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Hello to everyone. Each day I am getting stronger and stronger. I really want to get up and go. But my body says no way. The other morning when it was really quiet I was listening to my heart valve. Normally I don't hear it. I thought it was my wrist watch.
I was wondering how soon did any of you go back to the dentist after surgery? I have dental work to be done. I guess when ever you feel up to it.
Do I need to take an anti-biotic before I go? No sure about this dentist thing.
Everybody have a good day.

I went to the dentist a few weeks before my OHS....then I waited a long time to go back; I just didn't feel like it. Now that I have gone back, I see it is no big deal. And, yes, I take the Clindamycin antibiotic for my cleanings and filling a small cavity. I'm one of those "better safe, than sorry" thinkers.
I waited 6 months after my OHS to go see the dentist - for a root canal. I didn't have time before surgery. Its been noted to take 600mg of an antibiotic one hour before any dental work is done. That includes cleaning.
Dear Bob,

If you are strong enough to have your dental work done, then have it done. And make sure you pre-med with some heavy duty antibiotics. I am always been put on "amoxicillin" prior to the appointment & I wouldn't feel safe if I didn't pre-med.

Good luck & stay healthy!

Check with your dentist and see what they say. Mine would not see me until six months after surgery and my surgeon made me see him and give me a clean bill of health as a release prior to surgery (corroborative evidence). You should have had everything you needed done taken care of prior to your operation.
I believe that the standard recommendation for Dental procedures Following OHS is to WAIT at least SIX MONTHS.

There are new guidelines for Heart Patients, BUT they still recommend pre-medicating with an appropriate anti-biotic (Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, others I've forgotten) for patients with Artificial Heart Valves.

'AL Capshaw'
rgmcguire said:
Hello to everyone. Each day I am getting stronger and stronger. I really want to get up and go. But my body says no way. The other morning when it was really quiet I was listening to my heart valve. Normally I don't hear it. I thought it was my wrist watch.
I was wondering how soon did any of you go back to the dentist after surgery? I have dental work to be done. I guess when ever you feel up to it.
Do I need to take an anti-biotic before I go? No sure about this dentist thing.
Everybody have a good day.


My dentist didn't want to do any dental work on me until six months had passed.
Unfortunately, about day 4, post-op, I had a filling come out. Amazingly the sweet lady made a House Call :eek: ! so I wouldn't have to go into the office. Later that week, she fashioned a temporary one, but she waited another six months before she put the permanent one in.
So as Cooker asked, "what's the rush?":p :p
I had to go to the dentist for a cleaning four months post-op because of gingivitis (grinding my teeth without a nightguard while I slept and not flossing were the culprits). I took the same antibiotics as I did before surgery and am fine now. My cardio says that because of my repair, the plastic ring securing my valve is equivalent to having a prosthetic valve, and I need to be careful by taking the 'biotics now, too.

Take care,
Debi (debster913)
You are starting this too soon. Wait at least three months after your surgery.

The general guideline is three months for a "standard" valve replacement or repair, six months if there was any work done on the aorta. If you've had infections or other setbacks, consider waiting a bit longer.

This is because that's the time it takes for the internal epithelium to heal around the valve and for the aorta to "reskin" itself properly. Until it does, you are at significantly higher risk for both stroke and endocarditis.

When you do go, the recommendation is to take the antibiotic premedication. While there is overwhelming evidence that it has no effect on the likelihood of getting endocarditis, your dentist will insist upon it. So, you may as well.

Best wishes,

Because of my heart murmur detected 40 years before I finally had VR, my dentists have always insisted on the antibiotic protection; in fact, I have an appointment tomorrow for a cleaning, and they called today to remind me to take the "pre-meds."

The direction for taking it -- large dose beforehand, or large dose afterwards, or both -- has changed many times over the years, and there seems to be some question how much good it really does, but I just keep taking it as prescribed.

(Just looked at your date of surgery --- I would agree with others that you ought to wait at least 3 to 6 months, if you possibly can.)
Just a note to amplify what others have said...while the chances of bacteria seeding into your bloodstream and settling on your valves is fairly low from the dental procedure, the consequences are alarmingly high and have been known to be why take the chance. An antibiotic is mandatory in my book with any procedure, not just dental. Ask your doc for sure.
As all the others have said...delay if possible and if not be sure to get/use the anti-biotics as prescribed...this is something my surgeon really insists on for ALL invasive procedures eg: dental, colonoscopy, biopsy etc.......