Got a date!

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Oct 29, 2008
Billings, Montana
Well I finally heard back from Dr. Hanley's office today. We have a confirmed date of Dec 10 for Landon's surgery. I was just going to call them this afternoon and they called on my cell. Weird. So now we need to decide as to whether to fly(not knowing when to book return plus it is close to Christmas and hard to book a return) or drive (18 hour trip with a 5 year old), what to do with our 12 year old, where to stay, how to keep him healthy, how to get all the stuff that I thought I'd have time to do at work, done or prepped, get some blood and blood products donated, get those Christmas presents sent early (ok I can probably get away with not doing that one)YIKES!

But I'm relieved to get a date so we can move forward. So now the work starts. The scheduler also wants us to come down early just in case they want to do a cath even though his chart doesn't indicate that he would need a cath. She wants us there on Monday the 8th. Onward and upward.
Well I finally heard back from Dr. Hanley's office today. We have a confirmed date of Dec 10 for Landon's surgery. I was just going to call them this afternoon and they called on my cell. Weird. So now we need to decide as to whether to fly(not knowing when to book return plus it is close to Christmas and hard to book a return) or drive (18 hour trip with a 5 year old), what to do with our 12 year old, where to stay, how to keep him healthy, how to get all the stuff that I thought I'd have time to do at work, done or prepped, get some blood and blood products donated, get those Christmas presents sent early (ok I can probably get away with not doing that one)YIKES!

But I'm relieved to get a date so we can move forward. So now the work starts. The scheduler also wants us to come down early just in case they want to do a cath even though his chart doesn't indicate that he would need a cath. She wants us there on Monday the 8th. Onward and upward.

I am happy you are having the doctor you want, and I am sure you are too. So, take a deep breath and concentrate on one thing at a time...I would not worry about work or Christmas gifts! Trust me, no one will be upset if they care for you, as everyone's best gift will be Landon's better health and the of his surgery. As for travel, you may like to check out Southwest airlines---they have great fares sometimes.

I hope things will clear up for you soon.:)

Best wishes for best of luck, and prayers.
Congratulations on getting a date! That makes 3 of us on Dec 10!

Meanwhile I hope you manage to get around all the logistical issues. Have you got family that can help with your 12y/o? Have you got the option to fly across and then see how things pan out for your return trip? It might even be worth calling the airlines and explaining your situation - see if they have any suggestions (it's amazing what you can find out when you ask).

Having had OHS myself at 5 years, I remember very little of it - there's bits and pieces, but I certainly don't remember any of the yucky stuff (except how vile one of my meds was - it took 4 adults to hold me down and pour it down my throat ;) ). I'm sure Landon will do just fine and I wish you all the best.

A : )
Your 18 hour drive caught my attention, making me think of possibilities from Montana such as Mayo Clinic or one of the Major Heart Hospitals in Texas, or someplace in California.

A Google Search for "Dr. Hanley" came up with Dr. Frank Hanley in / near San Francisco. Is he the one?

Just Curious.

'AL Capshaw'
I flew after my surgery from the Mayo clinic. We had to change our return ticket date two times. It wasn't a big deal. Alot of the time, the hospital will have someone in place to help you deal with something like that. I would have to think twice about driving that far if you have a choice.

I'm sure you'd be surprised at how many people will be willing to help with your daughter's care while you are gone if you ask. I had people coming out of the woodwork to offer to help take care of my two children while I was gone. As for all the other "stuff" that needs to be taken care of, just take a deep breath and it will all sort itself out.

Good luck to you all.

Congratulations on setting the date, and good luck with working out the logistics. Personally, I'd fly as I think the 18 hour drive would be brutal under the circumstances.
I'm glad to read that you've got a date for Landon. It gives you something to focus and work towards, even though it will be an incredibly hectic few weeks.
Best wishes and Happy Thanksgiving!
Scrappergirl,welcome and hello,

Billings Montana I make alot of stop overs there with my parents

when i visit in their home town at Climax,we have relatives in Billings

and cross the border to go to Billings.....Small world .... but
My parents used to live in Turner Montana,prior to their move.
sounds like quite a trip for Landons surgery and i just want to send

my greetings and all the best to all of you and you will continue in

my thoughts as you prevail his surgery........Prayers to all.

zipper2 (DEB)
best of luck to you too!

best of luck to you too!

Congratulations on getting a date! That makes 3 of us on Dec 10!

Meanwhile I hope you manage to get around all the logistical issues. Have you got family that can help with your 12y/o? Have you got the option to fly across and then see how things pan out for your return trip? It might even be worth calling the airlines and explaining your situation - see if they have any suggestions (it's amazing what you can find out when you ask).

Having had OHS myself at 5 years, I remember very little of it - there's bits and pieces, but I certainly don't remember any of the yucky stuff (except how vile one of my meds was - it took 4 adults to hold me down and pour it down my throat ;) ). I'm sure Landon will do just fine and I wish you all the best.

A : )
Thanks so much. I saw that you were on for the 10th also. I also saw your B-Day is close to that day. Mine is the 9th, so my logic is since we are in pre-op all that day, I don't have time to celebrate, so I won't change my age! I need to spend some time doing those tasks of calling the air lines and pleading my case.
Scrappergirl,welcome and hello,

Billings Montana I make alot of stop overs there with my parents

when i visit in their home town at Climax,we have relatives in Billings

and cross the border to go to Billings.....Small world .... but
My parents used to live in Turner Montana,prior to their move.
sounds like quite a trip for Landons surgery and i just want to send

my greetings and all the best to all of you and you will continue in

my thoughts as you prevail his surgery........Prayers to all.

zipper2 (DEB)

Wow lived here all my life and know a lot of the tiny towns but have never heard of Turner. Thanks for the thoughts.
that's the one

that's the one

Your 18 hour drive caught my attention, making me think of possibilities from Montana such as Mayo Clinic or one of the Major Heart Hospitals in Texas, or someplace in California.

A Google Search for "Dr. Hanley" came up with Dr. Frank Hanley in / near San Francisco. Is he the one?

Just Curious.

'AL Capshaw'

Yes he is at Lucille Packard Childrens hospital. He did his first surgery. Man of few words but talented as a surgeon. Our other choice was Denver, Col but we were more comfortable with LPCH.
Thanks for all the kind words and advice. I do need to take the time to do the research of the airfare. I have some time off on Friday so hope to make the calls. At thsi point i have been just doing airfare searches on the internet. We flew the first time and had to change our return flight once. We do have several friends that have offered to take care of big brother so that helps. He really wanted to come but I don't want him to miss all the school. If we end up staying longer, we might fly him down.
I did talk to the Ronald MD house today. Put my name on the list adn will talk to the social worker tomorrow and also the housing department at the hospital. They can usually get some pretty good rates on rooms if we can't get the RMH room.
Then there is all the work things, which I really got on today so I can transition.
Thanks so much. I saw that you were on for the 10th also. I also saw your B-Day is close to that day. Mine is the 9th, so my logic is since we are in pre-op all that day, I don't have time to celebrate, so I won't change my age!

Hey... now why hadn't I thought of it that way? :rolleyes: I was just ticked off I wouldn't be getting my sparkling red and b-day cake!! I can't even go out the night before because I'm also being admitted on the 9th - and Happy Birthday for then, by the way :D

Meanwhile I hope you're making progress with your travel arrangements. I'm sure it will all fall in to place.

A : )
Just wanted to wish you the best With Landon. Does he have a favorite toy animal to bring? when my daughter was hosp it helped a little & they were also so good with her
Good to hear your eldest has someone to take care of him be sure to keep him in the loop thats a tough age to begin with not to mention have to deal with brother having surgery
hope air travel works out.... 18hrs in car seems crazy but if you have to it is doable. hopefully you have a dvd player & just suggest making a fun bag full of coloring books, stickers,etc.
The 10th will be a great day

The 10th will be a great day

Thanks so much. I saw that you were on for the 10th also. I also saw your B-Day is close to that day. Mine is the 9th, so my logic is since we are in pre-op all that day, I don't have time to celebrate, so I won't change my age! I need to spend some time doing those tasks of calling the air lines and pleading my case.

As Anna said, looks like there's at least three of us getting fixed on the 10th of December. I'm sure with all the prayers going around, it'll all turn around. I'll keep Landon and Anna in my thoughts as I go under that day. In the meantime, I hope everyone has (or had) a great Thanksgiving Day.

I remember seeing you were going to have surg on the 10th also. Best wishes and we will definitely keep both of you in our prayers. Here is a great verse to take wiith you. I get great strength from it:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9

Happy T Day and best of luck in your preparations in the next week as we count down....
I was going to say something about the 3 muskateers... but we've got another valver joining us on the 10th - "vprnet". So looks like being quite a popular day ;) I'm sure we'll all do fabulously and it will be interesting to see who gets out first :)

You KNOW I'll be thinking of you all (and it's kind of nice to know we won't be alone) :) :)

A : )