Hello again from John Hansen

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My Friend Sue Sommer sent me here. Looks like a great place to learn and share.

I've been out a week now and am doing very well, walking 1 mile on my treadmill (in 4 separate laps) most days and getting ready to do (hopefully) an easy hour on my exercise bike..

I'm wondering if my new bovine aortic valve will allow my heart to pump the extra fluid out of my lungs. I don't have a lot (and none any other place that I know of) but am curious as to that.

I take furosemide to help control blood pressure and it tends to dry up my lungs so much that breathing (I'm asthmatic) becomes hard.

For years before the heart surgery - I used to use a spritz bottle to moisten my airways - then I was able to cough up the mucus. It never caused a problem for over 15 years.

When I went in to the hospital, they said I had far too much fluid in my body because my heart was too weak (with the bad aortic valve) to pump it out.

As long as I use furosemide (and it is great for blood pressure - although I've lost a lot of weight and might not have high blood pressure much longer, my lungs will need an occasional light misting from a spray bottle. I even took one along to the hospital and it helps alot as they were using intravenous furosemide to bring my total body fluids down.

I told one of the interns about it and he didn't object.

I'm assuming that will a new valve and a heart that the cardiologists already said was strong - that i need not worry about the misting spray.

Two other questions - after quite a strong heart beat for over 50 years of running and weightlifting, now my pulse is very strong - is there a possibility that the new pressure could result in damage to some blood vessel that hasn't had that much pressure anytime recently.

Also I keep reading of people's pulses being fast - I'm relearning meditation but my pulse runs 75 to 100 alot, and I take diltiazem which slows the heart rate.

Is this because I've only been out of the hospital since 11-19-2007? When I breathe it hurts - even though I walk and use that little plastic breathing device - when I lay on my left side in bed, that's more uncomfortable than on the right. Will the breathing pains stop soon.

Anyway - I'm delighted at the results and appear to be getting better fast - although my energy level hasn't come up alot yet - I have a lot more wind but it still gets short when I do anything physical.

Thanks for any information and observations you can give.

John Hansen Email address removed for security.
Hi John -

Glad things went well for you. Your new valve should help you to feel better all over. It's amazing what a proper fuel pump can do for you.

Post-op, I was on a fluid restriction for a few weeks, I guess because my kidneys didn't work very well for the first couple of days after valve replacement and I really bloated with fluid. Anyway and happily, the extra fluid quickly left.

Keep doing the incentive spirometer as directed until they give you directions otherwise because that little gizmo is amazing. Keep walking all that you can also.

Some other members will no doubt post soon because there are some other post-op issues that can arise, if your distress or pain increases, and some here have had experience with them.

Take care and post again and welcome to the site.
Welcome back John!! Remind yourself that it will take a while for your heart to heal and remodel itself. Hopefully it will be able to catch up with the fluid retention, but I wouldn't expect things to happen too quickly. So you'll probably be on something to take care of it for a while. I was in CHF for a while prior to my replacement, and it took a while for my heart to build up energy. I'm sorry, I don't recall what I was on at the time. It was a long time ago and they most likely use something else now anyway.

Best wishes!
Hey John! My mom too had a high heart rate for awhile after her surgery, it came down after awhile. My mom had her surgery done at Menorah Med in Leawood-how about you? Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Deb:)
Hi John.
I always am a little concerned when I read a post from someone who recently has had surgery and is having pain upon breathing. I went through the same thing, and didn't realize I was dealing with fluid not only in my lungs but also around my heart. I would have it checked out.

I imagine your heartrate is still high due to your just having replacement. However, having said that, mine never has decreased very much. Typically I run 80-85 and the cardio is trying medication again to try and bring it down.

I've never heard of spritzing airways, and I would be a little concerned that what you are using to spritz is bacteria free. Humidifers have gone out of favor because unless they're cleaned almost daily, they can be a significant source of bacteria.

Anyway, those are my thoughts! I'm glad you're with us and I hope your recovery is quick and easy.:)
Mary said:
Hi John.
I always am a little concerned when I read a post from someone who recently has had surgery and is having pain upon breathing. I went through the same thing, and didn't realize I was dealing with fluid not only in my lungs but also around my heart. I would have it checked out.

I imagine your heartrate is still high due to your just having replacement. However, having said that, mine never has decreased very much. Typically I run 80-85 and the cardio is trying medication again to try and bring it down.

I've never heard of spritzing airways, and I would be a little concerned that what you are using to spritz is bacteria free. Humidifers have gone out of favor because unless they're cleaned almost daily, they can be a significant source of bacteria.

Anyway, those are my thoughts! I'm glad you're with us and I hope your recovery is quick and easy.:)

I agree about getting the pain checked. How has your temp been? Justin's HR is genreally pretty low after surgery, but it goes up when he has pericardial fluid and he usually gets a fever with them (usually our first sign) so I;m not sure if it is the fluid, fever or combo that elevate his.
Hi John,
Many of us have problems laying on our left side, I just don't do it.
Fluid retention is also common in the beginning, my legs were bloated...lasix fixed that.
I take Metoprolol(Toprol) to keep my HR lower, a small dose works for me.
Pain on breathing is not very good, unless it is just your ribs expanding on very deep breaths.
Try to breathe from lower down in your diaphragm and check with your doctor.
It sounds like you are doing very well, pace yourself, don't over do things,
you have your whole life ahead of you.
jOHN, glad all went well for you and you are on the mend. It's still early to be feeling very strong. Your body has suffered a trauma and will take a while to mend so be sure to keep that in mind.

Hope to hear you will be doing all those things you love to do - without any problems. Blessins.......


John, 1 mile a day is a lot compared to what I was doing at one week out. I'd check with the docs about any pain, otherwise you sound pretty normal, if not great! All the best, Brian
Glad to hear all went well, John. If you are doing 1 mile on a treadmill after a week, you are doing better than I did. It's still early so you body will have it's good days and bad days while it recovers so listen to it. If you are prone to fluid retention, watch it diligently as fluid build up is a fairly common post-op side effect and can become serious. If you are weighing yourself daily and start to gain weight quickly, get it checked out. I let it go too long and ended up back in the hospital to get the fluid drained surgically. Take care and hope you have a smooth,uneventful, recovery.


Debster said:
Hey John! My mom too had a high heart rate for awhile after her surgery, it came down after awhile. My mom had her surgery done at Menorah Med in Leawood-how about you? Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Deb:)

I had mine done at the Harry S. Truman VA center in Columbia, MO


Mary said:
Hi John.
I always am a little concerned when I read a post from someone who recently has had surgery and is having pain upon breathing. I went through the same thing, and didn't realize I was dealing with fluid not only in my lungs but also around my heart. I would have it checked out.

I imagine your heartrate is still high due to your just having replacement. However, having said that, mine never has decreased very much. Typically I run 80-85 and the cardio is trying medication again to try and bring it down.

I've never heard of spritzing airways, and I would be a little concerned that what you are using to spritz is bacteria free. Humidifers have gone out of favor because unless they're cleaned almost daily, they can be a significant source of bacteria.

Anyway, those are my thoughts! I'm glad you're with us and I hope your recovery is quick and easy.:)

We had two big humidifiers and threw one away and will the other - there's just too much chance of contamination. My wife had pneumonia 1 month before I started having breathing problems. We think there many have been bacteria in the water. My breathing problem was alleviated by 3 days of intravenous lasix - for several month prior we had been using the two big humidifiers and I had large accumulations of fluid throughout my body - this could have been the reason and maybe the valve wasn't the primary reason for my not being able to breathe well.

However the spritz bottle is free distilled water and changed often.

For humidification this winter - I expect we will put on a big pot of water - it will be gone before it can be contaminated.

John Hansen
I'm sure it has to do with a split breastbone healing.

I'm sure it has to do with a split breastbone healing.

MajorHart said:
We had two big humidifiers and threw one away and will the other - there's just too much chance of contamination. My wife had pneumonia 1 month before I started having breathing problems. We think there many have been bacteria in the water. My breathing problem was alleviated by 3 days of intravenous lasix - for several month prior we had been using the two big humidifiers and I had large accumulations of fluid throughout my body - this could have been the reason and maybe the valve wasn't the primary reason for my not being able to breathe well.

However the spritz bottle is free distilled water and changed often.

For humidification this winter - I expect we will put on a big pot of water - it will be gone before it can be contaminated.

John Hansen

I'm sure it has to do with a split breastbone healing. And being stretched a lot everyday.

John Hansen
Hi john,
Glad you are safely over the mountain. I can't help with the medical questions but as others have said it takes time. Try not to get impatient. Looking back, it really did take a full year for me to feel 110%......it will come.
A less dangerous pain than the fluid issues mentioned here is an inflammation of the rib cartilage, frequently diagnosed as costochondritis. It can cause some very bad sharp pains and can develop sooner or later after surgery. Mine developed a couple of months or so following my valve replacement when I was doing some vigorous lawn work.
Hi, THanks for the response

Hi, THanks for the response

Debster said:
Hey John! My mom too had a high heart rate for awhile after her surgery, it came down after awhile. My mom had her surgery done at Menorah Med in Leawood-how about you? Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Deb:)

The va sent me down to columbia to the Harry S. Truman Va Hospital.

I was there 6 days.

Between Leavenworth VA and KCVA - I spent 20 days in the hospitals - I'm glad I did but It sure was boring. arrrrrrgh!
Thanks for the response - all pain is gone now

Thanks for the response - all pain is gone now

Mary said:
Hi John.
I always am a little concerned when I read a post from someone who recently has had surgery and is having pain upon breathing. I went through the same thing, and didn't realize I was dealing with fluid not only in my lungs but also around my heart. I would have it checked out.

I imagine your heartrate is still high due to your just having replacement. However, having said that, mine never has decreased very much. Typically I run 80-85 and the cardio is trying medication again to try and bring it down.

I've never heard of spritzing airways, and I would be a little concerned that what you are using to spritz is bacteria free. Humidifers have gone out of favor because unless they're cleaned almost daily, they can be a significant source of bacteria.

Anyway, those are my thoughts! I'm glad you're with us and I hope your recovery is quick and easy.:)

I have a week of walking 1 mile a day on my treadmill and my endurance and overall good feelings are better each day. I don't take painkiller anymore also. I go to the cardiologist for followup monday.

Thanks for your post and best wishes.