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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
Fairfax Virginia
I am please to report that as of 12:00 noon yesturday, I am back home and well on my way to recovery. The surgery went very well and my body responded great. My surgeon said that my old valve was much worse than the test revealed so it is good that I had it replaced. I was scheduled to go home on Saturday, but my body was not quite ready. I had a mild reaction to some of the pain meds that needed to get straignted out. Once they switched those around I was running laps around the ward. :) and they had to get rid of me.

The next step is to figure out how to sleep at home, how to get used to my sternum moving unexpectedly and this valve noise. I feel like I can hear every beat of my heart....but oh what a feeling! I can already see a difference in how actual good blood flow feels. Lots of walking and breathing exercises in my future, and for now, all looks good.

I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers, they were a tremendous help to both me and my family.


Welcome home, Victor. It sounds like you are headed for a normal and complete recovery. Keep up the walking and sleep when you can- that may be tough for a while!
Welcome Home!!!!

Now remember to follow the vr.com motto: walk, walk, walk, nap, nap, nap, and breathe, breathe, breathe. Lots of short walks, many naps and use that spirometer. I think that nasty little instrument does the most good in getting those lungs working the way they should and getting rid of all that nasty anesthesia.....it hurts, but it's worth it.

Good luck and may you have no bumps in the recovery road.

Once they switched those around I was running laps around the ward. :) and they had to get rid of me.

Did you do what I did and try naked? Thought sure they'd throw me out, but heck, they acted like it was an everyday event. :(

That was the first belly laugh I have had since surgery. Don't do that again for a couple of days :)

I am feeling much better and to be honest, much better than I had anticipated. MY schedule today includes walking, napping, breathing and a visit from a home healthcare nurse. Need to get my INR levels checked. I hope to be home monitoring soon.

Again, thank you all for your well wishes, this place has been a godsend to me.

Congrats on a wonderful start on the road to recovery! You are over the worst and now you can just take it easy, listen to your body, rest when you feel the need to and as we say around here: "enjoy the OHS honeymoon".

Blessings and hugs,
Hi Victor ~ I'm happy to hear you're doing so well. Take it slow and easy. Best wishes for a continued easy, uncomplicated recovery. Dawn-Marie
Great news Victor, glad to have you back with us. :) There may well be a few ups and downs in the next couple of months, but don't lose sight of the general trend going up.;) :)
Welcome Home!!! Sounds like your doing great!!! Now you know what to do...
Walk, Eat, Rest. You get to choice whatever order you want to do it in.:D
Keep up the good work!!!!
Welcome home Victor.
Everyone has mentioned for you to walk and breath; I would like to remind you to eat too :)
Best wishes for a continue uneventful recovery.
You sound great! Do everything they tell you on the discharge sheet, but don't get carried away and overdo things...The loud heartbeat sensation will be with you a while. I didn't have the moving sternum result, so have no idea about that.
Thank you all for your words of encourgemet. I did end up going for a chest Xray yesturday. There seemed to be alot of movement in my chest area. I hate to be an alarmist and am usually the last person to seek treatment, but I don't want to take any chances with this operation. Anyway, the Xray did not show anything abnormal (does that mean that I am normal? If so, why don't they just say that?)

PLan to take things slower today. I walked about a 1/4 mile yesturday and that may have been too much. Will walk (less) breathe more and rest alot. I think one of the biggest challenges is going to be taking it easy now that I am actually feeling better. Since surgery, I notice a HUGE difference in how I feel.

Victor, it sounds like you are doing great. Your body will tell you when you over do. I'm going to have to go through this again and I really dread it. But I know I'll feel much better when it is over. Keep up the good work!