First day home...I'm scared!

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I removed the bandage today and left it off to give it some air...I will put a fresh one on either before I got to sleep or before I go out tomorrow..

My biggest problem today is boredom!

and that's a pretty good thing!

Glad you are doing well. Yep bored was usually Justin's main complaint after surgery,especially when he had them in the winter.
So we tried to find some new hobbies he would like to learn, have a jigsaw puzzle set up and watched ALOT of movies.

Interesting about your bandage. How long do you have to keep it on? They usually took Justin's off before he went home and he was told to keep it uncoverred.
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Both surgeries, I had steri-strips down my incision (which was glued - no external stitches) and was instructed if they did not come off in the shower on their own, I was to remove them by ten days. It would become an infection risk. First surgery they all came off. Second surgery only half came off and I was so squeamish about removing the rest but actually is was easy and painless, in the shower.

Maybe you might call your doctor's office and ask.
I can't see any reason to keep them on, it looks healthy, although I really hope it 'flattens out'...I'm sure it will a bit, as it's only been just over a week..I'll ask the cardiologist who I am seeing on Thursday and of course keep it clean and keep an eye on it...Really glad I decided to remove it, i don't feel like pulling hair off my chest each time or shaving more body hair...I look like some sorta abused dog..misc bruises, shaved in weird spots...why the #*& did they trim just about all the hair on my legs? seriously...someone went nuts on me while I was out of it...Halloween came early I guess...Trick or treat?
so you are starting a new life with shaved lags OFF we GO ....dont skip with those legs it will just be WRONG

They shaved the fronts of all my legs...various parts of my arms..I really look like my dog when he gets a weird haircut...bichon poodle...
Just guessing but might be 'in case of emergency' and they need to put in more lines, needed to connect heart/lung in alternate location for whatever ....... unplanned bypass and saphenous vein retrieval possible.

It's probably a matter of 'be ready just in case'.
I think they were just having fun with me...

I remember preparing my friends and family for what to expect from me post's almost funny when I look back two weeks...My kids were prepared to be almost round the clock 'nurses'....The truth is I need just about no help...but it's nice when they visit.

I'm still tired and all but can easily walk 20-30 minutes at a fair pace..thats what I am doing minimum daily and expect to notch that up by this weekend (2 week mark)...

My bp is steady and low 112/68 just now...pulse is a bit higher than I'd like but still much less during a similar walk just a couple of weeks ago...pulse after moderate walking is about 104...resting (after long rest) it's fine (72 or so) but takes quite awhile to get there...

No complaints of course...trying to visualize how much better I'll feel at various points in future...My hearts not been working right for long time and I think I just accepted that as the new normal...
I'm using this thread as a bit of a blog...I hope that's not obnoxious and is of interest to (somebody)...

I have weird hours that I developed a couple of years ago when I sold a business and took off time to do other interests...I got to sleep at 3-4 or even 5am (ugh) and in the last 8 weeks been outside very little as I was weak before surgery and even now since I am just a week post surgery, this isn't the time to change my patterns all at once.

But I have managed to get out every day since I got home thursday and am far exceeding my initial expectations which were very very low...such as walking 50 yards and coming can fairly easily walk a mile (flat for the most part where I live in NYC)...I stayed out for 4-6 hours on Sunday but was definitely very tired the next two days as a result, including today.. But even if tired, I do manage to get out for 1/2 hour of walking at a moderate pace...I'm intentionally not pushing it and still am amazed I am not even at the two week anniversary...Each day I believe more and more that this surgery will 'stick' and recovery will continue nice and steadily...I of course feel 'weirdness' in my heart but it's better each day and so far better than my first surgery. Laying down is not bad, sleeping positions do hurt a bit but nothing terrible and I can sleep on my side...

I'm wondering how to make goals and what they should be...Is it simply to just experiment and don't do anything stupid like an aerobics class (haha)?

I'm heartier and stronger than I think...I think...But I do feel vulnerable walking the streets as my sternum is still sore and I don't feel in shape at all...My muscles are deconditioned, mane I should think about ways to get in shape but i am not sure now is the time or what exactly to do...i'm used to weights and pushups and stuff...none of that is possible

Thanks for reading this very self centered bloggy post!
Had longest walk and longest time out today..walked two miles and went shopping....then home for an hour and met a friend for 2 hour dinner (no drinking)..

Proud I was able to do all that and feel ok but even though i didn't feel like I was 'pushing it' heart is pounding a bit in my chest since I got home...BP is good but resting heart rate is higher than I'd like...about 93..

Have INR test at NYU tomorrow and first appointment with cardio since surgery...

Overall a really good day...Yet there is an irrational part of my brain that expects to be 'perfect'...My poor doctor...he told me I'd be my own worst enemy.

Have to laugh at myself...patience is not something that comes naturally to me..
Have you thought of looking into rehab, to help you with knowing how hard to push and not do too much? I have to smile, when i think of how much you've changed since even before surgery when we "met' you wouldn't go out and were too private to start a page for updates and now doing so well with walking and blogging your recovery on a public site like this :) I think you'll be happy to have this to look back on
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lol, so true...nothing succeeds like success...and I am motivated to share here...hopefully all good news...but know it is not guaranteed either...My pounding heart most of tonight and higher resting heart rate are reminders, I've obviously got a ways to go to be healed (will it take more than 2 weeks???)..

You will all get a kick out of this...I went to a great clothing store to buy a jacket I saw about a month ago...The manager is going to Sweden tomorrow for shoulder surgery and I showed him my incision scar...I got 20% off the jacket and 4 really cool light sweat shirts...I hung out there for about an hour and walked out friends with all the guys who work there...all asking to see the

I'll talk to my cardiologist about rehab, the Rusk Institute is part of NYU and has a state of the art facility that insurance will cover..I was anxious to start but I thought it would be weeks before I was ready for it...I could use some advice on how far to push it and it would be comforting to be monitored so closely in such a facility..

Nice long walk planned to the hospital tomorrow, if i am up for it and a walk back...should be interesting if I am knocked out and too tired for that in the am..
These are wonderful comments & I'm learning so much & so hope when I get my avr you all will be " with me" as well. Ofwego Glad to hear u r up & out. I'm due for a feb 2012 avr & gathering as much info from u all as possible. Still deciding between 2 docs- I go back & forth every day. I am told I'll get the mini stern from both & had wanted the rib cage Thor- whatever - but doc says that's normally more painfrul - going thru the ribs vs mini stern ? Any one have that total mini invasive ? Going thru ribsb???

Also -things 6-8 weeks out of a mini stern can get u (me) back to work? . I too will miss the gym. So many questions & again you have been most helpful. Best to u all. Nancy Jane
These are wonderful comments & I'm learning so much & so hope when I get my avr you all will be " with me" as well. Ofwego Glad to hear u r up & out. I'm due for a feb 2012 avr & gathering as much info from u all as possible. Still deciding between 2 docs- I go back & forth every day. I am told I'll get the mini stern from both & had wanted the rib cage Thor- whatever - but doc says that's normally more painfrul - going thru the ribs vs mini stern ? Any one have that total mini invasive ? Going thru ribsb???

Also -things 6-8 weeks out of a mini stern can get u (me) back to work? . I too will miss the gym. So many questions & again you have been most helpful. Best to u all. Nancy Jane

Even if you have a full sternum cut, depending on your job most people can go back to work in 6-8 weeks.
These are wonderful comments & I'm learning so much & so hope when I get my avr you all will be " with me" as well. Ofwego Glad to hear u r up & out. I'm due for a feb 2012 avr & gathering as much info from u all as possible. Still deciding between 2 docs- I go back & forth every day. I am told I'll get the mini stern from both & had wanted the rib cage Thor- whatever - but doc says that's normally more painfrul - going thru the ribs vs mini stern ? Any one have that total mini invasive ? Going thru ribsb???

Also -things 6-8 weeks out of a mini stern can get u (me) back to work? . I too will miss the gym. So many questions & again you have been most helpful. Best to u all. Nancy Jane

I had minimally invasive mitral valve repair first time around...It's hard to pass on that for full or mini stern...I felt the minimally invasive was much more painful but that was just me...


Just got back from first cardio post surgery checkup...I lost all the fluid weight I put on and he took me off lasix and potassium. He reduced the metropolis from 25 2x a day to 25 1x a day...He wants to see me again on Monday before he goes away for a week.

He said there is mild aortic leaking...that def scared me...He is a very straight shooter...and I asked him what he could mean he said..No surgery...ever...He never says that...but of course it's disturbing as seems how all my 'movie's' start.

So I'll be only on 25 mg of Metropolol and 5mg of Warfarin for another few weeks...

Walked to and back from the hospital but I am def worn out from my long day and night yesterday...Thats allowed right?
I am officially wiped out posted before...yesterday was nice long walk and shopping out for about 2 1/2 hours then taxi home, hour or two rest and a two hour dinner with a friend...

Was beat all day...but managed to walk to NYU and back...I was not in a great mood, they had to struggle a bit to remove the stitches from the area below the incision and that combined with some news about aortic regurgitation (probably 'minor' and not anything emergency) but it was still not something I wanted to hear...I skipped out of the hospital and didn't get the INR test but got the prescription and will go back tomorrow to do the test...another planned walk at least..

I guess I can push myself 'hard' and be out for hours and then pay for it with a couple days low energy...sounds about right....I'm really bored and home alone most of the day.

oh well...maybe go to sleep before 4am and get a start on tomorrow's walk at a reasonable time!
Same thing for all of us........

You push too hard one day, you pay for it the next.
Let Common Sense and your body rule.
Yesterday, I allowed myself to not do anything but sleep...and rest..I felt really guilty I didn't go was a beautiful day but I just wanted to say inside.

I went to sleep late last night as usual,maybe 3am...and again wanted to sleep the day away...I forced myself out of bed, the first thing i do each morning is take a deep breath and flex my shoulder/chest area...chest felt and feels stronger literally every day....thats a great feeling...breath felt about the same but not complaining.

I still wanted to stay inside but I promised I wouldn't so, i took a small camera with me and went on a 1/5-2.0 mile walk at a decent pace...of course still not so easy to do but I can walk even much further if I am motivated but there's no reason to push it an pay for it tomorrow...spent about 1 hour outside and got home an am parked in front of the television for the night.

I reread this thread and my comments about boredom and boy, I am's not just the 2 week post op, it's the 4-6 weeks of this kind of life pre op...the combo is brutal!!

Hard to be positive about it all sometimes. I am sick of not being myself but haven't felt 'right' in a long time anyway.

I know I am extremely lucky to have had a 2nd (supposedly 'easy') repair and my recovery couldn't be going better...But in truth I am just a bit down, sick of all this waiting around and frustrated I have to take it easy for so long...I don't like company much, just one person at a time...I'm grumpy and don't feel like putting out any energy to act like I feel normal.

end of rant.

what's on TV?
Well I took the advice I got here and I went out for a long walk and just stayed outside for a total of about 1 1/2 hours...I was very relaxed when I got home and all set for a nap when I got a call from my good friend the ex who said..."Don't you take a nap now!!" I laughed and asked if she had a camera in my apartment as I was fluffing up a pillow and about to take a nap..

But I listened to her and somehow forced myself (as you guys advised) to go out yet again..regardless of being really tired...I walked a mile and a half and really wasn't into it...but I'm glad I did it and will go to sleep before my usual ungodly hour!

Appointment I hope tomorrow with cardiologist...and will try to get into rehab much for mental reasons as physical...I ordered and treated myself to a set of top of the line Bose headphones...Music will make it so much easier to get motivated..also going to find a yoga meditation place to go to...again as much for social reasons as any real yoga for me now...but stretching out and being in a nice peaceful environment sounds good to me.

We are expecting nice weather this week in NYC and I am going to take much more advantage of it...Central Park for some walks and some nice cafes to chill out afterwards...

Other than that...insert usual self centered complaints here...(nods to jkm7)
I’ve really enjoyed reading your “blog” recovery thread. I can see how something like this can be very useful and therapeutic. I have been following your recovery for at least a week.

I don’t know you very well, and from some people’s comments you seem like a relatively reserved person, however your amazing optimism and energy in the few days post surgery was so apparent it put me in a great mood all day.

I understand that boredom is a terrible thing. Taking your camera out is great too.

I was recently on maternity leave, and was unable to go out and do many things I would have wanted to do, and even cleaning up my house was impossible because my baby was very small and needy. It take s a different perspective to get through, and a different standard to make me realize that I could actually get some small things done.

Forgive me if this is unwelcome, but I wonder if there are other things that you may have wanted to do for years that you may be able to pick up? I have to say that my stepson, who will be going in this week for OHS has given, has started going to the local library. I don’t know if there is one in walking distance in NYC, but at ours there are lots of small workshops and such. I also just found an interesting place that has relatively cheap painting, drawing, and yoga workshops. Another friend found a local bicycle repair do-it-yourself place for some emotional healing that didn’t require much exercise. I know you aren’t into “lots of people”, but perhaps a small daytime class of “something” would help you get up and do something consistently? My husband would spend hours doing oil paints if he had half the chance, but he would definitely need a push to get started.

I don’t know your hobbies, but is there anything you can begin planning for when you feel better to try to ease the boredom? Perhaps a road trip of places to visit once you can drive? Or perhaps a list of place you would like to go and tell your friends or kids when they come over that you need to get out and do something new.

I still think that yoa re recovering fabulously. Keep up the good work and don't push yourself too hard!