heart MEDS moods!!

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Active member
Aug 10, 2011
London Stoneleigh
I have AF & a sever leak in my Tricuspid valve.
I am on diaretics, beta blockers, Ramipril (for heart faliure) and wharfarin.

Waiting for re-op.

Does anybody get tierd

I used to love getting up in the morning. Now i have real trouble. I struggle energy wise most of the day. I also feel depressed alot of the time. My Doc and Wife (who suffered with it years ago) both say I have and could get meds for it. I am not sure yet, i wonder if it is my life style change and I just need to get used to it till after Op.

I have gone from very active to not able to do very much in a short space of time.

How do you get on????

Having a heart problem frequently leads to depression. Both before and after surgery. Get some meds for it. Not only will you feel better, but your spouse will thank you. I know I put my spouse through Hell after my first surgery.
Ron.... I personally dislike meds, however some, we cannot go without. I take Vitamin D3 for moods. Google it if you want more info. Most Doctors are very open minded about this Vitamin at least in improving mood and mild depression. My fib/flutter is continuing after surgery, and I just re-started Multaq to try and help. I have been very tired and in turn that makes me grouchy....cuz I don't have the energy to do anything! When is your surgery date? You will probably be so much better after surgery, but like AD said, it you need something...Vitamin or Rx, do it.

Bina, wish it was lake of sleep I am out cold at night I am so shattered.

Agilitydog. Yes I am sure she will be very pleased. She is encouraging me to do it.

I have tried many natural products in the past for my ADHD but they don't seem to work for more than a day or the vitamins don't seem to make any differrence.

Back to my surgeons tomorrow so I will talk to him about my issues.

Magnesium is also a natural product that has been found to help people with depression. Many people find it useful depending on your heart issue.

Sorry you are dealing with it. Good luck!