Fever - Need Advice

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Reading what Bob wrote about cryptic advice made me think of something else. Are you on aspirin therapy? I avoid Tylenol and Advil because of their interference with [the benefits of] the aspirin therapy that I am on for my valve.
Glad that it was nothing serious and that you are feeling better. Some interesting thoughts about the ibuprofen and tylenol!

Take care.
I hate to be the naysayer here, but I still would be worried about an infection. Your fever probably came down because you took aspirin. Taking ibuprofen 3x a day will keep your fever down. However, that doesn't mean there's not an infection. When my kids were younger and ran a fever with ear infections, etc., I would give them Advil and for a few hours, they would be bouncing around, ready to play. When the Advil wore off, they were just as sick as before. Antibiotics knocked out the infection. So pay attention to your body. Even if you aren't running a fever, if you keep feeling bad, call the doctor again.

to add what others have said.

Once I got home from my surgery, I started running a fever -- low grade, around 100.5 -- for 3 weeks straight. Kind of freaked me out, but I learned all about how this was perfectly normal since the internal thermostat was totally screwed up from the surgery and I just had to wait it out. Felt like crap for those three weeks but I kept up with my walking program, etc. Woke up at the end of the period and WALLA - no more fevers and none in the last 6 months.

So -- I know it's been over a week now since you posted, hopefully you are at the end of this fever thing.

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