FLU Shots...yes or no?

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I got mine earlier with no problems except a sore arm.

I heard on the radio the other day that the flu shot could be good for your heart because it might prevent dangerous clots from forming. I guess that's good, but now I wonder if it might have an effect on our INR. I've always heard not, but this newest benefit made me go, hmmmmmmm. My INR was 4.2 5 days after my shot.
Iv'e gotten the flu shot since first surgery 16 years ago

It's been good i maintain (get the shot not the flue)

doesn't always keep you from getting the flu,but it can

make symptoms milder and reduce your risk of complications.

zipper2 (DEB)
Freddie and SuperBob have had the flu shot and they are both very sick right now.
I'm blessed with a crappy immune system and am going to skip the shot, thanks.

Bina, tsk, tsk -- I have the crud -- NOT flu with vomiting and all that mess! The flu shot doesn't protect you from a cold, but it does help protect you from the (blare of trumpets) FLU! :)

Not like you Bina to dispense such misleading info. But Superbob loves you nonetheless. :);)
Bina, tsk, tsk -- I have the crud -- NOT flu with vomiting and all that mess! The flu shot doesn't protect you from a cold, but it does help protect you from the (blare of trumpets) FLU! :)

Not like you Bina to dispense such misleading info. But Superbob loves you nonetheless. :);)

Sorry Bob, that's my fault for using the quick reply box without the ":rolleyes:" and :D features.
Hopefully everyone knows that the flu shot will not give them the flu.
My husband and I both get flu shots every year for the last several years. No adverse reactions.

I got the pneumonia shot for the first time this year and my husband got his last year.

I don't normally get flu or pneumonia but I'm not taking any changes. I too try to avoid crowds and wash my hands often especially during the cold and flu seasons.
Flu Shot A Must!

Flu Shot A Must!

We are very high risk, so my doctor says get it. Never had one before last year. Made me kind of feel strange for a few days, but he said it was worth it in the long run. We can just die from the flu due to complications! :mad: So I will be going tomorrow! My family has to get one also, and I stay away from the public area's during flue time! Has anyone heard if there has been any cases of it this year?
I've only had a flu shot once. Have debated on getting it again. Not that I had a problem I just hate needles. I usually don't get the flu. So is that bad that I don't get it? :( So I don't know a yes or a no????:confused:
In the US, you are on the "preferred" list for flu shots, unless you have egg allergies, one of a couple immune diseases or transplants with immunosuppressants, or some other, very specific reason. Ask your doctor, but the answer will likely be, "Why haven't you gotten it yet?"

Best wishes,
THumbs up for flu shots...and other preventive shots

THumbs up for flu shots...and other preventive shots

Al and I get a flu shot every year. For us, it is a definate must. You might also consider getting a pneumonia shot, a tetnus shot, and a shot for shingles. These are all protections that folks in high risk categories should have...or at least consider.

I was watching FOX news and they said if you google flu. It will show you a map and show you the areas where the flu is. Kind of interesting.
Yes here too.
Sometimes, though, the strains we are protected against aren't always the strains that hit. I've been getting flu shots since college, and 5 years ago I got the worst flu, despite having had a flu shot. I was out of work for two weeks, and missed Thanksgiving with my family (got sick that day. :mad:) That was a horrible flu season.

As a public high school teacher, I keep plenty of antibacterial stuff around for the kids and me to use. I've noticed I don't get sick as much since I've been keeping the Purell around.
I believe the pneumonia and shingles vaccine are only recommended for people in their 60's and up.

There is lots of mixed info about the antibacterial stuff. Many researchers think antibacterial products are being overused, knocking out the good bugs, creating superbugs, much like overuse of antibiotic drugs. Remember when penicillin was used for everything? Now doctors don't even mess with basic penicillin because they know that the bugs of today are too strong. Like other antibiotic formulas, antibacterial products, including handwashes, have zero protection against viruses, and most studies show that they're no better than good old soap and water. So, even if they don't actually contribute to antibiotic resistence, they probably aren't worth the cost. Now, if you're in a place where you don't have access to soap and water, they're okay, but otherwise, I'd stick with the old fashioned stuff.
By the way, the active ingredient in Purell is rubbing alcohol, just like you can buy in the bottle for about 50 cents! It's not considered antibacterial, but rather antiseptic.
...antibacterial products, including handwashes, have zero protection against viruses, and most studies show that they're no better than good old soap and water.

I found when I was still an active member of society and was catching public transport to work that wearing gloves drastically reduced the amount of things I caught.

Since I've been unable to work my doctors suggested it probably wasn't worth getting the flu shot since I'm really not getting much exposure to anything at all - but once I get back into the swing of things, it's definitely going to be on my To Do list.
I Get Mine Faithfully Every Year...

I Get Mine Faithfully Every Year...

Like Ross,

I have to have one every year, because if I get sick, it really causes a pile of trouble for me...:eek::eek::eek:
Pneumonia shots and Shingles shots

Pneumonia shots and Shingles shots

Pneumonia shots are recommended for a a wide population of folks, children and adults who have compromised situations. They are especially recommended for people who are hospitalized, including doctors and nurses.


Our Internist told us that the new shingles vaccination was being targeted to those people who are 60 years and older, in part because that group has the most problems with shingles. He thought that the vaccination would be broadened to include other groups.

We chose to get the shots and pay for them ourselves. Now, Medicare will cover these shots for those on Medicare.

There are particular groups that the pneumonia vaccine is recommended for, but the CDC actually doesn't recommend it for healthcare workers, finding that they are at no greater risk of getting pneumonia than the general population. The latest group recommended for pneumonia vaccination are smokers, which makes sense to me since their lungs are probably already damaged. I asked the Medical Director of my company if I should get this vaccine and he said no. First of all because I am no longer considered chronically ill, and second because there seems to be links between this vaccine and worsened allergies.

My daughter had shingles last spring at the old age of 17. My nephew had them several years ago when he was 5! It's unusual, and not usually as painful or severe in younger people, so that is probably the reason the shingles vaccine is only recommended for seniors.
I know it's advised. But being a slacker - 2 years ago was the first time I ever got one and that was because my newborn (at the time) granddaughter's ped said everyone that was going to be around her should have one. That year was the first time I'd had the flu in years and it was the worst case I'd ever had. I know it was just a coincidence because they can't cover all the strains of flu - but it was highly ironic.

I will probably get one this year - but when I have a few days where I'm not busy as heck - it's the beginning of my busy season at church and I felt pretty under the weather for a few days after getting the shot last time.