FDA Panel Urges Ban on Vicodin, Percocet

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Percecot is what I took after surgery. No refill and never took all of them but I do take tylenol.Don't think I ever took vicodin. Hope on one on here has been hurt by taking it.
Drugs where the narcotic oxycodone are combined with the acetominophen kill the liver if taken in large quanity over long periods of time. Acetominophen alone particularly if washed down with two or more drinks of alcohol can kill the liver by itself. We have a family member who went through this, had a liver transplant, and then died post op. I'd like to see Percoset and Vicodin taken off the market and new recommendations for acetominophen dose.
There has also been recommendations to get rid of cold medications that contain acetominophen. It seems that acetominophen (asprin) is the problem, when taken in large quanities, when taken in addition to drinking, or taken by someone who already has kidney problems.
Knowing that Vicoden has acetominophen, I purposely time the taking of my daily asprin around the pain meds. I drink alot of water, which I feel flushes my kidneys of excess waste. It's a mater of being aware.. Thanks Ross for bringing this to our attention.
acetominophen and aspirin are two entirely different substances. They should not be confused.

Anything containing acetominophren should not be taken along with alcohol.
I have mixed feelings on the issue. Vicodin has never worked for me, Percocet has. Acetominophen by itself does nothing for me. I feel that simply because people are a bit lame when it comes to reading directions, that it shouldn't be a regulatory issue, but then again, that's the world we live in today.
I have mixed feelings on the issue. Vicodin has never worked for me, Percocet has. Acetominophen by itself does nothing for me. I feel that simply because people are a bit lame when it comes to reading directions, that it shouldn't be a regulatory issue, but then again, that's the world we live in today.

I'm the same, vicodin does nothing but percocet works! IMO, if you take it as prescribed, should be ok. That is what they are saying on the news. According to the reports lately, we can't take anything and that is not even w/our heart issues.:confused:
An FDA panel wants to eliminate Vicodin and Percocet as a painkiller choice for Americans, which will alarm many with chronic pain that depend on the drugs for a quality of life. The warning by the panel is included Acetaminophen as well, a popular over the counter drug commonly known by the brand name Tylenol that is also an ingredient that is added to Vicodin and Percocet.

FDA to Eliminate Vicodin and Percocet - Panel Warns on Tylenol Ingredient

The vote was close, only 20-17 and many experts claim that means that the FDA won't act on the panel's suggestion.

When I had my Ross Procedure at Duke they used generic oxycodone without acetaminophen in it since they also had a standing oder for acetaminophen every 4-6 hours as needed for temp > 100*. The standing order for the oxycodone was 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed. I don't know if that was a hospital wide policy or just my surgeons but it made sense to me since I was taking 4-6 oxycodone a day the first 2-3 days after I was taken off of the IV Fentanyl. If I would have been running a temp and receiving 650mg of acetaminophen 4-6 times a day on top of 4-6 Percocets (with 325mg of acetaminophen in each tablet) a day I could have easily gone over the recommended 4gm per day limit, which is too high anyway IMO unless it's for a very short period of time (2-3 days at most).
The interesting thing is that the generic form of Percocet I take only has 325mg of acetaminophen in each tab. Since I usually only take 1/2 tab, I am only getting 172mg at a time. Even the usual dose is 1 or 2 tabs so it would take ignoring the prescription (for most people) to get too much acetaminophen.

Why do the majority of people have to suffer because a few people cannot follow directions or choose not to? Seems to be the case in our lawsuit-crazy society but I am getting pretty sick of it.
The key here is combining oxycodone with acetominophen. It is not necessary and dangerous. No one wants to deprive pain patients of necessary narcotics. As far as I know , Oxycontin a wonderful narcotic, does not hurt the the liver. Why add Tylenol to it? Most of those highly advertised combination drugs you see on television are overpriced gimmicks and sometimes downright dangerous.
The interesting thing is that the generic form of Percocet I take only has 325mg of acetaminophen in each tab. Since I usually only take 1/2 tab, I am only getting 172mg at a time. Even the usual dose is 1 or 2 tabs so it would take ignoring the prescription (for most people) to get too much acetaminophen.

Why do the majority of people have to suffer because a few people cannot follow directions or choose not to? Seems to be the case in our lawsuit-crazy society but I am getting pretty sick of it.

I agree and now of course with Micheal dieing they probably will use him as an example of the damage of prescription meds, even tho I don't know anyone else that has their own iv set up and anesthsia guy to give drugs that should only be used in the OR.

The thing about making stronger OTC ect available only by script, is it is silly people will just take more of the smaller strength.

I know the America Pain org is working hard to get people to write to the politicains about pain care ect http://www.painfoundation.org/ They are also working on getting a pain care act http://www.painfoundation.org/page.asp?file=Action/intro.htm
Ocycodone for me was a terrible ordeal............when I got home I started using an old fashion herb remedy............Side effects and hullucinations really screwed me up.......nasty stuff that oxycodone......get off that stuff " toute suite"
Ocycodone for me was a terrible ordeal............when I got home I started using an old fashion herb remedy............Side effects and hullucinations really screwed me up.......nasty stuff that oxycodone......get off that stuff " toute suite"
With all due respect, why would you feel that your experience should cause everyone else to stop taking oxycodone? For many of us this medicine is a life saver. It does not cause me to have any of the issues you mentioned; it merely helps lessen the pain and improves my quality of life. I am very happy that you found alternatives; I have not.
I agree, Geebee.
For me, percocet controlled my pain safely and effectively through two OHS and two abdominal surgeries in the past. If that is not the correct med for another person, fine. Their doc should prescribe something different but there are many of us who do fine on percocet. we take it as prescribed, we stop when we no longer need it and it is annoying to me that they even consider denying it to many because of a few idiots. And I get particularly irritated at someone who says okay to do away with it just because it wasn't the best Rx for them with no thought for anyone else. :( Sorry anyone who is peeved by my honesty.
Alot of us seem to agree that these drugs have their place and when used with a little common sense, they perform miracles. I had hallucinations in the hospital with percocet but I would never suggest taking a drug out of use because a small percentage of people have a reaction to it. These days when you get a prescription drug from any pharmacy it comes with a lengthy explanation of uses and precautions and if you have a tiny bit of rational thinking, you should be able to figure out if you should or should not be taking it. And if in doubt, ask the pharmacist...he's supposed to know about that.

We'd all be up the well-known creek without alot of these drugs!

i was on percocet---in hospital,then at home,how can anyone
tolerate it,i sure couldn,t finally went to my Doc to find out if
i could quit these hulluciates and made me sooo tired and listless.
They say here they sell good on the streets:eek:i wouldn't give
them away.....so to speak.:rolleyes:
