Hello from the other side of the mountain

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
Apple Valley CA
Everything went really well yesterday so thank you all for praying and thinking of me.
Got out of bed twice yesterday and sat in a chair
I've been out of bed twice today too.
The doctor just remove my chest tube. So I'll be heading up to new room soon
I'll keep you all posted!
Everything went really well yesterday........ !

I am really impressed the way you folks are bouncing back after this surgery. The art and science of this surgery has come a long, long way......and it helps to have a positive mental attitude going in for it. Your story HAS to help those who have not yet crossed over the mountain. I wish you cotinued good fortune.
I think this is a record! I've never heard of anyone being up that soon after surgery - heck Skyler was only brought out of his induced coma the afternoon after!

Congrats and keep up the healing. May it all go as smoothly!
Congrats! ...I hate even reading the words "chest tubes"...IMO you've made it past the worst part.
...I hate even reading the words "chest tubes"...QUOTE]

I also thought it was funny that he was so casual about the "chest tubes" removal. The removal of those two tubes is about all I remember of my surgery......and that is an experience I'd just as soon not have to repeat. The first one wasn't too bad because it was a surprise.......but I knew what was coming for the second one.....OOOOOUCH.
I didn't have the energy to get back on the computer or whatever to check in here until 4 days after surgery. CONGRATS!
Thanks a lot I appreciate the encouragement. Was a bit of a set back yesterday evening. I was scheduled to be released from ICU last night but they couldnt get my blood pressure to stabilize above 100 without meds. So theyre keeping me ln ICU until tomorrow to get it stabilized.
Sorry to hear you had to be held over in ICU, but that's not uncommon. Your acheivments yesterday were impressive tgough - I was only abnle to sit up the first day and had lots of help getting to a chair the next day. Getting the chest tube out is a good milestone as well. Hope it all keeps going well.

Take it easy, Greg! Your job is to relax and recover. It's nice to hear from you, but don't go out of your way. I enjoyed having visitors, but there were times in that first week when I overdid it just talking with them and had to stop and tell them to go away so I could rest.
Congrats on getting through the hard part. I am only a few days ahead of you having AVR last Thursday. So far, every day seems a little better than the one before (not always a lot better). Getting that last IV out feels good too. Hang in there.