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Cardio version

Cardio version

Hi Rain,
Yes I had the cardio version done once in Hawaii and 3 times the week after my surgery in cleveland. It has been about 2 years since I had a problem. Wasen't that nice of us to send you some of our rain?


Hey Rain and Bonnie! One time my 4 year old upped my grocery bill to almost $200.00! I was not happy. He kept putting all his favorite "treats" in my cart, and I didn't catch them until I got home, and wondered how in the world it got that high! Those carts that they have come up with that have the huge blue things on the back just don't help that at all! They make the aisles just narrow enough that the kids sitting in there can reach EVERYTHING! Now I make sure he is not able to reach anything. I do prefer not to take Erik, my 20 month old,because he keep sstanding up and trying to get out of the cart. One of these days he's going to fall out! Well, I will chat with you all on sunday!
Only a year, Bonnie? My dear Joe loved pepper, put it on everything except his daily ice cream. Daughter once served him scrambled eggs, he promptly covered them with black pepper and she said if she had known he wanted dirty eggs, she'd have taken it outside first. He's been gone for 6 yrs now and his pepper is still in the cupboard - I have never used pepper (instructions from Mother).

I took my three children on shopping days (would let my girls take an occasional fun day off from school if their grades were
A's -and they were) and we would spend the entire day shopping. Then Chuck came along 10 yrs after them - we took him, too (no fun days, tho - his grades weren't A's). To this day they ALL love to shop - Chuck loves it more than the girls do and his wife thinks that is great. :cool:
Ha ha ha...right on Ross!

Joy -- tell that youngun to quit putting all those cartons of smokes in your food basket....LOL

Rain in Colorado -- I thought ya'll quit eating Indians many moons ago and now I see where you're still making tacos out of them. For shame, for shame!:D

I'm with Granbonny -- arteries 'clear as a bell' and many years of steak, ice cream and dairy products as I lived on a dairy and drank the milk straight from the cow - well, I used a glass. The best part though was making ice cream from the cream that floated to the top. I'd scoop off the solid cream and make homemade ice cream. Ooooooowee, was that rich! If they take my rib eyes and Blue Bell ice cream from me they might as well get the shovel! 'Cholesterol is a state of mind.'

And Billy -- once in Scotland I tried the black pudding -- real salty, but did have a spicy flavor. Yuk, pig blood? And those 'beans' seem to always be what we call 'Pork 'n Beans.' Don't ya'll have a good 'Boston Baked Bean?' Didn't those ride over on a boat from England? Oh my! Was that the tea? LOL Am I opening up a 'can of worms?' :D
Erik... what a beautiful name!!

Erik... what a beautiful name!!

Hey Joy,

I named my first baby Eric! He?ll be graduating from college this coming May. They grow up quick.

When my boys were little I used to make them put their hands in their pockets and leave them there until we got out of the store. And I very seldom bought them anything special when we were at the store together... they knew going to the store was ?business? and they better act accordingly.

I know it sounds terrible, Joy, but I wouldn't let your son have ANYTHING he put in the cart without your knowledge. You will only encourage that behavior.

And tell me WHY do I think JANIE every time I read a post from ?shezagirlie??!
Saw a London newsman report that in UK they have beans with everything - breakfast, lunch, dinner, in-between, snacks. Beans, beans, beans. Is it true Billy?
No Beans Billy

No Beans Billy

Don't want no beans for breakfast tonight.:D No bloody pudding either..:D Are you awake Billy?:D Bonnie


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........Wake me in an hour........Zzzzzzzzzz
You know what that means, Ms. Bonnie.....

You know what that means, Ms. Bonnie.....

If you don't want my Navajo tacos or Billy's killer breakfast.... that must mean it's YOUR turn to cook!! :p So what's for dinner?

You know I only live 35 miles from the 'bean capitol of the world'!! lol DOVE CREEK, COLORADO!! ... dry land country. They have no irrigation out there. They even make desert out of beans in Dove Creek. :eek:
Chicken for dinner

Chicken for dinner the deep south we have chicken every Sunday Never know when the Preacher will show up:D Boiled potates with Ranch dressing..Brocolli and cheese and Texas Toast...:D Bonnie
Seldom eat beans here Ann!

Seldom eat beans here Ann!

I like the kids to eat a healthy diet we're a green veg family ..beans don't feature that often on our menu !
Take care
Scottie .
...going to rest until 1 am ..WAKE ME UP THEN BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Southern tradition that on Sunday, the preacher often came to dinner (noon meal in the South) after church - and mother killed a chicken to fry. Recall one Sunday the preacher was digging in the platter and Mother asked if she could help him find the piece he was looking for. It was the liver - Mother, without cracking a smile, said our chickens didn't have livers. (She always ate them in the kitchen before dinner). Never got a chicken liver til I grew up. Found I didn't like them.

Yesterday, after church, went to a local buffet restaurant where they had beaucoup food. I found the fried chicken bin - only 2 pieces left. One diner remarked on it and quickly the bin was filled and this diner made a dash for it (me, too). Soon, from our table, some family member wanted fried chicken. Needless to say the bin was empty yet again. The roast beef, meat loaf, pork tray, fish tray all remained full - not the fried chicken. Went like hotcakes!

When I ate mine, I cut it with a knife, very ladylike! :D


My daughter's Home Ec. teacher in high school taught them to eat chicken with a fork and knife. Now that she lives in Gainesville, Ga. (Large poultry city) Have a chicken in Square) Everyone looks at her funny..Old saying there. if you are caught eating chicken without using your are arrested. :D Bonnie
Look at me funny, too. It is against the law to use fork and knife to eat fried chicken. I am pretty proficient at it now. And everybody asks me what the heck do I think I am doing. But I hate that after thing with the greasy fingers. If I really have to use fingers, I dip fingers in the water glass afterward (the one with the lemon in it).:D

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