Dressler's syndrome?

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Hello Lisa, and Eva

Well I went to my appointment with the new cardio last week. He said my heart and valve sounded great! I explained about my recurrent pericarditis, for the past almost 9 mos. They did an EKG in the office that day, which was fine. He ordered an echo, which I will have done this coming Monday. He said that he sees this type of pericarditis quite frequently from surgery. He also stated that it can last 1 1/2 to maybe 2 yrs. In his practice he has never seen the constrictive type develop. It is very rare. He told me to stay on the prednisone. I explained that every time I stop taking this medicine, the symptoms return. It also, seems to be the only thing that has helped. I am currently taking 5mg. The Dr. said that was a very low dose. That the body makes approximately that amount. If I wanted to go up to 10 or as much as 20, I could do so. He is "very confident that I will eventually recover". If I need to take 5mg indifinitely I could do so.

My neighbor is in her early 70's, and started about 18 yrs ago on 60mg. Went down gradually, and maintains a daily 5mg dose. She has an inflamation in her blood vessels. She said the Dr never did find out what exactly caused this condition. She is a very young, and attractive 70 something I might add.

So that's my story, for now. I guess if I have to maintain a low dose, it's better than the pain, and possible complications! If you don't hear from me for awhile, that means everything is okay.

Take care, Kathy M.
Glad to hear that things are going well. If you stay on Prednisone, watch your weight as Prednisone makes you hungry and slows your metabolism. I gained fluid weight, but also gained about 30 pounds of real weight.

It seems your new cardio is knowledgeable. I hope he will be able to help you get over this completely. I shall keep you in my prayers and keep us posted of your progress.:)

Good luck, Lisa.

Question: how was the inflammation of blood vessels diagnosed with your lovely neighbor?!



I do not know exactly. The lady told me they took a lot of blood tests, and found nothing. They did not make the blood vessel diognosis until they took a tissue sample. The details I did not inquire about, maybe I should. I also need to ask her just what happened, when she stopped taking the prednisone.

I will definitely keep you, and Lisa informed of my progress.

Have a great week, everybody! Kathy M.