Granbonny's Birthday

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gadgetman Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 3, 2005
Richland, GA (USA)
In honor of Granbonny?s Birthday today, I would like to relate our first meeting. For those of you fortunate to have met Bonnie you quickly realized she was not bashful in any way. Being a Georgia Gal there weren?t no handshakes involved when you first met. A good old Georgia Bear Hug was in order. I once told Bonnie that she would have made a good insurance salesperson because she had never met a stranger. And that was true; she would talk to anyone and everyone like they had always been friends.

Shy she wasn?t. We hooked up with Mary and her family and pictures were taken. She had a knack of getting everyone involved, be it a walk on the beach or even a wild and crazy visit to HOOTERS!!! We had hardly gotten settled in to the picnic table on the Hooter?s deck when she asked me for my pocket knife (I am from Georgia, Bubba always got a knife----well, except when flying!!!). Next thing we know ?VR.COM? is now carved into the Hooter?s picnic table. I should point out here that there were plenty of carvings on the table before us so she wasn?t the first by any means. But it did make me wonder how our coffee table might survive around her. We all hung out with Mary and had a great time.

I always like to pick up a little (and I stress LITTLE---meaning CHEAP) nick-knack to bring back to my fellow workers. It usually means hitting one of those tourist traps for a frig magnet or other totally useless trinket. Much to Bonnie?s chagrin we wound up in a ?gasp? DOLLAR STORE. As we browsed for the right gifts she had a ball. I feared we would be asked to leave long before I obtained my bootie. I finally settled on a few bottles of sand and shells (probably from China) with ?Panama City Beach, Florida? written on the outside. During almost any conversation afterwards she would bring up the ?trip to the Dollar Store?. As a matter of fact, when she said they might make the Orlando trip I sent her a ?Google Map? of five DOLLAR STORES within 3 miles of where VR.COM planned on staying.

So in memory of Bonnie and all she did for VR.COM, use this thread to relate a ?Bonnie Tale? of her touching your life in some way.

We miss you Gal.

May God Bless and Keep You,

Danny & Bubba :)
As a Georgia girl myself I felt a connection to Bonnie. We never met but I felt like she was a friend. Happy Birthday Granbonny.
I miss Bonnie's emails and her presence on this forum. She was "always" worried about the weather and when we or our children were traveling, she kept me up to date on the forecast on our route. She was a remarkable woman and is sadly missed by all.
I wasn't fortunate enough to meet Bonnie but her love her on was certainly felt.

I'll be looking for the stories though. Thanks Bubba and and Happy Birthday Bonnie.
Happy Birthday Bonnie!

Several years ago, Bonnie mentioned that she had been a stewardess for (I think) Delta airlines, and that her photo was on one of the first posters for Delta.

I was browsing around eBay (I sell on eBay a little) and found a vintage advertising poster for Delta with a blond stewardess and a pilot and sent the link to Bonnie thinking it might be her and her husband, but it was another person. However, she knew who the pilot was and also who the stewardess was. It was a blast from the past for her.

She was a bubbly gal who loved life so much and people even more.

It's no wonder we all miss her.

Bonnie, Henslyee, Nancy, and the Rossman were the first people I met on this website over 6 years ago. What a wonderful support system and what fantastic people.

Bonnie will always be remembered more than fondly by me for her sense of humor, her friendliness, her love of family and especially for her POSSUM STEW!!!!! She was the best and I miss her every time I go on this site.

Happy Birthday, Bon Bon!

When I think of Bonnie's birthday, I remember how pleased that she was to share her birthday with Glenda (a VR angel if there ever was one!):) Of course she was always happy to share a connection with VR members, but sharing a birthday with Glenda, her "twin" was right there at the top.

Bonnie loved deeply and was exceptionally loyal to her friends. She was an American original, and I know that we will never see anyone like her again on this forum.

Happy Birthday, dear Bonnie.
One of these days, we'll have a world class celebration in that big party room in the sky. That's a promise.

I don't have any stories per se, but I had steadfast friendship and someone to talk too when I was really down. I don't think she ever comprehended how much she meant to me. All I know is that I'm missing her more and more as time goes along.
I did not know Bonnie that well but I have come to know several very well that loved and admired her so??that is a testimony to what a wonderful lady she was?.I am sending out a prayer for her family on this day, I know that today will be tough on hearts that have not begun to heal.
I'm in a rush, but couldn't pass this thread. Danny thank you! I remember the picture of you all in Florida, and how I laughed out laoud when saw the "Hooters" caption. I have a half sister that was adopted by a couple at birth, as well as a niece and nephew that are adopted, and so I felt I could really share Bonnie's joy about her grandchildren. She is still a force of happiness in our world. How wonderful that she and Glenda the good share a birthday! Happy birthday dear friends! Brian Mc
Hi From Bonnie's Daughter Adriane

Hi From Bonnie's Daughter Adriane

Hey Friends. I hope this post finds everyone having a wonderful and cool summer! It's been anything but cool in GA. I have logged onto VR so many times over the past three months only to log back off without posting because I start crying and can't type correctly or make sense of my words. :D

Mama's life revolved around her grandkids and Her best friends are the ones that she has made through this website over the years. You have all been so wonderful to stay in touch over the past three months. THANK YOU for your kind words and comfort.

Today is mama's birthday and my dad, brother and I placed flowers on her grave today. As I was looking at her headstone, it occured to me that we should have had the valvereplacment website inscribed on it. She lived for her Sunday night chats! Daddy is doing great and has told me on many occasions that on Sunday nights, he looks at the computer and expects to see her sitting there. :p

Personally, I will share a story with you of something that I did today to celebrate mama's birthday. Now, all of you know how crazy my mother was so for those of you that know her personality you can find humor in this story. She used to call me each time after her annual mamogram to tell me how great she felt because "someone had squeezed her hooters". So, today, in her honor, I scheduled my second mamogram and the whole way through it I laughed because I could hear her in my head saying this to me.

Thank you to all of you for remembering her birthday today. There have been days over the past three months, that I haven't felt like getting out of bed because I miss her so much and my heart hurts. However, reading your posts and remembering your stories helps get me through the tough times.

I promise to be better about logging into VR on a more regular basis as I would love to keep up with each of you as you all meant so much to mama. Thank you for your wonderful friendship!

I love you all.
Adriane Seymour
When the Sunday Chat was first set up ( Bonnie's idea ) it was timed for 7 eastern time which made it midnight here in the UK

Well after the first two weeks and me trying to stay awake Bonnie suggested we move it to 5 eastern which is 10 UK time ( more conveinent for our friends over the pond she said)

Thats how she was always thinking of others, and she always reminded members about Sunday chat.

I still expect her to join us on a Sunday, I know she is with us in spirit, and always will be

Love to Bonnie's family on this special day, your Mama will always be in our hearts


Jan ( Liverpool England)
I cannot tell you how often I've thought about Bonnie and her family in the past three months and when I log on to our Sunday afternoon chat to still find her there.
"Happy Birthday" Bonnie.
And Adriane, I hope to 'see' you here more often. We will make you laugh just like your Mama made us laugh. I talked to your Mama at the Orlando reunion and a short time later she was gone.
I miss her.
Hey Friends. I hope this post finds everyone having a wonderful and cool summer! It's been anything but cool in GA. I have logged onto VR so many times over the past three months only to log back off without posting because I start crying and can't type correctly or make sense of my words. :D

Mama's life revolved around her grandkids and Her best friends are the ones that she has made through this website over the years. You have all been so wonderful to stay in touch over the past three months. THANK YOU for your kind words and comfort.

Today is mama's birthday and my dad, brother and I placed flowers on her grave today. As I was looking at her headstone, it occured to me that we should have had the valvereplacment website inscribed on it. She lived for her Sunday night chats! Daddy is doing great and has told me on many occasions that on Sunday nights, he looks at the computer and expects to see her sitting there. :p

Personally, I will share a story with you of something that I did today to celebrate mama's birthday. Now, all of you know how crazy my mother was so for those of you that know her personality you can find humor in this story. She used to call me each time after her annual mamogram to tell me how great she felt because "someone had squeezed her hooters". So, today, in her honor, I scheduled my second mamogram and the whole way through it I laughed because I could hear her in my head saying this to me.

Thank you to all of you for remembering her birthday today. There have been days over the past three months, that I haven't felt like getting out of bed because I miss her so much and my heart hurts. However, reading your posts and remembering your stories helps get me through the tough times.

I promise to be better about logging into VR on a more regular basis as I would love to keep up with each of you as you all meant so much to mama. Thank you for your wonderful friendship!

I love you all.
Adriane Seymour

So happy to hear from you Adriane- your whole family has been in my heart and thoughts and I am so glad to see you post. I'm sure your Mama laughed all the way through the mammogram with you today and I pray that you will laugh more often too when you relive all your beautiful memories. Come back often, we need to know how Bonnie's beautiful family is doing!