female, "childbearing age" & mechanical valve

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Hi again, now that I have found this site I am full of questions! My cardiac surgeon suggested I should get my tubes tied before getting a mechanical valve due to the extreme risk of pregnancy while on coumadin. I dont plan on having more kids, and thought I had a perfectly good plan in place, and was a little shocked to hear about another potential surgery before heart surgery. Wondering if any other young females had to face this, and what did you do? I am in no mood for an additional surgery, personally. I think part of it is about trying to control anything I can at this point. Advise? I am supposed to have OHS in June.


Hi there! I am scheduled to have my surgery in June as well, and my surgeon also told me about the risk of getting prego while on blood thinners. He didnt specifically advise me to get my tubes tied, but did tell me that I could not have any more children due to the medication, and asked how I felt about it,...I was fine, didnt want anymore anyways. So all in all I would also suggest that your husband have the "V". That is what we did. I just simply said after giving birth 3 times and a heart surgery in my future, theres no way Im going to be poked or cut anymore, he would just simply have to take one for the team...and he did, and understood.
Here's another vote for vasectomy. That's what we did. Not a lot of discomfort and it's an hour out of the day and he's done. My husband thought it was no big deal.
I've been done, it was no big deal for me but in saying that i didn't need OHS as well, best of luck.
Wow, thanks so much for your votes! I like the idea of my husband taking this one for the team. I actually mentioned that when my surgeon was talking directly to me like it was my problem to solve. I think I will be going through enough, thank you very much! :rolleyes:
So thankful to have found this site!
I agree with the husband having a vasectomy and frankly am somewhat offended that your surgeon didn't even consider that and just pointed you toward more surgery. Hopefully his bedside manner will be better with OHS.
By the way it is SO true about coumadin making females fertile,I have a
low thyroid which causes anovulation and I took coumadin and OOPS!!!
briansmom said:
I agree with the husband having a vasectomy and frankly am somewhat offended that your surgeon didn't even consider that and just pointed you toward more surgery. Hopefully his bedside manner will be better with OHS.
But, I can see the point behind the woman getting the procedure as well and to do it before anticoagulant therapy means even greater risk later. The husband will not risk the baby's health and his life through getting accidentally pregnant, his wife will. Maybe, both should consider the surgery. I just think that if the possibility of an accidental pregnancy will kill you, then you should take your own steps to make sure that that won't happen.

Take heart.
I'm not supposed to get pregnant for many reasons, coumadin being only one of them. However, no doctors wanted to put me through MORE surgery to get my tubes tied. It was suggested that my hubby get the big "V" but we're still very young and do want children. I know I can't carry, but we're planning on using a surrogate, so for the time being, he will keep his equipment intact. Besides, I have to stay on BCP anyway because of my issue with ovarian cysts! :eek:

However, if I were in your situation, I'd suggest the same as everyone else. But do be aware that I have a friend who ended up pregnant even years after her hubby had a vasectomy and they had him tested and supposedly nothing was getting through... So you never know! But the same is true with tubals. I had a neighbor down the street that had hers tied and wound up pregnant too! :rolleyes: Either way, there's still a small possibility.
No more kiddies

No more kiddies

I am not allowed to get pregnant. My cardio rekons it would kill me at worst, new surgery at best.
I take Depo Provera. It's an injection every 3 months and is 99.999% reliable.

Not only does it stop me getting pregnant but I have no periods and no pains etc that I used to get at that time of month.

For me it has been the answer to the issue.

Lotti said:
I am not allowed to get pregnant. My cardio rekons it would kill me at worst, new surgery at best.
I take Depo Provera. It's an injection every 3 months and is 99.999% reliable.

Not only does it stop me getting pregnant but I have no periods and no pains etc that I used to get at that time of month.

For me it has been the answer to the issue.

I tried the Depo shot... Sadly, I ended up having a period that lasted 2 months and I got migraines... :( Needless to say, I didn't get a second shot. But I'm a unique case. I've thought about getting an IUD, but worry about the risk of infection. Anyone have experience with IUDs?
Gnusgal said:
I tried the Depo shot... Sadly, I ended up having a period that lasted 2 months and I got migraines... :( Needless to say, I didn't get a second shot. But I'm a unique case. I've thought about getting an IUD, but worry about the risk of infection. Anyone have experience with IUDs?

Yes! Actually, that is the other part of my story- I am currently using the Mirena IUD, which is a 5 year IUD- I get no periods, no side effects, and dont need to worry about it- only once every 5 years. It was pretty simple and much less invasive. But since contraception is not my cardiac surgeon's area of expertise, he wants me to go to an ob/gyn and discuss options. It is not as though he will not do the surgery without my tubes tied, he just wants me to be sure to have explored all my options before having the surgery. I feel like i need to get a drs note to ok the IUD. At first I felt insulted, like I couldnt just tell him that I had already made up my mind, but now I am feeling more relaxed, and understand he just wants to make sure i have talked to someone who can explain my options better than he can. I guess i would rather decide to do this now when not on medication. I think it was really a control thing. But if my ob (tomorrow) tells me that go ahead with what i am doing, that it is just as effective if not more, than i certainly wont get another surgery.
Thanks again for all the support