Happy Birthday Mr. Stephens!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Hehehe, another year gone bye. Your being awfully quite lately. Are you going to make me release the hounds?

Happy Birthday! :D


I hope you have a Very Special Day and many more to come. :)
Take Care
Another Happy Birthday, Coming Your Way....

Another Happy Birthday, Coming Your Way....

Have A Happy Happy Birthday, and Many Many More to follow!!! Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D
Thanks all

Thanks all

Thanks to all of you wonderful folks for your birthday wishes! :D :D So far, it's been a fairly uneventful day.

I have admittedly turned into more of a lurker - I'm not able to log in as frequently as I used to, and by the time I get to a thread I find that most of the salient points have already been covered. I will try to chime in more, but rest assured that I peek at the site daily.

I'm doing pretty well from a heart perspective - INR steady and no new developments with the 2 mechanicals (yay). I'm still struggling with my weight, and working out 3 - 4 times a week. My high doses of beta blockers are still limiting how hard I can push the exercise. My doc is promising to work with me to possibly reduce the dose once some other things are resolved. My last lab work showed a continued rise in my AC-1 glucose levels, so now I'm wrestling with diabetes (boo). I have read that the new diuretic I'm on can cause a rise in blood sugar, so I will raise that with him later this month at my follow up visit. He is threatening (boo) to "put you on pills" if I don't get it under control. BRING IT! I'LL JUST ADD THEM TO THE OTHER 16 PILLS I TAKE. :eek:

*sigh* (apologies to Cort)

I've taken a new job (at the same employer) in the last few months, and it's much more demanding of my time. I have fewer opportunities to post here when I should be working (like now, but HEY, it's my BIRTHDAY). I started it the same week as the reunion, so I had to cancel at the last minute. Maybe next year.

Once again, THANK YOU ALL for the warm wishes. I'll try to be less of a stranger.

Johnny Stephens said:
I have read that the new diuretic I'm on can cause a rise in blood sugar, so I will raise that with him later this month at my follow up visit. Johnny
What might this drug be Johnny? I'm wondering about mine. :confused:
I am right there with you....

I am right there with you....

Johnny Stephens said:



Just wanted you to know I am right there with you....not counting the insulin, or the asthma meds, I take about 20 meds....Frustrating and horrible isn't it...LOL Take Care, Harrybaby666 :eek: :D :eek: :D :D
Happyyy BBBiirrtthhhdddaayyy!!!

Happyyy BBBiirrtthhhdddaayyy!!!

To You!!!And many more!!
Happy Birthday Johnny! Hope you're day is more eventful (..but in the good kind of way! ;) ..)

Cheers and best wishes,
Anna : )