Got Home Today!!!

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Active member
Feb 28, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
I am both ecsatic and horrific that I got released from my surgery today. Went in on Tuesday morning, and got home today Monday afternoon.....for a total of 6 days. I am having problems, but not for ordinary things. Let me list them.

1) The hospital was easy. I was on so many drugs that im STILL feeling groggy.

2) In the hospital was impossibile for me to get comfortable. I have weird numbness or sore-action in the top of my tailbone. Figured this out on day 3. So then i had to toss n turn to find an alternative, and certain positions make me breathless or make my heart race too much. Hope its not AFIB. This will get addressed in the next few days.

3) Find it difficult to stay awake for more than 1 hour at a time still.

4) Not it any serious walking pain, but very out of breath.

5) At least in the hospital I had all the tools at my fingertips, and now it seems as if im alone. They say the most crucial exercises are walking, and spirometer.

6) Keep getting hot or cold but they said that will pass as my Hemo rises

Overall im pleased that im home, but im so anxious, mean, and low spirited and i DONT KNOW WHY im being this way. Im just in a bad mood 24 hours a day. And i need a trick on how to lay in a relaxed position so that there isnt too muc emphasis on my chest, fast heartbeat, or laying on my tailbone.

Welcome home! Hang in there! It gets better...sometimes progress is very slow. Do not let that discourage you. Other days you leap staircases! It took me several weeks to get my lungs back to full capacity! It took me about 2 to 3 weeks before I felt comfortable sleeping in bed. Everybody's situation is a little bit different.:thumbup:
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Welcome home! It does get easier and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for everyone. You will learn more of the tricks that work for you every day. I propped, rather had a pillow propped up behind me so I could lay not on my side, but not on my back either. It worked until I was able to move easier. The spirometer is crucial to increasing breath!
Great to hear that you're home! I felt sort of similar to you about being released from the hospital - I had all kinds of fears about not being so closely monitored, but it all worked out. Keep your doctors phone numbers close to you and don't be afraid to call them for any reason - that's what they are there for!!!!
Welcome home. Sounds like you are doing just as expected.
The shortness of breath you should monitor and if it continues discuss it with your doctor.
The low mood is very common. You've just been through a big trauma. It should gradually improve as you heal and get stronger. Again, if not, discuss it with your doctor.
Be really kind to yourself and surround yourself with many pillows. I learned that with my first surgery and had pillows of all sizes ready for my second surgery four years later. We all juggle them around to find what placement suits us the best. I was able to sleep in our bed the first night home both times thanks to all my pillows.

The very best things you can do for yourself to heal the best is WALK, walk, walk and use your spriometer. It cannot be overstated the benefit we get from walking while we are healing.

Best wishes for a bump free recovery.
jag004- I am sure I am not the only one wondering how you are doing. Any are you doing? Are you sleeping better?.....are you progressing in your recovery?
Take Care, Chris.
Thanks for the thoughts. Im 15 days post surgery today, and im doing good. Sleep is still the worst. I wake up very sore in my chest and back and short of breath every morning. It doesnt matter if im in bed, recliner, couch, etc. Its almost that I dread the night time because I know the pain is coming. But, during the day Im doing much better. I go for 4 small walks each day. My appetite isnt there still, but i still try and eat a few small meals a day. The boredom is murder!!!!! TV is terrible in the daytime. Getting a shower takes an awful lot out of me. I keep thinking of things im going to do once im better, and that keeps me going. I goto my cardio next Tues for my first echo......fingers crossed!!!! Plus Im going to speak with my cardio to where i should be 3 weeks post-op. And im interested in joining a cardiac rehab. Next Tues cant get here fast enough for me. I want to conquer the world, but i guess ill have to do it in baby steps. Overall my days are a 7, and my nights are a 3. But im doing good, in good spirits, and im thankful.
I need some input and opinions here. Im 21 days post-op and went for my first cardio appt today. To my surprise, my cardio had called out sick and I had a different dr from the practice evaluate me. He said I am right where I need to be at this point. But, he said no echo today because my chest is still too sore to be getting pushed on....and for me to get my echo next appt which is 8 weeks from now. WHAT???? I was fully expecting my cardio with an echo test done today. I was very pumped for this and it was a total let down. I thought ur first echo goes with ur first cardio appt. Im thinking that this dr was covering for my dr and didnt want to do anymore than he had to. What do u think? My cardio is there on Tues/Thu. Im going to call Thu and get him on the phone and tell him that I need to see HIM, and i need that echo to make sure that things are going right.

Also, I told the dr that im still no where near where I should be breathing. He said that 21 days post-op that if the valve is working correctly that my breathing should be almost back to normal. Its still hard for me to catch a deep breath, stairs wind me, and lying flat winds me. Now, he's got me worried that something is wrong. If u can remember, was ur breathing back to normal 21 days post-op?
Not having an ECHO today is very appropriate. Some cardios have their patients wait months.
My cardio said the same thing to me after my second OHS. I saw him about 2 1/2 weeks post op and my chest was still sore. He spared me the discomfort/pain of an ECHO when he saw no immediate need for one. We scheduled it for about 8 weeks post op and it was far more comfortable for me. I had a series of appointments with cardio post op and he kept a very close watch on me for months. This 'fill in' cardio you saw today was not doing anything that is not well within standard of care IMO

As to short of breath, I can't comment. I didn't have any breathing issues post op my second round.
I remember having a echo the day before I was release from hospital, day 5. Then I had one the same day I seen my cardio at the 8 week follow up. Everything looked to be in order he said. I see Cardio again next week for our 6 month follow up, but I dont think we will had an echo again until yr 1. As for the breathing at 3 weeks, it seemed to be ok from what I remember. I did have pain to the sturnum when trying to take deep breaths tho, which the surgion said was normal. I did get better after I started physio at week 4. I know for me things went too slow at week 3 to 8, just wanting so much for everything to be normal again. Its tough being patient, but things do get better each day. Hang in there, and be good to yourself.
My first cardio appointment was 2 weeks post op. I saw my primary care physician a week later. I saw my surgeon at the six week mark. My first echo is scheduled for next Monday-which is 9 weeks post-op. This is in preparation for my second cardio follow-up on July 9th which is 16 weeks post-op. What really helped my breathing was walking and increasing my daily walks each week. I do a minimum of 2 miles per day. Although I try to do 4 miles per day in two separate walks. For the first couple weeks I did a half mile walk at 8 am, 11am, 2 pm and 5 pm. My lungs were really bad for the first two to three weeks. Then Karen suggested taking a Claratin every morning thinking I might have allergies kicking in. This really helped. Now I make it part of my daily morning meds.
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Thanks for the responses. Now im not so worried. Ill try the Claratin and see if that works. My breathing seems harder on more humid days.
I think the couple weeks at home after the surgery were the absolute worst.
I felt depressed, terrified and just weak.
I PROMISE it will pass!!!!!!!! Hang in there and make sure you do the absolutely horrendous breathing exercises...You can do it it!!!
It's been 7.5 weeks since my avr surgery, and I still can't breathe correctly.

The problem is located in my upper chest and lower throat areas. My breathing is labored, and its hard for me to take a deeper breath at times. It feels as if the breath won't clear. My echo, chest X-ray, and physical exam were all good.

Last week my cardio said it may be some type of post pericardium syndrome. He put me on a weeks work of prednisone. It didn't work, and actually made it worse.

Also, I went to the surgeon again, and he said that this is somewhat normal in younger(37), bigger guys. For me not to worry. It will pass. And for me to start getting more active.

With that said....I did the elliptical for 20 mins today at the gym on a lighter level. Now, I can't breathe more than ever. It feels as if I have an enormous amount of phlegm stuck in my throat....but I don't.

This has been a big nuisance. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any advice would be great. Thanks.