and a hot as H#** summer. When you check weather in May, we may be enjoying 120 degree temperatures.

For those who are freezing their toes off, you have my very best wishes for an early spring.
I saw ONE robin in the backyard today. He must be the stupid one. All the others disappeared. Bet they had to fly through that Gulf (of Mexico) effect snow to get to Key West.:D
Joy, is this true?

Joy, is this true?

following are a few tips for anyone
moving to this great state...

First, the West Nile fever season here is really short. Ditto,
malaria and any other disease carried by mosquitoes.

At first, you may think snow is pretty. Snow is not pretty!
By December you will feel as if you are living in a black-
and-white movie. And there is a lot of snow! Deep snow!
Deep snow that doesn't go away. The reason Northwest Airlines
paints its tails red is so they can find the damned things.

You will find new loves here. One of them will be underwear
that goes all the way down to your ankles. Any underwear
above the ankle is considered lingerie.

When you pack to come to Minnesota, you need only to bring
one short sleeved shirt (and that's only in case you want to
fly back home for vacation). Short sleeved shirts are handed
down here from generation. The short sleeved shirt season
here begins July 26 and is pretty much wrapped up by 3:30 on
the 28th.

We play a game here called hockey as well. Hockey coaches
will kidnap your children before they even start school, so
beware. They'll return them in April. As for baseball we
never know if we have a team or not.

Minnesota has more than 10,000 lakes, hundreds of thousands
of miles of rivers and streams, millions of acres of forest,
and one Krispy Kreme. Guess where everybody wants to go?

And do not call the homicide division to a beer joint because
of what you see behind the bar. That's only a jar of pickled
pig's feet.

Welcome to Minnesota!


That was great. The only time I have been to Minn. is last May. I went from a balmy 102 degrees in Tampa one week to a frigid 38 degrees in Minn. the next.
I just got back from Minnesota, and saw only a few Fargoites. The temperature warmed up considerably into the teens yesterday.
My wife's mother's funeral was in Tomah, Wis yesterday, and I had a stopover in Minneapolis both ways. This year people are very concerned about the lack of snow, which promises a dry growing season.
Hey--y'all quit pickin' on Minnesota! Our cold weather just happens to breed brilliant minds; as a reminder, let me point out that Minnesota is:
1) the place where open-heart surgery was pioneered;
2) the place where prosthetic heart valves were invented;
3) the place where the heart/lung machine was invented;
4) the home of the Mayo Clinic;
5) the home of St. Jude Medical;
6) the home of Medtronic;
7) the home of SciMed (drug-coated stents).

In other words, for all of us valvies, Minnesota is Mecca!

I will be arranging pilgrimages for those of you who have not yet paid homage to our great state (snow-shoes provided). And so what if the mosquito is our state bird?

LOL, John, but we already know it's a great state. It's where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking and all the children are above average.

This might not include some valvers, but many of us have multiple heart issues. I thought I recalled that weather extremes affect the heart so I asked Dr Rich in and here's his answer - just thought it would be good to post it here for those who may need to know:

From: (ab_heartdise) 1:58 pm
To: HENSYLEE (5 of 6)

1885.5 in reply to 1885.4

Both extreme cold and extreme heat greatly increase the workload of the heart, and cause potentially dangerous physiological stress. Every big city emergency room doc can tell you that both the first cold snap and the first heat wave of the season "harvest" a big crop of heart attacks.
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Oh dear.........

Oh dear.........

........Am I risking a heart attack if I go to live in Corpus Christi?

Well, if that's the risk I gotta take to swing with Ann on her front porch and enjoy her southern hospitality, I'll take the chance.

Thanks to 'Shezagirlie' for the invitation - no I haven't been to Texas in summer.........gimme your number and I might take you up on the offer:cool: :cool: :cool:


Please explain the picture. You look naked with a mexican hat on or standing under some sort of wheel gadget..:D :D :D I think you and Ann need to shack up to save on expenses. Economy is rough...Do you know what shack up means. I can have some of our male valvers explain:p :p :p Bonnie