Does receiving professional massage affect INR?

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Active member
Mar 22, 2009
Moravia NY, USA
I'm 14 months post-op, and my INR levels had stabilized after the initial ups & downs. Was checked every 4 weeks.

This winter, I started Massage Therapy school part-time on the weekends. (My major career-life change after surgery. Love it!)

Around the holidays my INR started roller-coasting again, figured just holiday foods & alcoholic celebrations.

But it has continued into the spring, even with my focus on more consistent eating/ drinking/ exercise. I've been on an every 2 week lab visit.

Doctor would adjust my Warfarin dose ever so slightly every two weeks:
10 mg / day...'cept Friday 7.5 mg
then back again to 10 mg/day, every day.

Here's the last results:
2.6 (that was last week. after 10 mg/day)

Then I had a big ah-ha moment this weekend: IS RECEIVING MASSAGE at school affecting my numbers?

I go to school Sat & Sun only....two weekends on, one off. So three weekends/ month. Naturally my every other week lab visits don't correspond with the school schedule.

I receive at least two massages, sometimes three, over that two day period as we practice on one another.

Obviously massage increases blood what do you think ????
Nope. Your doctor is the cause of your INR rises. You need one dose and one dose only. I'm assuming the 3.8 and 3.6 are the 10mg everyday INR results. If so, you need to stay at 10 every day except one and then take your 7.5mg.
Unstable INR

Unstable INR

INR is affected by metabolic rate. Mine fluctuates dramatically if my exercise schedule is not consistent.

I have never noticed massage having any kind impact on my INR.

Others will likely disagree, but I really would have a difficult time managing my INR if I did not test on a weekly basis. Testing every two or four weeks would not work well for me.

Obviously massage increases blood what do you think ????

Your anticoagulation managers need to rethink why they are adjusting your dosage.
Those INRs are fine, even the 3.8 isn't bad. Some professionals set/recommend ranges of 2.0-3.0 for mechanical AVs, some say 2.5-3.5, and some say 2.0-4.0, based on an individual's situation.

What algorithm chart are they basing dosage changes on?
Had a good discussion w/ one of my massage instructors this past weekend. She believes that receiving an hour of massage is the equivalent to a 5 - 10 minute brisk walk. So little impact on the overall metabolic rate. I too have noticed a drop in my INR as my physical activity increases (as Phillip B referred to above)

Just an FYI from my research...massage is ALWAYS contra-indicated if there is an existing clot, or problems with veins. A clot could dislodge and move as a result.

I've already experienced bruising...which came as no surprise. That will only get more so when we get into deep tissue work! Hope we cover that modality in the winter months.

My classmates are getting some additional learning for any future work they may do on a heart patient on coumadin / warafarin!
One point about massage, are they using oils and potions as in aromatherapy massage? If so check what is being used as they are absorbed by the skin and into the bloodstream - someone here had some bathoil (camomile) and she had bleeding issues after just a few baths using it.
ROSS - BINA.....
Bruises...oh, you know those times when you just want someone to dig into that knot that hurts? Only happened once or twice.
And...Ahhh yes...the Happy Ending....just one select client gets that! :)

SUE943....will keep in mind. In class we only use unscented jojoba oil, which is the closest thing to our own sebaceous oils.
That's a really good point Sue, and often overlooked I think ? I remember reading about the Camomile soap or shampoo thing on here a while ago. Definately worth thinking with regards massage and oils.
I'm having my inr tested every 6 to 8 weeks now which suits me, and saves me worrying about the odd blip where it may shoot up or drop a bit but always settles back within a few days.
Good luck with the massage course Suerose.
I found this...

Drug interactions may occur with some essential oils. If one is taking a drug with a narrow therapeutic
index requiring regular blood tests to check the level, do not use essential oils without guidance. Many essential
oils thin the blood. If you are on Plavix®/clopidogrel or Coumadin®/warfarin, do not use essential oils without
checking with a skilled practitioner first.

The other day I sprayed some Chanel No 5 oil on my arms and rubbed it in then looked at the ingredients then hopped back into the shower to wash it off again, it had camomile in it.