Follow-up to avr on 9/18

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Aug 17, 2009
Aiken, SC
For those that may have wondred what happened to me after the "perfect" AVR on 9/18, my recovery has turned into "Bill's not so great adventure."

I went back into the hospital on 9/28 with a suspected sternum infection. Turns out that that was the right diagnosis and since that date, I've had three follow-on surgeries including two debridements with all hardware removed (second operation), bone scrapings, etc. Trust me, it wasn't pleasant. The final surgery was last Tuesday and consisted of titanium plates, screws, and plastic surgery to close the wound. I was discharged from the hospital late yesterday afternoon and am on 30-45 day in home IV antibiotic therapy.

I was told by many in the hospital that having an upbeat, positive attitude was key to getting this far (with some distance to go possibly)

I am still positive but a tad humbled by this.

Small numbers (risks) mean something particularly if you are the small number.

I will write more as strength allows and questions are posed.

Regards to all--

OMG! That sounds awful! I am so sorry for your really lousy luck!! I imagine it is really hard to keep a positive attitude - but it sounds to me like you are doingyour best to master that.

Much better luck to you from here on out on a speedy recovery and getting life back to normal - or hopefully better than normal.

Oh geez louise.... Where did you get the germs for the infection? Were they hovering around in your wound the whole time? It sounds painful and I wish you a speedy recovery now. I did 6 weeks of at home anti-biotic via PICC line and it was no fun. Please take care and post as your recovery permits.
Those PICC lines aren't very fun, but they are about 1000x better than going to the hospital 3x daily for IV anti-biotics. What kind of anti-biotics are you on? Strep or staph infection? Good luck either way -- positive outlook makes a world of difference.
That really does sound awful--an upbeat attitude is certainly to your credit in those circumstances. Did you have to go back to ECU each time?
I hope the rest of your recovery is untroubled.
I'm sorry to hear this. Justin went thru that after his last surgery, but "only" had one surgery to clean everything out above and below his sternum and around his heart. He had all his wires (except the very top one removed and didn't need plates ect, because the muscle flap worked to heal his sternum. After the surgery we were told the bottom of his sternuim was "mush" but they were hopeful it would heal. Its been about 2 years and he is doing well ...
HIS was 10 days post op too.
Oh no, Bill! This was my worst nightmare... developing some kind of infection. My wife still jokingly tells people that the first words I mumbled to her when I came to in ICU, and before floating off again for another 18 hours, was "don't kiss me, don't come near me, did you wash your hands?" Did they identify the organism and how it managed to get at you? My wound is now healed but I get goose bumps and paranoic thinking of your ordeal. Wishing you a speedy recovery and fortitude in dealing with the PICC lines....Johan

Sorry to hear about this, but glad to know they are aggressively treating it. Hang on and keep that good attitude it will help you heal. Please keep us informed; we will be sending you lots of good vibes and prayers. .
