How about some captions showing who's who on those pic's?

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Kevin M

For those of us who couldn't make it, it would be nice to put some names to faces.
Just a thought.

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I wish I could've made it.
Where are the pictures

Where are the pictures

I can't find them:confused:
Gillian, click above on and it will take you to the home page where you can find how to get them. No names, tho, but imaginations run rampant.
Names - Faces

Names - Faces

Hank..... I'm having a hard time figuring out who some of these people are too. Would it be really difficult to put names to the faces??

I hardly see any pictures of Janie.... you didn't let her edit them first did you?? :)


I don't think you want an honest answer !!


Hey, it was great to finally make the pleasure of meeting one of the founding members of "The Nasty Five"




Thank you, Hank!! The captions made the world of difference. Is it just me.... or are the pictures a little clearer than they were before?

Janie? Just got off the turnip truck?! :eek: I DON?T THINK SO!!! LOL:p