Echo next week - Why am I so nervous?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Encinitas, CA USA
I have my 6 month echo (since being told I have BAV) on Monday the 25th. I find myself growing anxious about this. I guess it's because there won't be any good news? I am (or maybe not now) at 1.0cm and I think I am symptomless...although there are times where I feel pain in my heart area but I don't know if it's psychosomatic or the real deal. I get tired easier but I don't think I am short of breath.... Maybe it's all so subtle that I won't know the difference until after the surgery???

I am going to push to get the surgery early spring of next year. I need to move on with my life. I'm not exercising.. I find that worse than the surgery at the point. My mental status and physical status are worse since the diagnosis.

I'm actually hoping for a BIG FAT 0.8 so I have ammo with the doc.

Any words of wisdom???
I know how you feel. I am very anxious and just in a bummed mood. My 3rd, 6 month echo is on the 26th. I don't want surgery so I am hoping it's unchanged. Good luck, Scott
I have surgery in 9 days and the symptoms are now severe and downright unbearable. I've been taken off of work and not able to drive for risk of fainting behind the wheel. Now looking back I can say that these symptoms have been around for at least 6 years and progressively have gotten worse to the point of me being taken off of work 1 month ago.

I really had to throw in the towel and that was hard for my pride, I didn't want to stop working and exercising. I really like my job but I couldn't put the symptoms off any longer.

I'm truly looking forward to feeling better than I have felt in 10 years, maybe my whole life; I'm 28 years old and I've had aortic stenosis since birth. I think the change after surgery is really going to be that huge for me. Its amazing how your body can adapt to symptoms and limitations especially when it progresses slowly.

I too was not wanting surgery when the doctor told me 2 years ago that it was time. I'm embracing the surgery now and see it as a rebirth for me.
Deux - While still in The Waiting Room, many of us are anxious when coming up to time for echo's. I think we just fear the possibility that anything has changed, since this will likely change our "current reality." I went through several years of this, fearing each "next" echo, then feeling relieved that there was little to no change. At one point I just decided that although I possibly could have waited longer, it was just time to get on with it. In spite of the speed bumps, I haven't looked back - except to realize that I really do feel better, even though I thought I was asymptomatic all those years.

At 4.5 months post op, my running speed is nowhere near where it used to be, but for the things I can do, my stamina is far better. I think that even now, while still healing, my quality of life is better than it has been for several years. I just didn't realize how bad it had gotten because it deteriorated so gradually.

When you're ready, push them to "just do it."
Results are in. I'm EXACTLY the same as I was 6 months ago. I guess that's good but looks like I may have the "steve" syndrome!!! I might be in the waiting room for some time.

She said let's do another one in 6 months and then if that's the same... we can do another every year.

My ejection Fraction is beyond excellent.

In some wierd way... .I was bummed.
Your comment just made me laugh..... "In some weird way.... I was bummed." haha I like that!!

Well, I suppose rationally I would say brilliant news, hope it stays like this for some time , but I'm guessing you wish it's the opposite.......

I got my echo on the 24th August, and I'm already crapping my pants that anything changed :) But, most probably, nothing has changed!

I don't have stenosis, only trivial regurgitation in my bicuspid aortic valve, however, my aortic root is slightly enlarged at 4.6 x 3.3 , I'm hoping that my root is the same
Results are in. I'm EXACTLY the same as I was 6 months ago. I guess that's good but looks like I may have the "steve" syndrome!!! I might be in the waiting room for some time.

She said let's do another one in 6 months and then if that's the same... we can do another every year.

My ejection Fraction is beyond excellent.

In some wierd way... .I was bummed.

Don't be bummed!
No change is a good thing....take it from me! After 3 and dreading a 4th, whenever I hear, "everything's stable"..."no change"...I smile for joy and thank God! :)

May you continue to have dull, unexciting Echos!!