Fluid retention at 10 weeks post op question.

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I'd get to the cardiologist, have you been weighing yourself? Have you had a lot of sodium? Change in meds?
Robb, at 2.5 months post op you are not too far out to still have complications. Are you having shortness of breath? Is it worse when you lie down? Have you had sudden weight gain? If you are having trouble breathing, I might consider going to the ER. If not, I definitely would call my cardio first thing in the am.

My cardio always told me if I gain two pounds or more in a day take another lasix and potassium and call her asap.
Sodium is the same. I will call the Cardio in the morning. IVe gained about 10lbs in the past week. 20lbs in the pasts 3 weeks. NO trouble breathing.

It is a good idea to talk to your cardio. After surgery I was very sensitive to salt and I had to avoid it completely for a few months. One oz of cheese meant 1 lb the end of the day.

Keep us posted.
Agree with the others.. definitely call your cardiologist and get his/her opinion!
I am a bit more than 3 months post op and have found that if I eat a lot of salty foods on the weekends, I will easily be up 3 to 6 lbs Monday morning. As long as I eat well, it usually clears that day (many trips to the bathroom). When this first happened (about 2 months post op) they did an echo just to make sure everything was fine and it was. Now I try to make better food choices when possible.
Robb, when you called and left your message, did you let them know what was going on? That kind of weight gain that quickly is something that needs to be looked at, quickly in my opinion. It would not be acceptable to me to not have received a call back by this point. I'd be making another call. And if you still don't get a call back, and you don't get to see him tomorrow, I'd start making a pest of myself and call every hour until you get some attention. No joke, this could become dangerous if it is a bunch of fluid.

I agree with Kim (kfay). 20 lbs in 3 weeks, with 10 in the last week is waaaayyyyy wrong/potentially dangerous.
Sodium is the same. I will call the Cardio in the morning. IVe gained about 10lbs in the past week. 20lbs in the pasts 3 weeks. NO trouble breathing.

Robb I have been down this road in 2007 at about the four month post my third OHS in 2007......I had not gone through the education process and was still buying skinless boneless chicken breast both fresh and frozen at the grocery store where they are "plumped" with a saline solution to enhance shelf life and flavor....this is true of pork and beef products as well ...whenever you see the word "seasoned" it means SODIUM in some form....I get it all now at source be it the butcher or from a farm

No call from Cardios Medical Assistant. I have an appointment with the office tomorrow to see the Cardiac Electrician and ill see If i can talk to the Cardio tomorrow.

I was treated to an IV Lasix treatment once a week then weaned off that slowly but I still take 80 mg lasix in the am then 160mg in the pm then 80mg in the middle of the night I would try and emerg room and seek help you are gaining water weight far too quickly
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Robb, hope you are ok and are working on getting a resolution to your problem. Please keep us posted about what is going on.
