frequency of testing?

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Newmitral already pointed out that 2.5 and 7.5 mg pills are available here.

In addition to NewMitral's issues with extremely high sensitivity (or something) to Warfarin, that causes his spikes and drops, I'm wondering if there's something about some of us using the InRatio and getting consistently higher than lab results. It seems that some of us (Gerrychuck for example) get results that are within .1 of a lab, and people like me and many others, report results 0.3-0.6 or so higher than lab results. Is it the meter somehow not working the same with some people that it does with others, or perhaps just a difference from lab to lab. INR testing is, unfortunately, not an easily reproduced science, and is subject to minor differences in reagents, blood handling, and other confounding factors.
It really is NOT common for INR to take wild swings out of range UNLESS the patient is unknowingly affecting it with new supplements, new diet, or new meds.
I've been on Coumadin for 7 1/2 years with a very stable INR.
Started out monthly testing at a lab, now testing every 2 weeks at home.
No problems at all :)
There is no reason to freak out or over analyze the ACT thing..... really.
This week tested at 3.5 and i've got a nice new bunch of broccoli in the fridge for my next couple of dinners.
, I'm wondering if there's something about some of us using the InRatio and getting consistently higher than lab results.

Yes , me too. I had a conversation with pem about this subject.

It seems that some of us (Gerrychuck for example) get results that are within .1 of a lab, and people like me and many others, report results 0.3-0.6 or so higher than lab results. Is it the meter somehow not working the same with some people that it does with others, or perhaps just a difference from lab to lab.

As I think I mentioned in another thread, pem applies a function (or formula) to his result from his InRatio and as found that to bring his readings closer to the lab and be consistent between strips and across time. This suggests that a factor differentiating people is present.

Give his formula a go across your historical data and see how it goes. You may need to adjust his factors to suite your body, but it might help
I followed his initial postings about the algorithm with interest. I'm not sure if that adjustment works for me or not -- but if it is fairly consistent across the population of users, it kind of makes you wonder why Alere (or Hemosense, which developed the meter) didn't program it in. It doesn't make sense to always have an INR that is consistently higher than labs if there's a simple program that could be programmed in, during manufacture, to adjust this. (It would also be nice if there was some way that the firmware in these meters can be updated to reflect changes and improvements -- but perhaps the FDA wouldn't like that).
ski girl,

Who is prescribing your coumadin?
Doesn't that person monitor your INR? Don't they ever inquire where you are testing/how stable or
unstable your readings are?

Is it for a-fib as asked above?
Sorry for the questions but I'm trying to understand your circumstance.
Hi guys-

I was originally a tissue-valver but 11 months after that op I contracted a massive case of endocarditis and got this noisy ticking time bomb mechanical thing. So now I'm a warfarin person!

My GP prescribes the warfarin for me but they seem spectacularly disinterested in my INR levels. In fact, when I do get a lab test I have to ring the doctor's office to get the results and am told by the receptionist that they can't give me the results, only a doctor can - lather rinse repeat on this process for a few days until I manage to ring when a doctor is available.

Even when I see my GP for other things they don't ask about my INR - that blase attitude about it has worn off on me it seems!

Ski girl, it sounds like you need another coumadin manager! Results delayed are worthless to make corrections with! You definitately need to self test, and learn as much as you can about managing yourself, because your doctor and his/her staff are trying to kill you through negligence!