Hello from the other side of the mountain

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WOW Greg!!!
Can't beleive you've had OHS and onlinne the next day!!
So glad everything went well, hope your out if ICU soon :)
Thinking of you,
Love Sarah xxx
Thank you all for the encouragement!! And Bill, you're 100% on the money. Im taking it easy and letting my body make all of the decisions. And being 3 hours from home has really limited my visitations. I feel bad about limitingthe visitors,but Im just not in the mood - grumpy old man M syndrome. I left ICU at 11:30AM this morning. So good news.
Thank you all for the encouragement!! And Bill, you're 100% on the money. Im taking it easy and letting my body make all of the decisions. And being 3 hours from home has really limited my visitations. I feel bad about limitingthe visitors,but Im just not in the mood - grumpy old man M syndrome. I left ICU at 11:30AM this morning. So good news.

So there is nothing wrong with gumpy old man syndrome. It is kinda nice when you don't have to deal with being a good host for a stream of well meaning people. Only people I allowed to see me were my husband, son w/spouse and daughter w/spouse. Take your time and listen to your body. Eat, Sleep, Breathe, Walk. Soon you will be home. Best Wishes
Congratulations! It's good to hear that it all went so smoothly! I'm four days away from Mitral Valve OHS and looking forward to the other side!
What? With your quick posting after surgery I was expecting that you were going to say you were home already!

Keep it up old man... grump away! And don't forget to rest and walk and eat... repeat.
Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long since my last update, but for some reason I could only access the site using my cell phone and not the hospital wireless network. So that's why the posts have been pretty short and infrequent - it's tough for me to do much with the cell. I've been home since Monday afternoon and I feel GREAT! I've been retaining a lot of fluids since the surgery buy my cardio has been zapping me with Lasix and that's been doing the trick. I came home 12lbs heaver that when I went in, and it wasn't from eating - LOL.

I'd like to start by sending a giant THANK YOU to everyone for the prayers and thoughts for me and my family. This site is such a blessing and you all are so wonderful to band together and keep the positive thoughts flowing.

As you may know my surgery was performed by Dr Richard Stahl at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, CA. Dr Stahl and his staff are amazing and made sure all of my questions were answered and all of my needs were met prior to checking into the hospital on surgery day. Once I was checked in and ready, I was handed over to the OR prep teams who are awesome. Everyone had a smile on their face and was extremely accommodating and professional. The nursing staff in the ICU was amazing - I just don't know how they do it. It's hard to describe the level of dedication, passion, and professionalism these men and women possess - they truly are amazing. Every time I asked for something they were all over it, with a smile and an excellent attitude; even at 2AM. So when it was time to move to the telemetry floor, it thought to myself - "here's where the awesome personal care stops and the so-so care begins". And to my surprise, I couldn't have been more wrong. Of course the care in ICU is much more focused and time sensitive for the obvious reasons. But honestly there was not that much a change from ICU to telemetry. The nurses were all very accommodating and have really awesome attitudes.

I went into the OR at 8AM and came out at about 1PM. It was kind for funny in the beginning because the Anesthesiologist told me he didn't want to give the pre-op cocktail before rolling me back because he was afraid my blood pressure might drip to low. So I said my goodbye's the off I went. It was a bit strange being rolled into the OR fully awake, and being introduced to all of the OR staff as they moved me to the table and started to get me hooked up to everything. One really important thing I noticed was everyone was smiling and was upbeat and appeared to really enjoy their job. It was very reassuring. So cocktail time came and off to sleep I went.

My surgeon planned to replace the aortic valve with a Carbomedics mechanical valve and repair my AAA with Dacron mesh to reinforce the artery and repair the aneurism. During the surgery he used a Carbomedics 27mm mechanical to replace my severely stenotic valve. He also discovered the diameter of my aorta was not as large as the cardiology report indicated, and the wall thickness was normal - not weakened as they had initially thought. He also discovered the aneurism was small and was not in the range for surgical repair. So all-in-all, he replaced the valve and said we'll keep and eye on the artery.

I can honestly say that the only problem I've had during the post-op period was the night I came home. I was having a really tough time sleeping. Every time I tried to sleep I'd experience shortness of breath. And the only position that would work for me was setting straight up. Needless to say, I didn't get any sleep the first night. The next morning after my INR test, I went to my cardio and told him about the breathing and the fluids I was still packing around. He immediately gave me 80cc of Lasix (IV style) and so far that's really helped. The hospital sent me home with 40mg tabs of Lasix to take once per day, but they weren't being effective.

I'm home, I'm doing great, and I’m getting into my walk about routine. Even though I've only had the new valve for 9 day's now, I can really feel the difference. And I'm sure I'll keep improving as the healing progresses.

Thank You All, and God Bless You
Greg, this is extremely inspring post. You are doing great. Sleep, eat, walk, recover. Great Job to you, your surgeon and to the hospital staff!!!!!
Greg - I had a similar experience with post-op fluid retension, well over 10 lbs, with about two pounds of it in the most peculiar location. Anway, it and the rest of 10 lbs was gone by the middle of the second week post-op. Lasix is pretty powerful stuff. I'm a bit surprised the oral tabs are not working. Hope the excess water and sleeping issues resolve quickly. Glad to hear you operation was so uncomplicated.
Welcome home. It is so nice to learn that healing is moving along at a good pace. Hope that you are able to find a good resting position and getting the sleep you truly need. Keep up the fine job. Soon all of this will be just a memory. Best wishes to you. :)
Good to hear that you are progressing with relatively few bumps. Posts like this are good to have around, since they can allow first timers to find out that things can go smoothly. Best of luck as you continue to recover.
My first echocardiogram was done last week and they looked over the entire heart. My cardio told me everything looks really good and he's happy with the results. We're still working on my pro-time to get it stabilized and I think we're making good progress. From what I understand this is the most challenging part of the process.
I've been walking as much as possible and I was able to do three, one mile walks yesterday. It is so good to feel healthy again!! Before my surgery, walking half a block would have been very challenging.

Plus, for the past two nights I've been able to sleep in my bed for the entire night:biggrin2: Of course, I've only gotten up to use the restroom but I'm able to get back into bed and fall asleep with any problems. That's a pretty big deal for me since I haven't been sleeping very well and I was actually dreading night time because of it. Hopefully that's all behind me now.

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